
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by Lila9

  1. Hamas doesn't limit itself to Israel and would like to terrorise Europe too, I'm not surprised.
  2. This organization is linked to Hamas in Europe, under the facade of a human rights organization. I would be careful trusting them. "The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor is an ideological advocacy NGO led by Palestinians alleged by Israel to be linked to Hamas. The organization uses the facade of human rights and focuses primarily on demonizing Israel, with no publicly available information on its budget or funding sources. The repeated allegations directed at Israel, including accusations of “organ theft,” as well as “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “collective punishment,” are not supported by evidence. In contrast, EMHRM systematically echoes and amplifies denials of Palestinian abuses and war crimes where the evidence is readily available, such as using Al-Shifa medical complex and other hospitals in the Gaza Strip for terror. In addition, social media posts by EMHRM officials systematically promote claims that delegitimize Israel and Zionism. EMHRM also mixes political propaganda with blood libels and other forms of antisemitism, such as the organ theft charges, accusations of “slow poisoning of [Palestinian] children,” and declarations that “the legacy of the Holocaust lent uncritical credence to the Zionist narrative.” Richard Falk, Chair of EMHRN’s Board of Trustees and featured on the NGO’s website, is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and has been widely denounced for his antisemitic statements. Hamas Terror Links: Ramy Abdu and Mazen Kahel, respectively current and former chairman of EMHRM, were listed by the Israel Ministry of Defense in 2013 as “main operatives” for institutions considered by Israel to be fronts for Hamas in Europe. EMHRN appears in the European Union’s transparency register of “‘interest representatives” who “carry out activities to influence the EU policy and decision-making process” (emphasis in original). For details, sources and additional information, see"
  3. Israel isn't interested in ethnic cleansing, it's not its intention in this war. If Israel would have wanted to ethnically cleanse Palestinians, they would have done that so much earlier. It's a war on our safety and future on this land. After October 7 attack the Israeli collective consciousness realized that it cannot longer live with Hamas, it's either them or us. This is a question of survival. People here always talk about prior October 7 attack conception vs October 7 attack conception, there is a collective change in the conception. This word 'conception' is heavily used here, to empathize a paradigm shift Israelies are collectively going through. If we thought that we could live with Hamas, somehow, or negociate with it, somehow, now it's clear that it's impossible, as they are passionate about destroying Israel, and nothing can change it. Nothing can be done to change it, no peace accords, no money, nothing. As so many times Israel tried to soften them, Benjamin, i.e., tried to bribe them. Now, after October 7, there is a collective realization that the only way, to ensure a sane survival and future for Israel, is by destroying Hamas before they destroy us.
  4. Two years, as required. And no, I don't get paid by IDF lol, I'm an individual and I talk from my own experience and view of the conflict as an Israeli.
  5. There is devilry in everything in this world, as there is no good without bad. But, the degree of devilry varies, and while Israel has some level of devilry, Hamas has so much more than that. The devilry level is not the same at all and obviously, it's not smart or conscious to call out the one with the least devilry level over the one with the biggest devilry level, ignoring it and justifying it. It's like punishing and demonizing a poor person for stealing from the supermarket products worth $50 while ignoring the rich politician who's stealing his entire career, millions of millions.
  6. Not stolen, Jews were in Israel and lived in Israel for thousands of years. Even if Palestinians believe that their land was stolen, commiting deadly terror attacks rape, beheading, burning people alive, cutting stomaches doesn't justify this. No, just to do the minimum and try to find solutions without killing? I think that would be enough. Currently Russia stands with Hamas and supports it, which implies about the similarities between the two. Both of them believe in war for resolving territory issues over communication and negotiation, both of them started the wars and not surprisingly they are good allies with North Korea, China, Iran, Syria, and all the most "good" and "advanced", "developed", "stage green+", if not "turquoise" (I thought that maybe yellow would be an insult for them because they are so so developed), countries in the human society who never violated human rights... Interesting 🤔 But will they stop the terror attacks? I don't think so. Very likely came from anti-Israel biased sources who simp Hamas. If any way to negotiate doesn't work, money must work, in his stage organge capitalist perception. He tried to bribe them, thinking that he can buy peace. This is his common tactic even in the internal Israel politics. He tried to prove to his loyal followers that he puts Hamas under control. It didn't work, obviously. A deadly Islamic ideology is stronger than money. Hate for Jews and the Israeli state is stronger than money. No matter how much Benjamin will try to bribe them, they will remain the same. Mr. Benjamin is not a decent human being, which Israelies are trying to get rid of for a long time, he is a curropted leader, with many flaws, and together with his wife and sons, they obviously give the cringe, but Hitler? Lol, not. This is the thing, that Israel minded its own business, was in attempt to create a state for Jews due to the persecution and the Holocoast. The land was stolen from Jews before it was "stolen" from Arabs. Is stealing from the one who stealing from you is stealing? What a philosophical question 🤔
  7. Absolutely. They have responsibility to be better, it's not Israel's responsibility to indoctrinate them from their deadly dogma which honors death and terror over their lives and the lives of their children. This ideology is greater than themselves and is spread across he middle east. Israel's responsibility is to do everything to protect its people from its enemies and do what it can to promote peace. If there is no partner on the other side who wants peace, as it was already proved so many times that Palestinians and the Arab world don't give a genuine shit about peace and see Israel as a state of subhuman Jews pigs who don't deserve to live autonomously, but only under Islamic rules, then there is nothing Israel can do about it. It's up to them to leave the victim mentality, develop, improve and be better humans.
  8. Lol, what a gross projection and distortion of reality. Look in front of your eyes, why you ignore what Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists organization do to Palestinians and Israelies?
  9. This is so accurate, I'm frustrated with human stupidity and irrationality. How can modern humans favor a radical, deadly Islamic terrorist organization over a secular democracy? It requires a twisted perception of reality. It will be laughable as time passes, and people wake up from their delusions, realizing they were on the side holding humanity back.
  10. I don't know if you are being cynical or not... But if it is genuine, thank you.
  11. They are treated like a terrorist state because they have committed and still commiting terror attacks. It's not out of nowhere. They deserve what they do to others. If they would have been peaceful, all was good and there was no need for checkpoints or military there. And there could be a place for negociating two states solution or even one, who knows. In reality, unfortunately, it's not the case. They didn't treated her 'so well', they treated her like they treat their hostages, did the bare minimum to keep her alive and God knows what she has seen there and experienced there, per her family, she still hasn't came fully to herself and doesn't speak or behave like she used to prior to the kidnapping. Only because she isn't physically injured, doesn't make Hamas crimes any less devilish and horrible and doesn't contridict the fact the Hamas are dangerous terrorists who made crimes against humanity. They have literally killed babies in their sleep and children, on October 7. What else they should do to make you realize that they are not innocent freedom fighters who are fighting for justice, or any western projection disconnected from the brutal reality of the middle east and the evil side of the human nature? By your logic, if a Nazi has passed by a disabled/black/Romani/Jewish boy (or anyone who was their target) without killing or raping him, it makes him clean, despite all the killings and the crimes he made against people he is targeting throughout his life. What a screwed logic I must say. You call Israelies cold and at the same time justify Hamas crimes against Israelies. So you are no different, and actually, you are worse because you are supporting and justifying a terrorist organization who started this war by commiting unbelievable crimes against humanity, deliberately with a great celebration. There is no evidence that Israel deliberately targets Palestinian civilians. And no, videos of dead and injured people, while are highly unfortunate, don't prove that Israel deliberately and systematically targets civilians, like Hamas did and still do. It only proves that Hamas is hiding among the civilians and using them as human shields, locating themselves in schools and hospitals, the most sensitive places, failing to protect them from the consequences of their crimes. They couldn't do the bare minimum of locating themselves in a non civilized areas, it only shows how strategic and canny they are. Hamas themselves don't see themselves as responsible to their own people, they admitted, watch below. They benefit from the Gaza civilians deaths, which is cynically used to make them richer through donations and to bring them more support and more hatred towards Israel. The biggest enemy of the Palestinians is not Israel but Hamas and toxic doctrines alike. And by fighting Hamas Israel helping to the Palestinians, in the long term. If not Hamas, Gaza wouldn't be in the state it is now. This is a fact. If you are ruled by such terrorist organization, you are doomed to high suffering, either by the terrorists and their policies directly against you, or indirectly by being at a vulnerable position and by being at their mercy when they are intiating fighting against others.
  12. This is sad. Inside of me I hope that the hostages who were declared as dead in Hamas captivaty are somehow still alive...
  13. No, you don't really know. You demonize and dehumanize the Zionists movement, paint them as devils to suit your narrative, glued to a certain propagandist content which confirms your bias. In your fantasy world, Israel got into this war for fun, that's hilarious, you definitely cannot understand what enemy Israel is facing.
  14. This is really makes me feel proud in our tiny country 🙏
  15. Thomas Hand, Emily's father, the girl who was kidnapped by Hamas, is responding to the claims that Israel is an apartheid state. I absolutely agree with him, he speaks the truth.
  16. Me too, I have no idea what this user is talking about. I've never been taught to hate Arabs or to kill them or to hurt them in any form or way just because they are Arabs.
  17. I understand. Honestly, do you think it's realistic or too idealistic? From my pov it's highly idealistic. This is an agreement of Zionists with Nazis in favor of Jews to save them from the Nazis themselves! lol By moving them from Europe to Israel so they would not get hurt by the Nazis. It's not an agreement of Zionists with Nazis to kill Jews, as you implied. Even if they chose not to live in Israel, it doesn't mean they are anti the Israeli state or not support or appreciate the Zionist movement.
  18. This is the freedom fighters that you hype. Terrorists are terrorists, not only dangerous to others, but also to their own people.
  19. I felt it's essential to add. I apologize, I thought you were in favor of the destruction of Israel and wanted Palestine to be liberated from the river to the sea. So, do you support the Israeli state? I always share here what I find valuable and represents the reality. This is not a correct comparison between Hamas and Israel. Hamas is not Israel and Israel is not Hamas, one of them has Nazi ideology while the other not. Just because your great grandmother was an Ashkenazi Jew, holocaust survivor, isn't automatically makes your statements correct. Just because Mate Gabor is an holocaust survivor, doesn't make his analysis of the conflict correct. Both of you are people who never grow up in Israel, never experienced this violence from the other side. There is no one who can understand Israel's enemy better than Israel. You can call me brainwashed, if it sooths your ego and makes it more psychologically easy to keep holding your biased narrative. From my perspective, you are ignorant and luck experience to judge this situation property. The majority of Jewish population, including holocaust survivors (especially them) is pro Israel and have a clear understanding what Nazis really are and who they are, and who are resembling them today, which are radical Islamists more than anything. This is the conspiracy theory that you want to believe in, but has nothing to do with reality. Notice that in your view, all the people you consider "bad" (Zionists) were cooperating with the Nazis while the people you consider to be "good" (non-Zionists) were the victims of Nazis, this is a polished story to fit your narrative. Can you hold in your psyche the reality that the gross majority of Holocaust victims and survivors were Zionists and pro-Israel state? Could you understand why people who experienced hell in Europe would like to have their autonomacy in a form of an Israeli state?
  20. This is my honest opinion, I don't know if you are psychologically open minded enough to accept it. I assume that, by your request, you are open enough, or at least, I hope so. This video is highly biased against the Israeli state. This specific sect is a minority, even in Jerusalem. What is ironic is that they live in the Israeli state, safely and apparently thriving while being protected by the IDF from Palestinian terrorists who would have killed them without thinking twice, because a Jew is a Jew and infidels are infidels. All of that while being against Israel and pro its enemy, who is antisemitic and would like to destroy Israel to create a Jewish-free dictatorship and an Islamic state. Some people in Israel compare them to those Jews in the Holocaust who were cooperating with the Nazis and were helping these Nazis against their Jewish sisters and brothers. I don't know how one, living in Israel and experiencing all the terror and loss in lives caused by pure hatred towards Israelis, can rationalize this in such a way that they identify themselves as the supporters of their killers and enemies. This goes beyond human survival logic, maybe this explains why those people are such a minority. I often visit beautiful Jerusalem, diverse in people, and I see great love and appreciation for the Israeli state, especially among religious people. Maybe you can include those types of videos if you are really trying to be neutral. It's funny that you see people who are for Israel's destruction as neutral while boldly ignoring and not considering the other perspective. It's also amusing that you support people who advocate the destruction of Israel, and you endorse individuals with the intention of genociding Israelis (Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis). You rationalize and justify these actions against Israel by believing it deserves it due to occupation and apartheid. You are supporting the modern Nazis, who are the radical Islamists today. Nazis justified the killing of Jews by claiming they were occupying the best workplaces from German people and wanted to control everything, while Jews were the minority. The same goes here: Muslims occupy the entire Middle East (with the intention to occupy the entire world among radicals), while there is a Jewish minority settling in their historical land. They rationalize and justify horrific terror attacks against this Jewish minority, massacres, genocide, and ethnic cleansing against Jews just because they are "occupying" a land. And then they cry and play themselves as victims when this Jewish state is trying to defend itself.
  21. Someone who have never been here or lived here calling our state an Apartheid lol.
  23. Hamas started this war, and Palestinians initiated this conflict. They had the choice not to attack and solve this peacefully, but they always chose terror, and Israel fought back. You don't know much about Israeli collective trauma to say that Israel has 'little' trauma, you are talking from ignorance.