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About Leech

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  1. Don’t be a victim. Millions of people are overweight due to the availability of crappy food that’s pushed by media and chemically designed to be habit forming. They are still responsible for becoming overweight. Its their fault and similarly its your fault you aren’t getting laid. You are responsible for everything that happens to you and the state you are in because you have a will, soul, or whatever makes you a conscious human. The sooner you adopt the mental model everything that happens to you is your fault they sooner you can turn your life around. If you are the cause of all that happens to you it becomes much easier to fix it and get what you want out of life. I doubt what I said is going to change your mind or even make stop and think. I mean it’s a lot easier to just complain about being a loser and stay the same then to actually change.
  2. “Being a man about it,” has nothing to do with if op is comfortable with his girlfriend sleeping with other guys. If he’s not comfortable with it then he shouldn’t appect less then his stated boundaries. His not less of a man if that’s his boundary. Don’t impose your beliefs about what is a manly thing to do. Look you’re doing the right thing in my opinion. If you have set a boundary about what you expect in a relationship stand by it. If she doesn’t want to give you a straight answer then she hasn’t meet your criteria for you to be exclusive. You can then decide wether to keep things casual or stop talking to her.
  3. A sense of self is important for figuring out how to I want to navigate life. Its sort of like a compass for me to choose things that get me closer to living my life purpose. A compass alone may not always lead me towards my target in the most effective way but it gives me the direction I need when I lose it.
  4. Depends on what you want to know. What financial knowledge do you have now? What is your goal in learning this? What do plan to do with this knowledge?
  5. Honest question why are so many people obsessed with killing their ego through ego death? I understand that the ego can get in the way but it seems silly to completely destroy a part of yourself. It seems like you’ll lose something important, a sense of self seems important at least to me.
  6. When I say luxury good I mean more along the lines of food vs video games as opposed to a town house vs a mansion . In the house example everyone needs shelter and thus most people will buy the best house they possibly can afford. You see this with a lot of commodity items people will typically buy the best they can reasonably afford. Similarly women pre-women rights treated men the same, the would go for the best man they could reasonably get prioritizing comfort qualities. Comfort qualities you can see as being money(resources),empathy, and parenting qualities among others. This was important to enable their survival as women couldn’t acquire resources as effectively as a man could at that time. Since women can now earn a salary and have the similar rights to men legally now comfort qualities aren’t as important to most women in the modern day. They become important in a relationship matience context but isn’t what will attract most in the first place to form one. This in turn has switched the dating market to a luxury good context. In the food vs video games example most people would choose to buy food over a video game if they only had enough money to buy one or the other. People need food but people want video games. This makes all video games a form a of luxury item. Similarly women do not need a man to survive anymore but every woman wants a man. Luxury items generate profit by appealing and catering to a niche as opposed to increasing their inherent value. They have a perceived value to their target niche and are only concerned with catering to that audience’s desires. Men are in this situation as women now initially prioritize attractive qualities over comfort qualities. Now most men make two mistakes major mistakes when they hear that. They assume that women only want the best man and what makes that man attractive. Remember, men are a luxury item meaning that we each have a niche that we cater to. A fps gamer will not have the same taste in games as a RPG gamer. Even within those groups not every game in that genre will be rated the same between gamers. Some fps gamers prefer tactical shooters as opposed arena shooters. Some arena shooter fans will rate halo higher then unreal tournament. Similarly women have a variety of taste in men as a group. If you walk around your town and look for couples you will notice a variety and diverse combinations of men and women. Women don’t want the best man they want the best man for them. Second men typically misunderstand what actually is considered attractive by women. Since most men are primarily attracted to the visual they assume women are too. This is incorrect as what women are primarily attracted to can be summarized as the emotional roller coaster. They want a man to provide them with an exciting movie star experience not necessarily to look like a movie star. This is in part why girls will randomly start stupid verbal arguments with you if she’s bored. That is what they love, attention and spiked emotions to a woman is what sex is to men. Now don’t misunderstand me I am not saying looks aren’t important it’s just less important then you think and different. Women want men to match the vibe they are portraying, congruence. I can further expand upon this if you have questions about what I brought up here.
  7. This is going on my wall.
  8. If you’re concerned about the morality of casual sex you probably need to get laid more.
  9. Yes you can. People are very predictable even you and me. It’s the ego that blinds us to this fact.
  10. Try upping it to 20mins. Also don’t rush it. just quit porn first then after 3 months see if you notice any difference then decide if you want to completely quit fapping. In my case porn was the issue not fapping.
  11. Look up prolactin op’s rate actually isn’t bad so long as there isn’t porn
  12. Or here's a thought stop seeing hookers and actually get laid through your skill. Your subconscious knows you didn't really earn the sex you really want deep down, a loving relationship, and is now making you self sabotage. I bet if you journal and meditated for a bit you would find a part you might feel a great deal of disgust or shame about seeing hookers. Which in turn is causing the issue. Your plan might work in the short term but in all likely hood you'll end up masking the underlying issues and repeating this cycle or expressing it in a completely new way.
  13. Wrong, the dating market has just changed. Men are no longer a commodity to women and are now more of a luxury item. Most men are doing the things that worked in a commodity market and are confused as to why nobody is buying. Its not even that hard to do just be attractive. That's how the human social dance works. The reason you feel like that is because you are a beginner over time as you practice this stuff becomes automatic and natural. You just need more practice people in the adult world aren't going to mock you. Damn bro that's a pretty toxic mindset. Everything that makes life worth living has risk and drawbacks. You might find yourself full regrets if you seek a comfortable and easy life. Ehh maybe, I wouldn't go out of my way to but if it was offered to me I'd give it a go