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Everything posted by Arthogaan

  1. I fully agree and that's what I meant. I meant One thing happening. Like a smeared acrros everything wibbly wobbly POV. Not a location POV. Like in a VR game you have first person POV and then you become a witness kinda like 3rd person view and then you dissolve it and now the camera can go anywhere and kinda at once. But probably pov is a misleading word for that.
  2. For me at my current stage (which may change) "others" are some archetypes of reality dressed up/orchestrated as a sets/bundles of sensations. Just like lower case self. For me it seems there is only This reality unfolding. Only One. Not many POVs, just THIS.
  3. At night, when one dream ends and next begins - what remains? Once the first dream ends, all dreamed up matter with its essential elements are gone, and in the next dream they are dreamed up anew. What remains is Consciousness/Dreamer.
  4. I didn't say you can't. I am just expressing my opinion that it's cringe to use it that often. I believe you that you think that. However again, it is my personal opinion that you are with "your indian guru friends" "your guru" "you spiritualist" and so on - so I just express my opinion I don't assume that. again I am just expressing my opinion about your communication. If you can't accept that then it's you who thinks that the world must conform to your personal tastes.
  5. Agreed. You are not wrong. I just don't like your disrespectful tone with sentences like "your indian guru friends". Agreed and I could say the same to you. Yup. There's something sincere in that. I'm sure it will end in bromance eventually
  6. Typical for non-spiritualists. Nothing. It's just cringe to see cringe everywhere. You are negative and feeling superior. You have the right to your opinions and negativity yes, and in the same way I have the right to not like you and point out your hypocrisy. Everything is okay.
  7. I see that you are a fan of generalizing, feeling superior and of the word "cringe". That's a wholesome package.
  8. @Breakingthewall @Water by the River Guys, I would appreciate your perspective on the following video. Dropping the idea of long life and gaining security was something that saved me many years of spiritual practice. I still took care of financials and all but that is important concept to uninstall, and you still can behave inteligently.
  9. Yes, like a patient loving parent. Knowing when to push, when to wait, when it is time to rest.
  10. This voice that is calling you is the most important voice in the Universe. Cherish it. Listen to it. Thats the fire that will free you. But be strategic. Devote yourself to that voice but in a smart way. Don't neglect the daily logistics. I believe in you.
  11. When we perceive the world from the ego lense then the ego is a subject and the world is an object. When we transcend the ego depending on the technique, words, tradition, our conditioning we are either left with the feeling of 1. I am Consciousness, and Everything is Consciousness, so I am Everything - everything becomes a subject and there are no objects left. 2. There is no Self, there is only reality happening. So everything becomes an object and subject disappears. So the whole discussion really just comes down to acknowledging both sides and dropping them both and being left in pure _____.
  12. I think I get what you mean. Just like nightly dream is suspended in Mind/No-dream-space.
  13. There is no deep sleep. You just think there is. But in direct experience we just time jump. Deep sleep is "non-esisting", and obviously non-esistence is also non-existing. So there's none. And even if there would be some kind of non-existence it would just be experienced as a time jump because it is not existing.
  14. I could say my body liberates me from the prison of infinity. Or that body gives me the freedom to explore Consciousness. Prison/Freedom is just a duality. Neither and both.
  15. Exactly. Is Eternal Beingness that can not stop existing worth it? The question doesn't make sense.
  16. 99% of humans get this insight on their deathbed, so 30s are pretty decent.
  17. People smiling at you does not equal to not leaving you alone. It's not patting you on the back. It's their face and they can do what they like with it, and smiling is a pretty damn good thing to do with one's face. It's like expecting no one will look at you.
  18. That is just the beginning reaction of ego. It's web of useless meaning has been shaken. But that is just a perspective. Yes it's colors and sensations in nothingness. But it's no JUST. Its the most beautiful, inteligent, breathtaking design of those colours possible. Its a perfect illusion. There is full of meaning in just appreciating this illusion, this inteligence, the freaking immesurable beauty of your own dreamed up body. When you sleep at night and realize its just a dream you can sit there and be sad about it. Which is kinda lame if you ask me. You can become lucid and now marvel at your own mind, at the beauty and joy of dreaming, exploring and having fun with shit and being loving. Cheers mate
  19. As ego yes. As consciousness you are just always Here Now.
  20. That's not fair! Jealousy seems to appear Here Now.
  21. Okay fine. Thinking that small acts of optimisim and kindness in this divided world are cringe - thats cringe. Spiritual journey eventually requires you to accept cringe parts of yourself. No need to be that intelectual, that smart, that serious.