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Everything posted by bambi

  1. What happens when your eridicate all your personal beliefs and meanings about reality? What happens then lol
  2. Gotcha. So raising your level of conciousness, even in the sober state is orthogonal to health? David hawkins and others claim that alot of disease and health issues are by-product of low levels of conciousness, but its clearly not all. Its incredibly complicated to try and figure out Life, why do your health problems exist, why are you as God imagning them? does God/Conciousness paradigm even apply or seem useful in speaking about material health, but isnt everything connected at some level?
  3. Yeah gotcha, Ive been struggling for years with chronic illness, specifically related to orgasm and sexaulity, I used to medicate myself with orgasm since like 12 due to harsh environemnt. My brother was the same too actually we grew up in a toxic household. I found an amiga commodore when young and got into internet, learning/coding, and then used it for pornography that I would burn on to CDs and give to brother and friends at school ha. Both me and my bro have been chronically ill for a few years (age 35), we both used orgasm and porn and girls and money as a means to escape and are now trying the following: Peptides Peptide bio regulators Diet and data like: Stem cells I found myself studying isolated and alone and doing tons of silent meditation retreats, but things are improving with the above, have you looked into any of them?
  4. @Leo Gura I both feel your pain and understand your point. wdym by God can't change itself? Its complex isnt it, as theres a ton of confluencing factors, out of interest, how hard or scary would it be for you to give up your intellect and genius etc? would you trade it for health?
  5. @Leo Gura how do you reconcile all of this? from you being God dreaming this moment, to your genetics, to this body, etc etc, it seems completely incomplete. You made a video once depicting selfessness and selfisness as an axis, is health and genetics not tied to this?
  6. How do you think about genetics and metaphysics.. i.e. your genetics is an expression of a higher metaphysical vector
  7. Where has your liking for the term rats come from lol
  8. which chatp gpt-4 provider are you guys using
  9. Leo is a deluded hypocrite, every single criticism he makes of everyone else from Trump to Tate, applies to himself x10. He is probably in the bottom 2-10% of humans in terms of social development and narcissism. His denial about this, or his articulation of philosophical concepts are moot Leo's downsides are starting to far outway his positive side, the guy abuses people and is lost in a house of his own shit. The biggest concern is if any young influential people look at him as a role model in any capacity, theyd be better off watching Tate
  10. How lost are you to threaten people with violence? You will kill people? Your in the bottom 2% of humans and their behaviour. You are getting worse year by year The way you treat and communicate to other humans is disgusting, but thats not the worst part, its your denial and attitude: you show 0 remorse Deep suffering and isolation will become your friend
  11. None of this addresses the fundemental point from Leo: that the rites rituals and impurities are a complete red herring when it comes to the efficacy of the pyschoactive substance. Your basically giving weighting to tradition for no other reason other then it makes you feel good to do so and romanticize it. Do a split test of both methods and try to remove your original bias, its not complicated is it. How many years theyve been doing it, how native it is, how secret its been, how ingrained in their culture it is, how many songs and dances and attire they have around it: is completely independant to the efficacy of the compounds being used and you should test for placebo and confirmation bias.
  12. Woah whats with the hostility and the insults? What do you mean rat like posts?
  13. Does God tell you to be angry and full of hatred? And wait, we are God, or we aren't God, and which God are you speaking to, and does being angry vindictive and abusive get you a communication channel with Him
  14. What could it be, Im 35, after 2-3 years of cocaine escorts porn stars etc I started gettign anxiety and not feeling good and my mind was obssessed with sex, did my first vipassana retreat and now I have this ball of pulsating energy in between my eye brows that is only realted to sexuality, nothing else. If I dont do sexuality it gets better, if I do sexuality _at all_ it gets worse, and theres forums of guys onlne with the exact same symptoms. The universe doesnt want me having porno style sex anymore thats for sure lol
  15. I have POIS and was a sex and porn addict, ignore anyone who doesnt have these issues they'll mislead you, go off your direct exprience. The pain and suffering I endure directly and causally related to sexuality is incommunicable. This isnt some placebo somatic style thing. I am absolutely fucked within minutes of orgasm, and have a dense ball of pain in my third eye chakra that systemetically icnreased in the first 5 minutes after orgsasm that takes weeeks/months to heal If I don't masturabte for 6+ months, I start to sleep well, all my gut issues heal, and this dense pain in my eye brow melts away. Its that simple. If I think about pornography I get an isntant shoot fo pain to my chakra. It is what it is, theres hudnreds of guys who do semen retention who have the same issues from porn and sex addiction. During my 20s I could watch porn and masturbate twice a day and sleep with 50+ girls a year with 0 seeming issues, and then I broke down beginning of my 30s. Ignore anyone who says they can do x amount of y behaviourand be unscathed as though this is any justification to abuse sense pleasure. There a limits to everything
  16. But THC is an enthegeon the same as DMT DPT 5MEO etc etc, there are discords of people who use THC extract like you use 5MEODMT, theres a church in US that uses at a main communion wiht God, so I dont think your experience is at all unique. Are you smoking cannabis leafs or pure THC extract is the only question. When most people say weed they are talking about the leaf/bud or cannabis oil, not the THC extract
  17. Yeah I concur, Leo at his best has integrity, resolve, passion, intelligence, articulation, kindness and selflessness
  18. Leo has created a sea of zombies who's main fetish in life is coming on this forum and simply trying to out posture each other on the game of spirituality. Leo should do a video on communication, non violent communication is a good framework, but will be tough
  19. Leo starting this 'x is imaginary' as some sort of sensible discourse style is such a cancer to this forum. People to pretend to be intelligent without realizing 90% of the discourse is just pure posturing nonsense
  20. Gotcha, which is awakening anyway? So human's death == Absolute Awakening, would you agree? Everyone will awaken at some point or another
  21. "Then you are dreaming" -- okay lets continue on this, do you have any idea what the contents of the dream will be if you don't awaken and continue to dream after this physical body dies? That is what the OP etc is trying to ask
  22. Which version cos theres an Infinite amount of Awakenings lol, If you dont awaken, then what? you are saying peoples bodies will continue to age for thousands of years etc etc, Im sure you can articulate your point clearer
  23. Sure I understand what you are saying. From within the dream your body is aging (process of death and regeneration), but when you wake up from the dream, the dream was just a dream. That doesnt begin to answer anything in a tangible way, cos the dream is all that exists or could possibly exists, different states and degrees of dreams