A Fellow Lighter

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Everything posted by A Fellow Lighter

  1. Common Thought As The Foundation For Philosophical Inquiry And Research The psychologist tells us that it requires quite a course of education to enable us to see things. Not to have vague and unmeaningful sensations, but to see things: Things that are known to be touchable as well as visible, things that are recognized as having size and shape and position in space. The psychologist explains to us that as infants, we are as ignorant of ourselves as we are of things, explaining that in our immature world of unorganized experiences there is no self that is distinguishable from other things, that we may cry vociferously without knowing who is uncomfortable and later stop crying without knowing who has been taken up by nursing arms and experienced an agreeable change. The chaotic little world of the infant is not the world we know – the world of common thought – the world in which we all live and move in maturer years. Nor can we go back to it via the path of memory lane. In fact, it seems as though we have always lived in a world of things – things in space and time – material things. And among these things there is one of peculiar interest, which we have not placed upon a par with the rest: Our own bodies which see, taste, touch and performs in other ways. We cannot remember a time when we did not know that with this body are, somehow, bound up many experiences which interests us acutely. For instance, experiences of pleasure and pain. Moreover, we seem always to have known that certain of the things which surround us rather resemble our own bodies, and are in important particulars to be distinguished from the general mass of things. Thusly we seem to always have been living in a world of things and to have always recognized, in that world, the existence of oneself and of other selves. We think of each of the bodies resembling our own as possessing a mind. May we say that as far back as we can remember, we have thought of ourselves and of other individuals as possessing minds? Hardly. The young child does not does not seem to distinguish between mind and body. However, we must all admit, though it may not be with the child in its early stages of its development, the mature individual does quite consciously recognize that the world in which s/he finds oneself is a world that contains minds as well as bodies. It never occurs to you to doubt that there are bodies. And it never occurs to you to doubt that there are minds. Other individuals act very much as yourself: They walk and they talk, they laugh and they cry, they work and they play, just as you do. In short, they act precisely as though they had minds like yourself. What more natural than to assume that as you yourself give expression, by the actions of your body to the thoughts and emotions your mind, so does your neighbor give expression? We must not allow ourselves to underrate the average man's common thought of either bodies or minds. It seems, upon reflection, a wonderful thing that a few fragmentary sensations should automatically receive an interpretation which conjures up, before the mind, a world of real things. For instance, that little patch of colour sensation, which I experience when I turn my eyes toward the window, introduces me at once to a world of material objects lying in space, clearly defined in magnitude, distance and direction? And that an experience, no more complex, is a key which should unlock for me the secret storehouse of another mind, and lay before me a wealth of thoughts and emotions, not my own? From the poor, bare, meaningless world of the infant intelligence to the rich world of common thought – a world in which real things with their manifold properties, things material and things mental, bear their part – is in deed a long step. And we should never forget that s/he who would strive to gain a better intelligence of matter and of mind, by the aid of philosophical reflection and science, must begin one's labors on this foundation which is common to us all. How else can s/he begin than by accepting, and more critically, examining the world as it seems revealed in the collective experience of our species? ~ G.S. Fullerton
  2. Unless, of course, you don't know what infinity is. And that could only mean that you don't know yourself. Knowing yourself is not a matter of understanding, infinity is not a concept to be understood, let alone a concept at all. Knowing yourself is only a matter of self recognition, or sometimes put, awakening to what you are. When you awaken to what you are, there is nothing to be said or done about infinity. All is infinity, which includes every concept and every perception. There's no longer wrong or right - there is no longer the other. Once you awaken to yourself, there remains no choice but love. But, now, this raises the question: if one can go so long, perhaps countless lifetimes, without knowing infinity, then how important could it be, awakening that is? Does it appear that everyone is simply striving for awakening? Or is the opposite apparent - the endless comparison of one thing or oneself over another? Infinity cannot be compared to itself. However, despite this irrefutable truth, it appears that life has only ever been about comparison. The weighing and choosing of one thing over another. The unceasing efforts to make something better than it already is. You, yourself, are trying to become better than what you already are. You don't treat yourself or others like a person. Instead everyone, especially you, has only ever been a comparison. It's why you choose to be here, isn't it? Why you would rather do one thing over the other? Love one person over another? It doesn't seem like infinity gives a single care about knowing itself. Because if it did you, everyone would be self realised as we speak. No. The only thing infinity seems to care about is freewill. That's what the orientation and trajectory of all life forms appears to be demonstrating. Hence the degree of diversity and identities. Consciousness isn't striving for self awareness as such, but rather for meaning as you, yourself, could decern. It's not about what you are. It about what it means to be what you are. And your day-to-day choices are the determining factor of meaning. Perhaps the question isn't knowing what infinity is. Perhaps infinity already knows itself to be infinity. What else could explain its selflessness? Yes. Perhaps the only question that matters is what could it mean to be itself? Thus we dream, in order to define.
  3. I'd rather you challenge this as much as you can. That way you might ultimately be left with no choice but to become aware of this, too.
  4. Because Knowledge = State of Consciousness There is no such thing as Absolute Awakening
  5. Reality, that is to say, What Is Real For You, equals your state of consciousness. There are infinite states of consciousness thusly there will always be an infinite number of realities. However, there is nonetheless only one truth or, in other wording, That Which Is The Case, and it is very much absolute. This truth is one but because of the limitless potential of Consciousness, we can learn of this one simple truth in many many forms of direct experience. The dog is learning of the same truth as many is though in its state of consciousness which varies from man's. So just as there can be many portraits but one artist, thusly there can be many realities but one absolute truth.
  6. The techniques are as various and as numerous as the stars. Do research and let your intuition guide you. Personally, an overall technique for me is practicing love. That is to say learning to see how every moment is caused by love. You can search β€œBhakti yoga” for more understanding on this. The principle is simple: to seek love is to seek higher consciousness and vice versa. This is due to the simple truth which is β€œS/He who cares not, knows not. And s/he who knows not, cares not.”
  7. Death is grace. Clearly it doesn't stop forever, because there is now this life. Of course. Death is the only certainty in life that we can rest easy on knowing it will come or has come. There's just nothing more reassuring then death. When there's no choice but to be ready, you will be ready. But if you still think that there is an alternative to death, then you will suffer from your delusions. Death is and has always been the conclusion of life.
  8. There's no destroying the ego, only learning how to transmute it. Ego is but another frequency of energy. Energy can neither be created or destroyed, but can be transformed. That's what raising one's vibration refers to – it's raising the frequency of your energy.
  9. 1. Yes, it is backwards. 2. It is psychedelic – mind stuff. 3. Nowhere.
  10. By knowledge I don't mean information nor do I mean understanding , no. By knowledge I mean direct awareness. With that being clarified, I hope you can understand the following: God is not an idea, god is knowledge from the god-state of consciousness. Love is not an idea, love is knowledge from that state of consciousness of pure love. Infinity is not an idea, infinity is knowledge from that state of infinite consciousness. Alien-consciousness is not an idea, alien-consciousness is knowledge from that state of consciousness. Now with that being said ... I've experienced a state of consciousness where I was aware that mine was the only awareness in existence. However, while this happened, form was still a thing, there was still an environment (of mind). I'm not sharing this to posit or negate solipsism. I had experienced long before solipsism was getting discussed here. And I'm not a philosopher as I've come to learn and understand that knowledge/experience = state of consciousness. I'm only sharing this to bring a little more light to the topic. What I realised, and what I'm hoping is understandable enough, is this. Nobody is actually aware out here. That is to say, there is no separate you and me who is equally or unequally aware. Why? Because there is, in truth, one awareness. And this awareness is bodyless. All the forms experienced about are psychedelic and mind in nature. To mind is to perceive. The hand is the mind, so is everything else, which means people, too. So if there's at least one thing you can take away from this post, let it be this: God is a state of consciousness, because it can only be known from the god-state of consciousness.
  11. Not sure I know how to. I thought I was being elaborate already. Feel free to ask whatever questions regarding this? The main points here are: Nobody – that is no physical entity – possesses awareness. Because awareness is not an object of possession (in the first place) There is no separate or individual you and me out here who is more or less conscious than the other. This also being because of the first point ☝? Lastly, there is but one awareness, it is infinite, and, as I've said, it belongs to nobody.
  12. Yes. However, β€œForever” is only another choice, not a condition.
  13. Spirituality is more fundamental, more real. Philosophy is the subset, sure, you could say.
  14. @Reciprocality we are existence itself, as differentiated and polarised as it appears, we are nevertheless it. Perhaps, we may say we are expressions of existence itself. However, even so, the latter statement does not precede the first assertion. Yes. However, the word β€œmere” makes it sound absolute, as though it is all that there is to it. There is discovery as equally as there is creation. This is the duality. Yes. This is because existence itself was never the object of discovery/creation nor the end, for what existence is is already whole – with no polarity nor duality, nonesoever. Existence itself is absolutely unified/one. The problem, here, and philosophically speaking, of course, is none other than the fact that we have confused the pronoun, if you'll let me use this analogy, for the proper noun: the x instead of the true value, which is the very word β€œexistence”. There is no true meaning in this word, no one knows what it actually refers to except for the minority who have received that insight. It is because of this reason that persons find themselves in an endless loop of logical paradoxes. Existence was never the matter of discussion. People are more interested in the meaning of life than what life actually is. [This fact alone should be a pointer.] This is because it is already known, already reconciled, or rather, already whole regarding what is. It's not that we are alive but, instead, are life itself. Yes. So the only matter that one can care about is not what is but what it means to be what is. By the way, existence isn't nothing, we are not nothing. Such an assertion is a typical example of what happens when one attempts to rationalise and make a subject of what was never meant to be rationalised. This is a common case of simply using the wrong tool to achieve something, in this case, logic for enlightenment. So clearly you see that existence is far from nothing yet you find yourself calling yourself Nothing.
  15. If I may... Existence discovers what it means to be itself through us.
  16. Pure energy-flow... Or undistorted (undisturbed) light. Quite contrary to the concept of light that you're used to. It's not daylight nor sunshine that I'm talking about. But the actual light which is unreflected, not refracted, light in its pure transparent state of being. In this sense you may understand that the original light has neither form or colour – it's only quality being the pure flow of energy. And that's it. That's nothingness. But also, that's you without the potential for love, or rather, the activity of love. Think about the word infinity again. Look at it as if it's the first time learning of the word. And begin to decipher it as though you were a student of a foreign language: You begin with finity , understanding it as the quality of being finite. What has this quality of finitude if not everything we experience? Every thing is finite. Because every thing is form, and all form is, as you've probably learned by now, limited. So finity = form = something = a perturbation of some sort. Then you begin to decipher infinity: in-finity – a direct contradiction to that quality of finitude – meaning thusly without form, without limitation, without anything, for all things are forms. So what is infinite? Nothing really. Nothing except for light. Light is totally unified in its beingness. So much so that it's the only thing that science cannot begin to break down into smaller units. How so? Because light is energy itself. Because energy might not be a thing at all. And when energy flows purely, that is, without any control or means of direction, without distortion – it's appearance is Nothingness. However, nothingness has only ever been a word that describes an appearance, even if that description is the absence of an appearance. In truth, there is no Nothing, there is only you in your state of untapped potential. You are the current. You are that pure energy-flow. Because you Are. Perhaps it's not Nothingness that we've been talking about. Perhaps it's always just been, just is, Beingness amidst the confusion of many many (finite) loves. It's just light being distorted by love.
  17. You exist without purpose. You exist without plan. You exist independently and autonomously. You are random. And, therefore, reality is random. However, the illusion you create is with purpose, is with planning. It is entirely dependent on you, and is not autonomous. If reality was truly Not random there wouldn't be a need to make sense of anything, because it would have already done that for you in plan and design such as that of a computer program and the computer – the computer never actually learns anything. Besides, making sense of reality is the sole matter of imagining separation in order to formulate and perceive patterns. For something to be random, it merely needs to be unaccounted for, like having something suddenly disappear or magically appear from nowhere. So randomness actually signifies absolute oneness, because there is nothing outside of Reality to account for Reality – it needs to learn of itself by itself, and that's exactly what it does, quite autonomous in this limitless endeavour. Being.. itself.. is the pedestal of randomness – it literally doesn't get any more random than existence as a whole. Nor does it ever hide from itself, this is illusion is created wherever separation is imagined.
  18. My most recent and profound insight into the nature of reality. Deep and quite heavy to stomach, having to do with the long-winded and practically ancient debate regarding the nature of reality. Is it random? Or is there order to the chaos? New insight reveals how it's both. Here it is. Reality is absolutely random. Although it seems a counterintuitive position, hasn't existence always felt like such a random thing? Even now, if you only look, you can clearly see how reality is just random. Everything else is but a distraction. All you have to do is pay enough attention. Because that's all it takes – not theories, not philosophy, not math – just a good amount of mindfulness. There is really no explanation as to why it is or isn't random. It's too meta for that. But one thing is true, though. That it sure as hell appears almost entirely orderly, cause-and-effect wise. All this to the point where a good number of things are predictable and mathematically determinable. Why is this so? Yes, reality is absolutely random. However, it is equally true that it's infinitely intelligent. And new insight reveals that order is an illusion created as the result of intelligence. How? Because as it turns out, intelligence is nothing but the ability to perceive chaos. Not the ability to acquire and apply knowledge as defined by our societies. So, as your consciousness continues to evolve in the way that it does – that is to say, according to your will – reality will seem less and less random. But that's the illusion, that's the Maya. This applies to the opposite scenario: the less you're able to perceive chaos, the more you become conscious of how random reality actually is, because there isn't enough imagination to distract you from this truth. And that's it.
  19. @Holykael you don't get it, yet. There is no such thing as an exclusive truth. TRUTH is all-encompassing, absolutely inclusive. There is only you imagining that there's only god's will and intentionality.
  20. Oh, okay. No Biggie. So yeah, I agree with you there – everything seems to revolve around deepening in love. It's this love that I also find so mysterious. Like I can so clearly see that it's real, but as to where it comes from – that completely boggles me. Yeah, and I think it's good that we take the opportunity to discuss them because then it helps prevent them from turning into beliefs while sometimes opening our minds into further possibilities.