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Everything posted by Truth

  1. I've actually recently really buckled down on this one. decided to post it here. Just started 5 days ago, but I created my vision and strategy yesterday (no I haven't PMO'd), check back up in a month on may 30th.
  2. I haven't been put in confinement but it's still the same process. I don't need concrete walls to force me to face myself just like everyone else doesn't (unless they trick themselves into thinking they do.) You can face yourself right now right here always
  3. Lol yes. Not spiritual woo woo past life stuff haha
  4. Their entire worldview, current life and past lives comes into play and the result of that was cutting themselves and exerting whatever control they had left. You're not just facing some walls, you're facing your life and your survival. Not just of your body but your SELF. Forced to go into the belly of the whale. The only thing that's happening is them running from themselves. That is truly the only thing going on.
  5. that's a good question, they probably just have zero clue about personal development/spiritual growth or anything of that matter. All I see is a HUGE opportunity for growth, but to them it's pure hell.
  6. Have you seen Leo's blog post on solitary confinement? that video is a very good representation of how the ego will react, and these people are in there for 6+ months. not 30 days or 3-4 hours.
  7. To Leo: I'm so excited for Leo, I really hope he makes it all the way. Gonna miss his weekly content/blog/forum posts but it's all good. "Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself." I really love that quote.
  8. Already some really, really good insights here. So I'll leave you with this,
  9. Think of meaning as a connection. when you say something is "meaningless" or apply that thought process to anything you're effectively cutting off that connection. Now on the other hand, when you say something is meaningful, you're connected. when you're watching the video you feel connected, when you're not you feel disconnected. when you're reading the book you feel connected, when you're not you feel disconnected. This is a good indicator that you're dependent on things outside of you to make you feel a certain way, and that crashes and burns because you're playing with impermanent objects and using them to determine your emotions, thoughts, ideas and even your happiness. I think it's really important for you to get back into your body, put on some music, dance, smile for no reason, make weird faces for no reason, focus on what's in front of your eyes or breathe instead of your thoughts, talk out loud etc. the better you get at doing this, the more this "meaning/meaninglessness" won't even matter anymore.
  10. Nope I think I'm gonna ringtone it
  11. Hell yeah man like 3 times, and then again after you just asked me if I did just now lol
  12. Then asked "Can you FEEL that energy?" lol
  13. You know what he should have done to make his point clear was shown him this --> lol
  14. This video is spot on, good post --> inspired me to make this
  15. Journal your face off and question yourself like you're a psychiatrist until you start to feel better. 60% of the time it works... EVERYTIME.
  16. I put this on every morning when I wake up and let the inspiration and motivation flow through me like taking a deep breathe on a morning beach. Shout out to Nature and Relaxing Videos for the content from youtube.
  17. Yeah but, ice is just frozen water.. you can CREATE it. see where I'm going with this?
  18. The kind of growth that will make a man like you and me VERY happy. **Not a big penis.******
  19. @thehero Find and live up to your personal values and use that to determine what is "right and wrong" instead of using the reactions you're getting from other people. Soon, that will blossom into full integrity, entering into being grounded and imperturbable no matter what is happening where you become the chooser of your happiness and security, instead of other people.