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Everything posted by Truth

  1. I see, Leo has talked about this already --> it's tricky, on the meta perspective we're tricking the ego into killing itself, so you can appreciate the issue here on convincing someone that they "need" God.
  2. The "what's in it for me?" Mentality IS the issue here can't you see? That's the thing keeping you asleep! You think getting what you need or getting what you want is what life is all about and this is a big fat lie. If you can't intuit that there's something greater than just "getting what I want." Then that shows you just how much you take life for granted.
  3. Because you're asleep.
  4. Asking if God exists doesn't imply you NEED god. It seems as though you're asking as though God is some anthropomorphic figure up in the sky. No. God is right here in front of your eyes. To ask if god exists is like asking if you exist. Theres no difference.
  5. Yeah I feel ya @Jamie Universe I had a pretty deep realization today that there's nothing to say anymore, and yet this thought too has been undermined. All day today it's felt like this --> Both players are me, I spawn, I kill myself, I spawn, I kill myself, I spawn, I kill myself and the more I do this the more I realize how monkey my monkey mind is! and it's all been just one big joke, and it's been turning into presence, jokes and playfulness.
  6. This is all I'm seeing.
  7. Increase weight Increase reps Lower weight, increase reps. Focus on slow eccentric Do isometric holds Squeeze (flex) during reps take 15 second breaks instead of 30 seconds or minute breaks. Do new exercises (if you have exer-phobia) 1 and a half reps Supinating Go to absolute failure Isolation exercises Learn muscle activation techniques Understand how tension, pain and growth occur in muscles including the mind-body connection so you know you're hitting proper tension and contractions on the right muscles. There's so many things for you to Google and Youtube. Mechanical tension (progressive overload), metabolic stress, eccentric overload, muscle damage etc. Also be careful what you wish for
  8. Defeat the ego, don't defeat the ego. try doing both at the same time and see what happens.
  9. Yep, I call this the mental masturbation stage. pretty sure most people go through it. it happens because you're in the comfort of your own home doing your mental masturbation when the self help material is telling you to get out of your own home! this is how it perpetuates itself. If you were living out in the wilderness you wouldn't need someone to tell you to go get food. You would just do it! No one is gonna come into your house and put a gun to your head and tell you to change your life. That's something you have to do.
  10. By looking at your direct experience and finding out for yourself.
  11. lol there is none! It's one giant circle jerk!
  12. No, Thanatos just started a giant circle jerk to show everyone how bad their jerking is instead of focusing on his own jerking.
  13. "Thought is always saying that thought didn't do it." Jumping to a bunch of conclusions about what you THINK I'm saying isn't gonna do anything for you. It's all a house of cards. but can you SEE what I'm pointing towards? There's no holes. You're just creating holes. That's how it works. You assume I'm arguing, you assume I'm defending, you assume I'm using my name to give me weight, you assume I'm trying to fight or trying to win, this is how the justification game works. Me admitting that I don't know doesn't explain anything. You assume I know. can't you see what's really going on here or should we continue this game?
  14. @Thanatos13 The ego can't escape it's own desires by telling itself that it's own desires are logical enough to escape it's own desires. that creates the desire in the first place! the mechanism that is creating the desire IS the mechanism that is creating this desire of yours! you can't escape it with your logic. The question is NOT "Why not end it?"The question is WHY would you want to end it? Because you told yourself that it's logical? Your desire to be logical in order to escape yourself is it's own fallacy. You can't escape your desire to end it just because it's "logical". you're just creating the very thing that you're running away from! Actually, the better question is where did this desire come from in the first place? just the fact that this idea popped up into your head and the fact that you posted it here on the forum created a desire in you. and what is your desire? Why are you here posting? To end desires! you can't escape them no matter how hard you try. that means if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger and blow your brains out, before that happened you were just feeding the desire you were trying to destroy. Congratulations you killed yourself, before you died you thought you won, but you actually lost.
  15. You tell me when he said that he is certain and we should believe him. he explicitly talks about how the IDEA of "your brain" keeps you stuck in the first minutes of the video. The problem here is people believe shit when they should be finding out for themselves what these things are pointing at. Instead they take everything on faith or "believe" and are surprised to see contradictions. people don't have the truth. people just have an idea that doesn't fit into their paradigm, or their web of beliefs and this leaves them confused and mind fucked.
  16. I use google docs on my phone. works just as well.
  17. Yeah my bad, I noticed this after I posted.. lol.
  18. And who said I was doing that?
  19. This is why meditation is so powerful, its like building a not forgetting skill and a conscious choice skill.
  20. A little consolation for those in the trenches.
  21. This song is more about the Hero's Journey. I really resonate with "chasing my own shadow" (self reflection) and "giving everything I got in the city of lost souls." (society at large and where I am)
  22. you're not going deep enough my friend. Think of taking Full Ownership like you've been dropped into an infinite hall of funhouse mirrors. Then you'll REALLY be tapping into Full Responsibility.
  23. I personally didn't mind the spidermonkey and astral ape stuff, I thought it was hilarious.