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Posts posted by IAmAtomical

  1. So in the last few years I've introduced meditation into my life. I just have this feeling of uncertainty and I'm unsure if I have the right idea of what I am doing. I'm not really looking for a spiritual answer to this, I'm more so looking for an answer on the physical process (not to disregard its spiritual importance). Anyways, when I am sitting and closing my eyes, is my aim to make my awareness present and quiet my mind? I notice that in mindfulness meditation you are observing thoughts as they come and letting them go, and in more focus based meditation you are trying to focus on a hook to make the mind present. Are these two types of meditation techniques aiming to just make the mind present and allow it to clear? I'm just uncertain and want some clarification on this to make sure I have the right idea. Thanks to anyone for their help.

  2. 6 hours ago, Nahm said:


    When you try to discipline, who or what are you disciplining? 

    It could come down to anything. I haven't been able to just focus on any one thing without getting those feelings I've mentioned above, and then stopping doing it. Like I would learn programming for maybe a day or two and then get really bored and not be able to do it the next day due to this feeling. I've recently only been able to meditate and do stretches consistently.

  3. 2 hours ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

    ADD is a real struggle my friend, and I too suffer from it, so I’m not going to tell you you should just not take any medication for it.  I have been prescribed Adderall before and it certainly helped at first but it eventually started to mess me up and I started have anxiety issues from it.  Constant rapid heart beat, frequent heart palpitations, panic attacks.  This was very very unusual for me as I had never suffered from anxiety before using it.  Personally, I would not use it again. If I were to have to be prescribed another stimulant, I would take Modafinil instead, as it is far less jittery and does not raise the heart beat so much. It more just gives the focus apart from the jittery euphoria you get from adderall.  But psychiatrists have other non-stimulant medications that can raise dopamine in the brain and they are effective.  I would honestly try those first, and then go to stimulants if they don’t seem to work for you.  On top of medication, you should also start to retrain your mind to focus on one thing at a time.  

    Thank you for this. I had once taken adderall myself too, I noticed an anxiety after it, but this pretty much links the two together, I guess I will not be taking it then. 

  4. I'm a young man who is very ADD and I have a trouble in getting myself motivated and to start things. Adderall looks like a good short term solution, and I view meditation and discipline as a good long term solution. Would it be a good idea to use Adderall in the beginning to get myself disciplined, and then eventually be so progressed in meditation that I don't need it anymore?