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About markobo

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  1. Does anyone have experience with dissolving 5-MeO-DMT in water and storing it? This would be the most accurate way to dose, but I’m not sure how long you could keep the solution. Weighing with a scale and even using scoops is not very accurate. Curious if anyone has any experience with this.
  2. Hi everyone! I’ve been on this path for a while now. I have mainly been doing meditation retreats, and a few 5-MeO and other psychedelic experiences. I’m wondering if there’s anyone here that has extensive experience with both. I’m asking because I have not been able to to get into non-dual states through meditation only. I’m wondering whether familiarity with the non-dual state through psychedelics will make it easier to access these states through meditation or other spiritual practices. I’m planning on doing a 49-day solitary meditation retreat (no substances) at some point next year and am curious whether doing plenty of 5-MeO beforehand will make my retreat experience better. How did your trips on psychedelics effect your meditation practice?
  3. Let us know how your experience was if you feel like it.
  4. You might be right, but I have heard people mention working through emotional stuff with the 5-MeO's and it would make sense to me that awakenings ultimately are beneficial for emotional health as well. In fact, I doubt whether it's even possible to deepen consciousness without clearing out emotional crap. Of course I could be wrong. I just came back from a 3 week Ayahuasca retreat (which did not have a strong effect - Ayahuasca does not work for about 15-20% of people), and have taken LSD, mushrooms, 2-CB and mescaline. I also have experience with smoked N,N-DMT as well as smoked 5-MeO-DMT. I have had multiple profound experiences with these psychedelics. As far as duration goes, when 5-MeO is either insufflated or plugged the experience last 1-2 hours, which is still shorter than a mushroom trip, but quite a bit longer than the 10-20 minutes when it's smoked. I'm not sure to what degree I should trust my own intuition, but I feel more ready than ever to do this. Maybe I communicated what I expect from these experiences poorly. I am willing to put a lot of effort to work through my baggage. I have meditated for a few years, I traveled to three continents with the sole purpose of spiritual growth, I did several on-site as well as at home meditation retreats. I am willing to put in all the effort that's needed, and do not expect in any way that psychedelics will miraculously solve all my problems. I'm not saying this to brag, but to communicate that I know it's important to put in the work and not expect a quick fix. What is your experience? Have you resolved emotional stuff through psychedelics? I appreciate your reply by the way! Thank you
  5. Hello everyone, This is my first time posting. I don't have much experience being active on forums, so if I'm doing something that's against the rules please let me know. My plan is to use this topic to document my journey with psychedelics (and possibly other spiritual practices). I have had my fair share of psychedelic experiences, but have never approached psychedelics as a practice in and of themselves. My aim is to heighten my state of consciousness as Leo talks about in his videos through these experiences. I got my hands on some 5-Meo-MALT Hcl together with a friend of mine who is on the same journey. Somewhere the coming two weeks I will plug 10-15 mg of 5-MeO-MALT. I'm scared but really excited as well. After each experience I will give a report in this topic. For now I have a few questions: I've been on a few meditation retreats and have tried many different things but I seem to keep struggling with some reoccurring emotional issues. When I'm in a romantic relationship with a girl I crave her validation more than I would like to. This is not a constant thing but it shows up once in a while. If she does not reply to my texts for example, I can have a hard time letting go, even to the point that it interferes with every day functioning. I am not able to work without being distracted or hang out with friends and have fun when this happens. Honestly, I am sick of it and I know that fundamentally it comes from a lack of self-love. I hope that by deepening my consciousness these issues will resolve themselves. If anyone has experience working on similar emotion issues successfully through the use of psychedelics I would love to hear what your experience has been. Also, Leo mentions all these deep states of consciousness but rarely talks about the impact these experiences have on daily life. In spiritual traditions, often the main aim is to decrease suffering in ones life. Will these practises eradicate suffering in the same way that Buddhism says it does? I will give updates as I go along and report my experiences here if anyone is interested! Thank you for reading.