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Everything posted by kris4114

  1. Coming into my own, I too have decided that my bad habits are ruining my life slowly and surely. I decided this evening to atleast make a conscious effort towards cleanup: I drew a line down the middle of a page and wrote out all of my bad habits and all of my good habits..., I have a really bad addiction to the internet... I even know how bad it is as I notice it and still do nothing about it...i feel that most of my bad habits actually umbrella under the term internet addiction. (I play Warcraft as well as warcraft3, internet dating, not actually dating,, facebooktwittr, youtube, porn, fake job hunting even real job hunting...) It is hard because even though I notice myself looking at a time wasting app on my phone i still do it anyway as a crutch for social anxiety and or loneliness, like checking my phone before i get out of my car in all parking lots even though there is no notification...also socially, even when I see women my age looking at their phones I want to say to them 'your phone is consuming your life' yet I don't have the courage and instead just say something stupid or nothing at all..digressing a I wrote down my goods and my bads and I certianly have other bad habits as well and maybe this is a question for Leo or any greatly habitual, healthy, self-actualized person... is it possible to actually completely eliminate all unhealthy or bad habits especially internet addiction? How do other's cope with their internet addiction? also, good for you spicy pickles for cutting back on drinking. 8]