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Everything posted by Consept

  1. @rnd So you're equating Wikipedia to Putins control of Russia? If youre claiming that what I posted is not true or that its framed in the best possible light because its on Wikipedia, then I would ask what media source would you say reports the facts independently in your opinion? The story I linked was what happened as reported everywhere apart from in Russia most likely. Next there are numerous articles on Wikipedia that do show the west in a negative light, how do you explain those? Here are some examples -
  2. Not sure I'd peg him at a 7 but of course it's subjective, his height probably helps as well. But I agree his charisma and intelligence in his situation, is the main factor, if he didn't have that and was just homeless he would not get any girls. Unfortunate he had his addiction problems, there are obviously some deeper issues at play.
  3. So what's your definition, you did t answer? This is the definition of definition btw - a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary.
  4. Oh you're talking about spiral eyes. But really it's just presence, it does definitely work
  5. I dont know man, genetics obviously play their part but I think most guys are not maximising their potential, by definition most guys looks are average but also most guys dont actively put in work in terms of fitness, social and internal so logically you would be ahead of most guys if you put in some work. Even just being good looking, chances are girls are not gonna approach you so you still need to do work and you definitely need work to sustain a relationship. To be the best you need genetics + hard work, but you can still do really well with average genetics + hard work, most likely youll do better than genetics - hard work. Personal anecdote, for research purposes I got rated by a well known black pill youtuber, he put me at a 4, which although was a slight hit to my ego, doesnt really match with my reality and the girls that I attract both irl and on dating apps. Not saying its a non-stop line of women but its certainly better than they would lead a 'below average' man to believe he could attract.
  6. The fuck are you talking about? All of that is completely out of your control and furthermore do you not think the world was much harder for previous generations? Im not saying we dont have our issues but if you look at the average persons resources today they could rival a kings from a few hundred years ago. Also you most likely wont have to go to war and die so thats a big plus. Point being there are always going to be external hardships, no world youre born into is going to be perfect for you and you shouldnt even want that as it wouldnt give you opportunity to grow. Trust me, just from your negative attitude, if you didnt have that i guarantee you more women will find you attractive. Im not saying fake being positive, im saying sort out your internal issues and feel like you actually have real value to give to the world and people around you.
  7. We could go back forever on definitions but dictionary definition is 'ability to comprehend something'. So for example if we ask 'what is a dog?' you know that a dog is a mammal and have a general understanding of what that is, so if i say dog we can communicate as you understand what im referring to. With ideas its slightly different because theres not a physical representation of what i mean and it relies on your understanding of the idea to have a conversation around that idea. So for example, if i understand the idea of hypocrisy to mean behaviour that contradicts what one believes or feels (dictionary definition) and you believe it to mean 'behaviour that contradicts what one believes or feels UNLESS I feel its justified', then its basically impossible to have a conversation around it as we are talking about two different things.
  8. I agree with this a lot and I love David Tians work on this. A lot of people are fucked up, usually by parents, society etc they dont feel they are enough and so are trying their best to fulfil their idea of success. So, having a partner or being attractive seems, logically like something that would make you feel better about yourself and will solve all your problems. But the the reality is if you have these issues, you just take them into a relationship or pass them down to your kids or whatever, they dont go anywhere. I was definitely better looking when i was younger, I got a lot of interest from women, but I had no sense of self, I was anxious, i didnt feel good or secure within myself. Now i actually feel like im more attractive, maybe not looks wise but just overall. Before I had potential but now its the real deal.
  9. It isnt easy to poison people, there have been attempted poisonings 'allegedly' by Putin in the UK of Russian double agents - poisoning of Sergei and,England on 4 March 2018. These caused massive international incidents, even though they didnt die and Putin denied them. These are just regular agents as well, presumably with no security, so imagine trying to get to a head of state, how hard it would be in the first instance and then the global fallout especially if unsuccessful. It wouldnt even be worth it
  10. Definitions dont work like that, like a definition isnt an opinion, your understanding of it might be different but i guess thats what the conversation is for we're trying to come to an understanding. What would you say your definition of hypocritical behaviour is?
  11. I think it always happens through history where people's views are constantly being challenged within their lifetime. Previous to this white people would've seen black people as less than (some still do) and would have their views tested when black people started gaining more rights. It's all the growing pains of the ever integrating oneness
  12. Just came across this and almost cant believe it but apparently it exists, its essentially incels males changing to female because they believe women have life on easy mode. When I think about it, it kinda makes sense if you follow the incel logic to its natural conclusion, as in if you believe youre a male 2 or whatever and have no hope because your eyes are slightly too far apart or something, then why not change into a woman who have lots of great benefits just on merit of being a woman. What it shows though is how dangerous and deluded the incel mindset is
  13. @k-ahmadzadeh This is where black pill or believing looks are everything messes you up. Judging by your profile picture, if that is you, you are decent looking, you're by no means ugly, like I would never look at you and think 'wow what an ugly looking dude'. I think when you base everything on looks it gives an excuse not to work on other stuff that will actually get you results. A big one that people don't mention is sorting yourself out mentally, going to therapy etc. As well as the physical, getting into shape. By believing the looks thing it confines you to this doomed mindset where you can't get out, but it's nonsense. Now I'm not saying looks aren't a factor but the people that complain about it are over emphasising it and when you look into it, they are doing nothing to be more attractive. Heres an analogy, there are football (soccer) players who are very talented naturally, from when they were 6 years old they everyone believed they would make it, then there are players who weren't as talented but worked ridiculously hard to make it. If the talented players don't work hard a lot of the times they get no where. Because everything is handed to them they don't develop the habits of a hard worker and its very common for the hard worker to do better than the talented player. Of course you need a little bit of talent (looks) to work with but in many fields, success comes down to how much you work at it.
  14. This probably goes against the usual type of post in this section. But recently came out of long relationship and im dipping my foot into the dating market, some options are popping up, still in the talking stages but im not sure how i feel about talking to multiple women at the same time. Ultimately i want to be as authentic to myself as possible and hiding stuff probably isnt the best way to go (not that im doing that). Im also not interested in banging anyone who will be up for it, ironically i think this unattachment to outcome probably makes me more attractive. This isnt to say i dont want to have sex, but its just not the be all and all. So essentially the question I have is what do you guys think of dating multiple people at the same time, potentially having sex with some of them
  15. Online dating is obviously going to be looks based, but I think sometimes people just write it off as I'm not that good looking so it won't work for me. A lot of guys profiles are terrible, pictures make them look worse than they are and are mot exciting, no personality in the profile. Obviously this will be a big factor, if you are a 5 and your profile is a 10/10 you most likely could outperform a 7 with a shitty profile.
  16. Looks are important but for a man there's plenty you can do to enhance that, wardrobe, grooming, gym etc. What I would say is the number 1 factor is true confidence, meaning you know you're cool, you fully believe that anyone would enjoy being around you and that any girl could be attracted to you. There are many factors but I think if you had confidence at a 10 it would be more impactful than any other factor. This guys homeless but super confident, can't tell if he's good looking or not though
  17. If you see the value in it then go for it
  18. Yeah I definitely agree, I think thats whats really meant in the Bible about everyone being sinners and not perfect. It is really hard work to keep aware of all your own hypocrisy but a worthwhile thing to do.
  19. Yes I agree, im not even throwing judgement at those that are unconsciously hypocrites. I think hypocrite as a word is one of those words like racist, where its reduced to just an insult, those that say it are saying it as an insult and those that are receiving are taking it as an insult. I try to avoid saying someone is an out and out hypocrite or racist I prefer to say hypocritical behaviour or racist behaviour, with the exception of if they themselves label themselves as such. As you brought up Jesus he says love the sinner hate the sin which i think is a beautiful way of being or at least striving toward. I think you dont like the hypocrite label which is why youd prefer being labelled as inconsistent. Which is fine you can do that and i understand it makes you feel more justified to do as such but i think, esp on a forum like this where we're all trying to improve, it would be more beneficial to actively look at where you are being hypocritical rather than trying to justify it. You have to see that no one who is obviously a hypocrite will label themselves as a hypocrite, thats literally the whole point. Hitler would not say 'oh yeah im a hypocrite because i hated the way German people will treated and now im treating Jewish people even worse', he would say exactly what youre saying which is 'yeah persecution is wrong but these are justified reasons'. Religious people who condemn others for sinning but then sin themselves, would not call themselves hypocrites they justify their behaviour whilst condemning others. But i understand its hard to take on this perspective because it makes you seem 'wrong' because of your dislike of 'hot women', as in you cant sustain that dislike and not be hypocritical, so your options are either realise you shouldnt dislike your chosen group of people or change your perception of your prejudice so that its not as bad as other prejudices and its justified. I would say to be a hypocrite, youd have to be preaching one thing and practising another. So like the preacher says how much he hates gay people but then gets caught in a hotel room with a male prostitute. So it implies a moral load just because essentially its someone being deceitful knowingly. Inconsistent is just something thats not consistent, that can be im inconsistent when it comes to the going to the gym, theres not necessarily anything moral, but if i was judging people for not going to the gym consistently whilst myself not doing it, then that would be hypocritical.
  20. I don't know if you understand my point, I'm not saying everyone has to be nice and welcoming in any space to anyone, its not realistic. Your question initially is what is hypocrisy. I'm looking at it from an internal point of view, in that, if you believe internally that when people judge you based on appearance, race etc is wrong, even if you accept it and don't complain about it, then by definition you also believe that when you do it to others it's wrong. The only difference is in the first I stance someone is doing it to you and the second you're doing it to someone else. So the fact that you excuse it when it's done by you to someone else but believe it's wrong (even if you accept it) would be hypocritical. It's like black people who believe racism is wrong when it's against black people but are then racist toward other groups of people in the same way that they think is wrong. Does this make sense?
  21. Yeah I get that, we all do it of course. But at the same time I dont think you'd say it was a fair way of behaving. I don't know anything about you, but let's say you're Indian, if someone had the opinion that all Indians were rude, you would probably think at best that person is ignorant or at worst an evil person. So back to the original point, although you can accept that someone may judge you, you don't like people doing so. In which case do you not like the act of judging based on looks itself or do you just not like when you are judged? Of course if you don't like when you are judged but are happy to judge others then that's hypocritical. If you say you don't like judging others as a whole but then judge others then yeah that's hypocritical. It takes a real conscious effort to not be hypocritical btw and even then there will still be some blindspots but I believe its something we should strive for.
  22. Hypocritical behavior is basically when you have a principle that you believe should be followed but you dont follow it yourself. This includes inconsistency which is hallmark of hypocritical behavior. I think this is the case regardless of you being conscious of it or not, if your not conscious of it then you just aren't self-aware but it doesnt change the fact that youre being hypocritical. Prejudice, as youve brought up, is a great example as we probably all fall into this at some point. So youre trying to square that you dont tolerate prejudice against any group but you do have a prejudice against 'hot women'. This is the case for most people, on the whole they dont like prejudice esp when directed at a group they identify with but then they may also have a prejudice against another group which they see as justified. Now this is hypocritical because if you dont think prejudice is acceptable then that means all prejudice period, you cant pick and choose. Its kinda like saying, 'murder is wrong, unless you really dont like the person and want to kill them', you obviously wouldnt kill someone you dont like, so the only way to test your integrity of belief is to put in a situation where you would in your case be prejudice. The justification just allows you in your mind to keep your stance while still doing the action that you supposedly dont tolerate. It is hard to be consistent though and takes a lot of effort, basically the classic Jesus golden rule of 'do on to others as you would have done onto you' is a basic way to test your hypocritical blindspots. In your case if you would be happy for someone to judge you as nasty and be rude to you based on the way you look then I guess its fair enough for you to treat others like that, but obviously most people would not want to be treated in that way.
  23. Got two of these - 1. When I was 15 at was my cousins place, his family was about to move house so I was kinda helping with that. For some reason, mainly being 15 year old idiots, we thought it'd be an incredibly funny idea to let off a stink bomb in the attic of the house to surprise the new residents 🤦🏾 So we successfully completed our mission and excitedly I ran across the attic spured on by my equally excited cousin. Little did I know there was a glass panel on the floor. I stepped bang on it and fell through to the next floor, what made it worse was it was old style glass so it didn't shatter so when I fell through shards of glass cut into my arm leg and face. I kinda blacked out but came to with my arm completely open, as in I could see muscle, fat etc. Ambulance came, toon out the glass, stitched me up and after about a year of physio I was back to normal, apart from losing sensation in my forearm and the obvious scars. But it occurred to me that the scars could have been anywhere, I was completely at the mercy of what happened and it happened so quick my brain couldn't piece it together in real time. If the glass cut an artery, which was pretty close or hit an organ I might not be around to tell the story. 2. Next one, was in Northern Ireland with my girlfriend at the time. We rented a car and decided to drive through the country, which was beautiful but some of the stop signs at crossroads were really confusing, like you'd be driving for miles just straight and then all if sudden you're at a junction. So I was driving along normally, all of sudden I realised I was in the middle of the road, I instinctively put my foot on thr break which was actually even worse as now I'm just stopped in the middle of a road where cars are going at least 50 mph. I realise what I've done and just get the car across the road. We missed the oncoming traffic by at least 10 seconds, although in my head it felt like an action movie, but I was not in control of that situation, a few seconds here or there and that would've either killed us or injured us severly, it shook me up for a while. My ex saw this face of a van driver on the other side who was waiting and he was freaking out when he realised we were just going full speed into the road. But yeah those are 2 times when I had no control over whether I lived or died.