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Posts posted by epickei

  1. When I'm meditating, I have moments where all of a sudden everything feels very far away from me, like my hands feel farther away, almost very far away. Feels very wide and universey if thats a word. It's a pretty common thing for me and it's pretty cool when it happens, feels weird. I realized I focus a lot on my vision and so maybe its me being more aware of my body while still keeping my focus on vision. 

  2. Im gonna take two tabs of LSD soon and I want to get the most out of it so any tips would be appreciated. I live with my family so I was thinking of renting out an airbnb and make a lil sanctuary purely for my trip, but I also want to see nature and be outside. I saw the moon today and I thought it looked so crazy and now im thinking I should trip at night. What do you guys think? I'll definitely have fruits cause fruits on psychedelics are delicious. I want to have some sort of permanent breakthrough, be a little more conscious when I come out of it. I watched leos strange loop video so I got that in mind. Im thinking ill meditate after dropping until it kicks in and then what should I do? just keep meditating?

  3. I quit video games, stopped paying attention to trendy pop culture, and scrolling through memes. All I've been doing is dancing, play bongos, meditating, making videos, streaming, and consuming self-actualization content. I feel this makes me kind of boring because I got nothing to talk about that most people can relate to. Should I get back into video games or watch some anime, to give me something to relate to others? I do like games and shows and stuff, I've just been putting a heavy emphasis on maxing out my potential the past year. How do yall feel about this?

  4. So I am a YouTuber, 21 years old, and last year I got into self-help/spirituality thinking that I will find the source of being the best artist I can be. There is so much I can say, I've learned so much the past year but basically I just watched Leos's video on how the devil works and he said something along the lines of "if you see evil, that is your evil projecting..." So as a YouTuber/entertainer/showman and just a general person trying to be charismatic I thought " so to be perfect, I have to see everything as perfect." This really hit me and I smiled and laughed a bit haha. The more I got into self-actualization, the more flaws I saw in other people so this relieves me, just see it all as perfect hahaha

    Before stepping into the cave that is self-actualization, I thought I was perfect, better than everyone else, but I was delusional and it showed in my work. Now I've been very careful about deluding myself into thinking im perfect again but seeing EVERYTHING as perfect makes things come full circle hahaha sorry for saying haha so much it's just how I'm feeling right now. First time posting on this forum, I've probably watched a hundred hours of leos videos so far, thank u for all the knowledge. I love u hahahaha