Being Cao Khanh

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About Being Cao Khanh

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  1. Hey guys, I just searched for David Choe on the forum and surprisingly it has no result. So I really want to start a thread here about the Choe Show. Link to Choe Show Trailer It's a refreshing show that has authenticity buzzing from Choe himself and all of the guests. About addicting to sex, to porn & jerking off... and overall just the way that the show is presented is so moving. It may not have a lot of theoretical frameworks like trauma release or anything. But for me, it truly resonates with a lot of pent-up feelings and helps me a lot to make sense of the things I experience in my childhood that shape all the character defects I have today just by watching David Choe sharing and talking to the guests. Highly recommend you guys to check it out.
  2. @Yarco I calculate by the number of growth expected in views to reach to a reliably amount of money from Youtube ads to cover my basic needs (which is around $500 here per month in Vietnam). I agree with doing both. But I guess the thing that's bugging me about is the "freedom" aspect of committing to work for someone else for a really long time (to me it's a long time haha, 5 years now seems like my whole youth). Thank you for calling me out on my inconsistency haha. Thank you man, I'm aiming for weekly on Sunday but sometimes I fall off this schedule. Mostly due to a low ability in self-governance. --- Anyways, I guess I will be sticking with both. I feel like I'm in no particular rush and working in the company doesn't necessary mean sacrificing my Freedom forever. It just means I have to work harder in the short-term or develop more patience. Either way, I think it's the most reasonable and sound decision for me right now.
  3. @Bando That's a great point from Gary. If I made this decision, I will basically become the number 2 at the start up. We are only 300k in annual revenue but I do believe it will grow tremendously. So sticking around will be beneficial financially a lot.
  4. @Snader @Peter Miklis @lanasoul Thank you all for your input. I have been asking around and seems like I should really consider take it slow and build up my Life Purpose with the commitment
  5. Hey guys, so I need to make a big decision on my career and I would greatly appreciate other's perspective on how to choose between: (1) Going off on my own: I have a vision for myself in the future of working on my own, solo-entrepreneur type and I'm currently pursuing it through building a Youtube channel that aims of Making Young Vietnamese Wiser. As of now, I will need 2 or 3 more years before I can switch to full-time here. (2) Committing to a Company: I have been working at a tech startup that builds Personal-development-related Apps for 2 years and the CEO has offered me a partner position, which will give me a lot more benefits (shares, higher salaries...), but also a lot more responsibility (committing to at least 5 more years, dedicating my vision toward the company also). I'm 22 now, the work at the startup is paying for my living and allows me to do my Youtube on the side. Although I do believe that the start-up would grow much more in 5 more years and this would greatly secure me financially, I'm still more inclined to branching off on my own. What would you do if you were in my position? Thanks