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Everything posted by Gregory1

  1. Mainly Bread, Veggies, Eggs, Nuts, Fruits, Milk/Oatmeal sometimes
  2. I remember also having had that urge to vomit a few years before I finally succeeded in gaining normal weight (this is what I meant with developing a "psychological aversion"). Back then I didn't have the right reasons to take on weight and tried it in a very forceful an unnatural way. I only allowed myself to eat the "healthiest" food and also I forced myself too much. @JohnnyAbmakes a good point. Get more calories by eating food that has lots of calories. You will then eat more without increasing the volume of the food you eat. I think you could combine that tip with the "always eating a little more" technique, but again, don't force yourself too much. One point that I forgot to mention above which I think also helps with eating more than your used to is; eating many different things. A lot of the time I eat a certain kind of food and cannot eat any more of it. It feels like I'm full, but when I then start eating something different I can eat again and even want to eat. Diversity of food really helped me and maked it a lot easier for me to eat more than I was used to. One meal would be like; Bread with Nutella, Banana, your favourite Chocolate, a fruit smoothie, some chips, or whatever you like. Don't limit the diversity, eat as much as you like and as diverse as possible. And of course, eat food with lots of calories, like Cheese, Milk, Bread, Nuts, Chocolate, Chips, Burger, Meat, noodles, whatever feels good;)
  3. Again, I want to mention that I am not an expert at this. Ideally you should go to a doctor or an expert to help you. I think that your "noise irritation" and "little energy" might be connected to your low weight For me it was not that difficult to force myself sinse my body adjusted pretty quickly and I had a huge desire to get a healthier body. I forced myself to eat more than I usually ate for every meal. A week or two weeks, don't remember exact time, eating that much became my new normal and the body actually started to demand more food than before. I'm not 100% sure about the science of this but I once heard that your stomach is strechable. If you eat and drink more, it is hard because your stomach has to strech. When it streches often, it widens over time. When you stop being hungry you reached the point where your stomach has to be streched in order for more to fit into it. This theory makes sense to me and is congruent with my own experience. But I think you have to be smart about this; Do not force youself too much. If you force it to much, you could develop an aversion against food, which might make it psychologically difficult for you to eat and even worsen your problem. (Of course forcing it a bit won't cause such problems, just listen to your intuition about this) My suggestion for you would be to try and eat more than you usually do, every meal for at least 2 weeks. Also eat at least 3 times a day. Push yourself but don't overdo it. Buy tasty and delicious food, buy a lot of it. Always eat what you want to, not what you "should eat." Chocolate, Burger, whatever you like. This will make it more likely for you to be able to eat large amounts of food. In my opinion getting a few pounds is a lot more important for you right now than eating the healthiest food possible. Once you got a few pounds, you can clean up your diet step by step. Cheers
  4. I might be wrong with this but I think that a weight of 51 kg for 83cm is unhealthy. I am not a doctor or expert at this though. I think being that skinny might result in you having less energy and motivation to do certain things than "normal people", maybe also more "health fragility." I used to be very skinny and not be hungry as well. That changed, once I forced myself to eat more than I wanted to. Pretty quickly my body adjusted and started to demand more food. Now my weight is at a healthier level. I am not an expert at this. I would suggest that you should maybe go to your doctor or to an expert and talk with him/her about that issue. Wish you all the best:)