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Everything posted by Gennadiy1981

  1. @Lila9 There is no point of arguing, they keep stuck on the same thing that we Jews have no right to exist. Just move on. You will not convince them no matter what arguments you will make, it will be only a waste of your time. In the meantime, I am thanking God for giving us advanced technology so we can go and finish the job once and for all. And to all haters, you can argue and speak and debate and cry and scream as much as you want, I hope you do realize that we are not taking your opinion, i am sure you are smarter than that. But its ok, this topic grows to over 3k posts and you can expand to 6k and even 9k and so on and so forth.
  2. Thats a very silly solution, you think you can disarm, Iran and Hezbollah and even Iraq? Because then those countries will complain why does Europe gets to keep weapons. When swords will be turned into plows will be after Messaih coming, before that will be wishful thinking.
  3. See to @zazen Hamas is not Isis and I will be using all @zazen of the world as a conceptual person. The answer is very simple, ISIS is danger to all nations and his survival instinct kicked in, while Hamas only hates Jews, so the enemy of my enemy can be my friend. Jordan Peterson said the same thing recently on Pierce Morgan show.
  4. @zazen You know I give you that. I really think that it has to do with prophecy and end of times and you caught it very well. But do you think prophecy is total BS? So let me ask you in this case scenario, lets say things will go south so bad, that nuclear weapons wil be sued and 7/8 of the world will be gone (by the way in the bible it says only 1/8 of the world will survive the final war), so then will you take the bible seriously or its all coincidence? I am not asking this from religious perspective, but note how long ago the bible was written and yet how accurate it describes, I was fascinating reading the chapter with the war of Gog and Magog written thousand years ago, speaking of a great country in the west colliding with the country Persia (Iran) and its allies, it speaks of war of massive proportions where the dust will cover the sun. Do you really think that all those prophets like Jeremiah, Isaiah, Zachariah and so much more were just bullshitters? Or they were able to foresee something. If you made this scenario even two hundred years ago, it would have been a fairy tale. This is something I am asking myself actually, are all those prophecies pure bullshit, or those people were able to forsee something. Honestly at this point I do not have answer, but to say its pure BS, I am not ready to say neither. A food for thought.
  5. Also what I heard is that LSD is very hard to find these days and people are using alternatives. I heard that from actually numbered if reputable sources. The main in is NBOMe which is psychedelic but has side effects to mouth clutching. There are others out there which have some sort of lysergic acid mixed with bromine but it is not LSD.
  6. Thank you @Breakingthewall so you can see that there is certain mysticism that we cannot brush off. I will give you a very good personal example, my grandma of blessed memory was born in 1926 and she was a hardcore atheist. But she recalled me a story when I was a kid that she always laughed at Bible saying how can the final war happen over Jerusalem. Now mind you when she was born, Jerusalem was desolate place to most of it, and to think at that time that the world will collide over it was humorous to say the least. Now back to our present time, I personally would not be surprised if the WW3 started precisely over Jerusalem and we are speaking only of a two generation gap. To answer your other question of how did we kept preservation it’s relatively interesting. No the religion is not based on racism. See a racist is someone who says I am better than you and there is nothing you can do to be like me. In our religion anyone can convert and they will be as equal Jew as I am. Now when it comes to marriage, the only reason we select someone of the same faith is to raise children, nothing more. Indeed as with every community, there are individuals who do use racist card but that will not work on someone who is not racist and that argument will fail. The only argument we are using is that of how will you raise your kids, especially given hundred years back and more, religion was a big factor and you would agree people with different beliefs would have issues in the house. I mean even now, I don’t know say if couple can exist now if one of them is hardcore republican and the other is democrat. Of course if people try everything can work, but that is ideal, but in reality, given stress, work, problems, health, friends and etc, person can quickly get to primitive level and the argument can break off. But for sure, our religion does not work on creed or color or race, that’s a big no no.
  7. @OBEler What truth, that Jews are disgusting? That’s your entire argument. That’s blatant racism, honestly you are a low life individual whoever you are! God help you.
  8. I don’t actually agree with you on that point. I am not saying that you are wrong but I think both religion and spiral dynamics can play a role here. This is something I have been contemplating myself a lot. I don’t think you can brush religion to the side, there is definitely something more profound and more Holly way beyond words. Of course I can only speak of my religion since I know it well. If you describe the BS in your post then you are right it does not matter what religion and if there was no religion X it would be religion Y or even Z. But how do you answer about prophesies, can you just brush them off. Prophet Isaiah and Jeremiah and Zachariah all said that Jews will be expelled from the Holly Land and in few millennia will return back. Look for two thousand years we didn’t have home and lived as minority among majority. All nations who didn’t have home were gone, such as Adumenians, Moabites, Babylonias, Assyrians, Syrians (ok you may have about 100 people theee and don’t confuse mark with Arabs), Mesopotamians, Egyptians (you may have 200 left at best, don’t confuse with Coptics) and especially Romans. Technically we were suppose to be extinct living two thousand years all over the world but yet we came strong and have a very powerful army now. Indeed everything that is happening is described in prophecy, like the final over over Jerusalem with Gog and Magog, where the western civilization will collide with the Eastern and the dust shall covert the clouds, sounds like a nuclear explosion to me. And to dismiss such? I am not sure you can do that. But I find it a blend of mixing spiral dynamics and a Prophecy.
  9. Really? The US only went to war in 1944 technically after Pearl Harbor. And other nations, they could have bombed the railroads carrying innocent people to the death camps. Look I get it, you are not found of Jews and thats fine and I respect that, but then don't tell me that I have no right to defend my homeland.
  10. If that is the case then I am ok to remain that child. You know dear world, you were standing idly during the Holocaust, you didnt protest the injustices that were happening for four years where we went like sheeps to the slaughter house, and you were quiet when Israel faced destruction in 48, 67 and 73. I know you would build us monuments and museums for Holocaust, but no thanks. Here is a Jew who wants to live and its so much better to live than to die and oh boy its so much better to win than to loose. First let all nations take moral grounds and then we can speak about us having one.
  11. Thats fine, its a chance we are willing to take. And this phrase should say it all, "I would rather have strong Israel hated by the entire world, than Auschwitz that would be loved by"
  12. You are going deeper into the topic. We are speaking now of collective. Yes there were many individuals who did witnessed the Oneness or whatever you call it, but on the collective level they were still in barbaric mode over three thousand years ago. I keep explaining the answer but somehow either people don't understand or don't want to understand.
  13. Thats debatable, Christians and Muslims follow the Jewish Bible as far as I recall. But again, i am not here to say that I am better than you, this is not my argument nor its what I have in mind. All vi am saying is that we discovered One God first, thats all, and we found it to be our mission to distribute world wide.
  14. Well then you clearly misunderstood the idea of what is being chosen. The idea of being chosen is that God chose us to first reveal Himself to us so that later on we can bring the idea of Oneness to the entire world and we kinda did the job, today most people are monotheists. This does not mean that we are better or smarter or wiser. Psychologically, most people want to be animalistic and barbaric and when this idea of stage blue was introduced to stage red society, it was not accepted at first by many. I am not parading stage blue, but people in that stage have higher moral grounds, they are more into family values and self care. You need to understand that whether you like it or not, religion helped humanity to elevate at least one stage up. But the mystics were not ready to reveal full religion and only revealed the surface of it as people on stage red would not understand and I believe it will be revealed in portion. I really think most people dont have an idea if what real God is, and explaining the Infinite, people would just loose it, so religion is like explaining to a child, once the person matures then we can go to a different level. So you should know Leo has few series on What is God and its pretty much the same explanation the mystics had.
  15. Thats disgusting coming from you and very primitive, unless you describe yourself such.
  16. You cant compare, as Romans invaded our country as they had their own country, the Nazis killed us just because we re Jews, we never said that one day we will make Germany a new Israel. As I keep saying this is an Arab Jewish conflict. I am advocating for the transfer of population, this is not something unusual. After WW2, 8 million ethnic Germans were removed from Poland and 4 million were removed from Czechoslovakia. In 1923 Greece and Turkey exchanged I believe 6 million people, in 1946 India and Pakistan exchanged 17 million people and this is only in the twentieth century. I am offering a viable solution, because everything else fails. Unless you really want to see wars and people getting killed. Is that something you want and crave. Of course there is also another solution for all of us to leave, but the thing is we have no other home.
  17. @jimwell The Nazis hated us as many others is because we bring morality and ethics to the world. And for your info, in that video above most people were not Jews. Believe me most Jews support the State of Israel the way I do, fortunately, otherwise the State would cease to exist. Also your sympathy towards us is really irreverent, we could care less what you think. @Tobia I am not aware of such document you posted but I humbly think it would be best case scenario, consider the Sinai Peninsula is mostly vacant, to relocate Gazans there and build them homes and infrastructure would be great. They would have so much moving freedom and way much more landscape. I dont know how they even live in Gaza such a small silver of land, they are suffocating there. I really hope that is the case and the UN should also help.
  18. @Breakingthewall Thank you. As far as calling us extremists in terms of survival, well when you are persecuted for two thousand years, you may end up being extreme in survival and at the end of the day it is what is left. Look if we had to deal with intellectuals like yourself and people on this forum it would have been different talk, but we are dealing with very low conscious people where force is the only language. As far as coexisting, we are not looking for coexisting. Its not possible to coexist with people are differ in every aspect you can name. And as I said before, form the bottom of my heart, I wish Palestinians well among their brethren in any of the 21 Arab states or 56 Muslim states or European states or even USA. Honestly, I wish them well, the only viable solution is separation, anything else will lead to a blood shed. The longer the two people live together the more blood will be spilled. You guys do not seem to get it, the mentality there is different. You want to impose us living together, well this will be the result. Fine today we will destroy Hamas, tomorrow there will be Hamas 2.0 and they will attack another festival and then we will go again into Gaza and then we will have another topic on this forum where everyone will be stating their point of view, and so on. The biggest picture and deep issue here that coexistence is not possible, its a marriage that is not meant to be.
  19. @Nivsch Did you noticed you keep answering the same question over and over. Those who are blind will ignore you and be asking the same question just using different words. I believe this was the sixth time or fifth that you keep repeating yourself. I tried counting but got mixed at one point. By the way all, I actually was not sarcastic about bible, what I said in previous one seems to hold true. Note how people filter what the other side says. I am really reading down the posts and all arguments just go the other way, they skip through the ears. See how deep the issue is.
  20. Why is everyone so obsessed with Israel and the Jews. What about Ukrainians and Russians? What about Iran and how minorities are treated there? Apparently we are a hot topic, thats the price we need to bear for being chosen. What can I do. You know all my life I was trying to walk away from religion but I see the prophecy is, it keeps pulling us back to it. That is says we need to be light unto the nations and when we are not the world will get upset at us. It says the world will calm down when we start teaching them about God. I guess I have no choice but to start teaching you guys. Too bad this form does not have section that is dedicated to religion.
  21. I am reading the posts here and basically to summarize it all. None of us will agree with others, this is all verbal masturbation. I will not convince you and you will not convince me. And thats fine and its beautiful. Don't worry we Jews survived for thousands of years and we will survive more. People are biased and they refuse to listen to any side and thats reality. I think at this point on, it is only entertaining of words. I think we should switch to another topic.
  22. Thanks but no thanks. I would rather have my own state where I can make my rules and not be dependent on others.
  23. @PurpleTree Thats ok you can be pro whatever you want, I am not here to tell you what to do. All I want is a safe Jewish State thats all. We have Christian States and Muslim States and secular States and democratic States and God bless all of them. I want to see all states prosper with love and peace and I want to have my one Jewish State. I am happy with the small territory I have which is the size of New Jersey and thats good for me now.
  24. I am not sure which country you are from but you are more than welcome to make a two state solutions at your home and I will be more than happy to cheer and scream Yay and will pray for you and will praise you and will have you as an example to all nations.
  25. @PurpleTree And so is America that by the way, the whites had no biblical or spiritual claim to USA, but none of you open any topics about it, you stole from Indians fair and square. Hey, then the entire world is colonizer. Big deal.