spiritual memes

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Everything posted by spiritual memes

  1. I would also like to know
  2. There's less stigma for mental health issues for liberals and girls so they may just be reporting it more.
  3. Honestly, a lot of trump supporters fit this description.
  4. I am aware of ego death and Leo is not talking about that. He is specifically referring to physical death.
  5. Dude is literally saying that the only way to truly awaken is by legit dying.
  6. I'll just leave this here...
  7. How can what you're saying be interpreted in any other way than promoting physical death?
  8. This is because society condemns guys who are not masculine trying to be more masculine than they really are. Also pickup is generally frowned upon not because of masculinity but because of the way in which the pickup community addresses girls. These two almost always go hand in hand. If anyone says the former, they almost certainly believe the latter. Connecting with your authentic masculine side is valuable, but most people don't have the authentic part and try to act masculine because they think alpha=better beta=worse. That may be true but what happened when you were succeding at life and were therefore more secure about yourself. What about when life wasn't going well for you? I would assume you were probably less comfortable about your feminine side. Generally around online circles, especially the self improvement/pickup circles femininty in men is pretty frowned upon. And even if it's not explicitly stated, its heavily implied in the social circles I've been around. I remember vividly in secondary school, the more feminine guys were called 'moist' or 'wet' as an insult. In fact, it's only in left wing circles where its more acceptable. You are right about the sub culture part. Hippies would probably be more accepting of femininity than redpillers but I think the mainstream culture is still heavily against feminine guys although I think this is changing. Yes if you are comfortable in your masculinity, then you won't worry about being percieved as feminine, but most people aren't at that level. Fair play, I hope to try that one day.
  9. That's kind of what I thought as well and feels right. But I see men like Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, David Goggins, most UFC fighters who almost certainly repress their feminine and yet manage to be extremely masculine. Surely these men should be less masculine if the circuit is incomplete?
  10. I managed to access repressed rage from childhood abuse. When I released it, my body started tensing up and thrashing around. I wasn't possessed or anything, it just felt like the right thing to do. I wanted to scream but I didn't want to wake up my family. It felt very primal. Once I released the rage, a space opened up in my body and I began to calm down.
  11. Yeah if reality is a strange loop, then awakening will just lead you back to where you started.
  12. the whole point of the limited human form is so you can explore yourself. When you die, you become infinite but you can no longer explore or understand yourself. You're gonna die anyways so you might as well explore your human existence to the fullest. It seems like Leo is just trying to justify killing himself because he hasn't done enough shadow work.
  13. @Emerald do you think masculine and feminine are mutually exclusive? I.e. integrating feminine makes you less masculine?
  14. I think men integrating their feminine, is generally frowned upon in society. Feminine men are called weak submissive 'betas' which terrifies any man from expressing any femininity. On the other hand the masculine is overemphasized and glorified to excess. There is a wave of hypermasculine influencers who repress their feminine that have become really popular lately. For example Andrew Tate. The general message to young men is: 'be an alpha male, never show any weakness or emotion or you are a loser' which leads to a lot of problems. Not really sure what the solution is.
  15. The limitation and restriction is the whole point. Your physical form is limiting but in a good way. It's like the limitations and obstacles in a really hard video game. You can turn on creator mode but then suddenly its not fun. In that sense death (and psychedelics to a certain extent) is cheating.
  16. Fair point. I apologise. I guess Ralston is built different. He doesn't have the warm loving energy like other teachers do.
  17. Think I heard that Peter Ralston has autism. Would explain why he's so cut off from Love. Its like a blind guy saying that colours don't exist.
  18. Straw man arguments, the most common too of conservatives. Conservativism is based on fear while liberalism is based on love. Notice how conservative countries are less developed. If conservatives had their way, we would still be in the stone age.
  19. I feel like this video is gonna piss off a lot of actualized users. It pretty much dismantles the ideas held by Leo and most of his followers.
  20. Fair enough, but you have to entertain both sides.
  21. A few days ago I'm almost certain I had a kundalini awakening while meditating. I was removing emotional blockages in my body and I noticed a buildup of energy in the lower part of my body. It was trying to rise upwards but there were blockages there which made it very uncomfortable. I went about removing the blockages and slowly moved the energy up towards the crown chakra. Once the energy reached the crown, I shot up energy from my root chakra, through my spine into the crown, completing the circuit. Once i did this it felt like a lightning bolt through my entire body. My entire nervous system lit up I felt like I was going super saiyan. This lasted for quite a while and the next few days felt like my energetic body and emotions were unstable. Are there long term benefits to this or is it dangerous? and what should I expect going ahead? Bonus question: is there a relationship between kundalini awakening and law of attraction?
  22. My family is an absolute shitfest. Fuck me