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  1. This is something I thought about too. As a college student of social work in Antwerp (one of the most ethnically diverse cities ever), it's sometimes hard to reconcile our stage green values with conservative immigrant values and views. Two weeks ago, a fellow student told me how it's so backwards that we have to respect and tolerate stuff like men from a muslim minority refusing to sit with women at the same table for a social project or something.. While it would be absolutely 'not done' if a student thought like that as it's against the stage green values we get taught in college. So while Europe becomes more diverse, newcomers and their offspring do get exposed to living in a stage orange/green society and therefore will grow out of stage blue more easily I think. So maybe there won't be such a 'value regression' as you may fear. This is something I observed with my fellow students coming from Morocco, Nigeria, Cabo Verde... When they talk about their parents, they are really religious and strict and all, while they themselves are way more focused on getting da mony etc. In other words stage orange (while students with no immigration background tend to be more green it seemed, but the sample I base this on is most probably not representative of the whole population)
  2. I've been interested in Hegel too since I heard Zizek talk about him. Especially when it comes to how he thought society evolves (thesis, antithesis and synthesis) and how/if it relates to spiral dynamics or Marx. But I haven't gotten to actually research any possible agreement between them. Anyways what were the insights you've got from the books?
  3. @ZahariaNicu I'd say give Leo's video on stage green and nihilism a look. Think he discusses it there. And I follow you when you say it seems like nihilism fits in orange (being materialistic, robbing life of its soul), but I think it also fits in green because that's when people question the truth of what many call objective reality (which brings us to postmodernism again)
  4. @Amelie Hayes It's a difficult subject. But hey I got 15/20 on my essay so I'm happy
  5. Like Terell stated above, if I remember correctly, nihilism is stage green. Together with post-modernism and relativity.
  6. @Blackhawk Well, there's no scientific evidence that I know of that supports the idea that extra camera's really solve criminality problems. Not to mention that for all we know there may come a day we get a government which misuses the citizen's data for persecution of dissidents, idk. Hope I'm wrong.
  7. According to criminologist Jelle Janssens who was talking about the camera network here in Belgium: "in some cases the camera's can help solve criminality, but many a times they do not help to prevent it". He adds: "camera's can never really solve the cause of criminality, they only show the symptoms of it". Furthermore, the camera network is very expensive and time consuming, according to the documentary I watched atleast. Better, cheaper and more effective it would be to invest in people to increase security.
  8. I'm writing a paper on privacy and security in the relation between citizens and their government. To what degree are these values reconcilable? I hear alot of "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear". A popular phrase for politicians is: "we're looking for a balance between the two", but why is more security equal to less privacy per se? Guess it depends on the form of government. Under an intolerant totalitarian one it's probably more dangerous to have less privacy than not. So more privacy means more safety in this context as I see it. Another question I ask myself is what influence the societal context has on the field of tension often discussed between privacy and security. For example, 9/11 catalysed greater government surveillance. The later terrorist attacks on Paris and Brussels too. Covid has caused something similar. But it seems to me that after awhile, people return to caring more about privacy than security. Is it possible to explain this phenomena through Spiral Dynamics or some other model? To me it looks like people temporarily regress to a stage blue need for safety from stage red aggression (or these people are in fact generally (partly) at blue, with no regression involved?). And, as a future social cultural worker, how to handle the people's fear and need for security? (from the perspective of SD would be interesting) Just my thoughts. Please share yours and let me know what important stuff I'm missing and where I might make wrong assumptions or if I'm applying SD incorrectly.
  9. In this VICE documentary, Joshua Blahyi (AKA General Butt-Naked), who was a cannibal warlord and drank the blood of children and was actually naked during combat to become invincible (stage purple superstition), he said during one of his battles, a voice (from god probably) basically called him out on his reckless behaviour and so he got scared and became a preacher. Fully embracing religion and leaving his old ways behind. So that's another nice example of red to blue transition.
  10. The above film is full of red examples, obviously with the main villain and his rebels as a clear one. I really thought of stage red demonisation when the main antagonist says "you think I'm a devil, but only because I lived in hell", implying he needs to be so brutal to survive. Also the Netflix series called Norsemen is a funny example of stage red vikings mixed with green sensitiveness and such. Age Of Samurai: Battle For Japan saw some transitions from purple to red I believe: Nobunaga showed a complete disregard of traditions, rituals and respect for ancestors. He killed his brother who conspired against him because he was deemed a fool instead of a good leader for the clan. And then he went on to conquer a large part of modern day Japan sometimes through innovative ways.
  11. @impulse9 Yes, you lower your inhibitions because you become unconcious of them as I see it. The etymology of alcohol is indeed interesting. Thanks for the info!
  12. @impulse9 In my experience it only dims my senses, don't see how it would increase consciousness?
  13. @Arcangelo Haven't read the books, but I thought 'nice guys' were people who haven't integrated stage red in their psychology. So I think someone who is 100% red can't really be what I would call a nice guy.
  14. @Nos7algiK Yes, something like that. So people who try to please others with unspoken expectations (call it manipulation), putting others (specifically women) on a pedestal, being unassertive etc.