Victor Nunes

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Everything posted by Victor Nunes

  1. @Leo Gura yes. All the things are in a perfect state in God’s mind. The Supreme Structures (ideas) we can say. The social constructions are imperfect copies of that. And in this way, evil does not exist, is just a imperfect copy of some perfection, very relative.
  2. @The0Self Thank you! When you say that is “God creating the reality” “with the entire structure of beliefs, timelessly of course” Aren’t you saying here that is two modes of world? A eternal (timelessly world) and a not eternal world? It seems a dualistic principle threw out from the Supreme One. The reality is not being created all the time, but it is already totally created, in that eternal world. We (when brushing teeth, typing here, drinking water) are participating in a fluidic mould just copying and copying that eternal forms (that we can capture). My point is, it is impossible that everyone are God. We are limited, separated, in this world. I am a unit, and you are other unit. We can overcome the limitations in a communication for example, by the English language, which serve as a tool to COPY this unity, and your thoughts could be capture by my mind, in a more or less perfect way, depending on our capacity of express and interpretation ourselves. If we were God, we would not need to type here right? Just have a good chatting in the ethereal mode. My impression is that we are part of God, stuck in this “bodyness” world, trying to imitate the perfection forms. If your aware is in other place, when you are dreaming or something, “your” body would still there. And when you die, “your” body will still also there, and be transformed in other substances, because your eternal part (or soul) has gone. We can see the duality in a very good way. We are stuck in this duality. The Supreme One, God, are not stuck in this duality, because It is out of there. Everything happens inside God, but are not God. Are copying God thoughts all the time. We can contemplate those thoughts, not create them. They are already there. What you say by creation is just this mould being imperfect transformed all the time in one or other form.
  3. Hahaha yes confusing. If you are God and I am God we are self debating right? I dont think so. We cannot confuse things. God is one. We are manifesting God in the dualistic world. Me as me and you as you. These signals in English is the thing can unify us, imitating the real Unity.
  4. My point is, completeness cannot be experienced, but can be imagined. On the other hand, incompleteness, which is suffering, can be experienced, just because we can imagine completeness. This looks to me a proof that we are not God, but in a manner we can sense It existence, we miss this completeness you know? This is to be human. This hybrid thing, sometimes whole sometimes part. Incomplete and suffering for that. The Supreme One is all harmony, and we cannot reach it. We can imitate it in our relations.
  5. Reality is all that it is. Reality is Being and Being is Reality. Pure act. Everything is in God’s imagination. Our imagination is just a copy of Its Imagination. We cannot be innocent in a way that we think we can create things as God. We can just transform things that already exist in our mode. That is our part in this reality, beta world, our reality. Now, if you go to other levels of reality so you can touch a little bit in God’s reality. But as soon as you are writing here, you are just a human trying to communicate your thinking by those bunch of signals we call words.
  6. The Highest Self is just one, eternal, infinite, stillness. We, talking here, are limited, finite, imperfect. Imperfect manifestation of the One. Little imperfect ones imitating the Supreme One. Tiny tiny parts of him. All is one, but in different levels
  7. Masculine and Feminine is not a social construction, they are all manifestation of duality (opposition). Duality is a law in creation. Masculine and Feminine are in Nature, and as humans are part of nature, it exists man and woman.