Baby Fox

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Everything posted by Baby Fox

  1. There is no such thing as time Time is an illusion For example in a movie there is a time frame , however notice you never encounter directly the time frame of the movie only one bit at a time. And if engaged with it you won't even notice the duration. Same with dreaming, I don't know what time is and even if I look at a clock in my dreams it's always wrong (not the actual time) same with awakening your time in reality is always wrong because time is only now.
  2. I once convinced myself that is not good to have non-sexual female partners until I lost my keys coming from a nightclub. The only one who gave me a couch to sleep was female friend from which I cut off all connections. The moral of the story is a friend can save your life doesn't matter if you can sleep with them or not.
  3. I'm 21 soon to be 22 in November. Struggle building structure in your life at this stage it's really difficult. And I can assure you that you are not alone, I'm still working towards that. Getting a normal job for a while is not as bad as it seems, for me it motivates me to be less of a doormat to people since you are able to be independent. All hopes from here and don't burn yourself , like I did when I was 18. Caused a lot of trauma by judging myself for not being good enough when so many people younger than me achieved so much.
  4. Seeing Leo in a ticktock would make me laugh so hard I would make me enlighten ? don't do it though, need to meditate a bit more.