Harlen Kelly

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Everything posted by Harlen Kelly

  1. @flyingwhalee Pretty solid advice, totally agree.
  2. Some events have a significantly higher likelihood than others.
  3. It's mostly societal and cultural, however, she might feel less attracted to you and subsequently break up with you if you keep behaving overly sensitive towards her. Not to make a value judgement about her reaction to your crying, but she breaking up with you because she perceives you as weak is a real possibility.
  4. She perceives it as a sign of weakness when a man does it based on her reaction. Most women look down on men crying, which is a relatively unhealthy perspective to have but most women have that perspective.
  5. @Lyubov Most women think a man crying is pathetic (unless the reason why you're crying is justified in their eyes, a family member of yours just died for example). There is what women pretend they want in a man (to be overly vulnerable, sensitive, etc..) and then there is what women actually want in a man which is to be emotionally strong and grounded as your girlfriend clearly stated. If you don't like the fact that your girlfriend looks down on you because you were crying, you will have to communicate that to her you, but it should not surprise you that your gf wants to be emotionally strong, that's the case with most women (even though many of them are in denial about it, which is typical). Some women lose attraction immediately if a guy is overly sensitive, it is what it is.
  6. The second option seems fine. Then see what happens, it might surprise you. As I said, this has happened to me plenty of times and after meeting face to face, the chemistry flourished once again and we ended up hooking up. If you can't close, move on.
  7. @Andrew John Well Andrew I have good and bad news for you, getting women will not cure your depression long-term (I come from a pick-up background and I have many friends who fell into that trap), it will only mask your current symptoms of depression for a short period of time. Having 30 minutes of daily pleasure with a chick cannot fundamentally solve your existential angst. That does not mean that you should forget about women, it means that getting women thinking it will solve your emotional issues is foolish. If you want to solve this problem for good you need to focus on consciousness, meditation and contemplation. This should be your priority number 1, number 2 and number 3, so that being emotionally self sufficient and joyful becomes your default state and your life situation (women, financial situation, etc...) would be the cherry on top. A very good introduction is the power of now by eckart tolle, implementing that in your life will dramatically (and I mean dramatically) improve your emotional state.
  8. No, no, the tone of the message is excessively serious, there is no light-heartedness on that. Dating is a game, you can get serious after having a formal relationship. Send the first one you wrote. I am very certain she was down to fuck that night.
  9. @Vrubel You should've simply kept it light and fun, do not take it too seriously when women say ''let's be friends'' or something similar, dating is a dance not a robotic puzzle. It could've been as simple as just playing along, going out ''as friends'', building some rapport for the first 30 minutes of date, looking directly into her eyes and going in for the kiss, keep chatting with a fun and completely dettached energy, pull her to your apartment and the rest would 've happened naturally. Sure, remember to just keep it fun, and focus primarily on her mood instead of the little details.
  10. @Vrubel It's not manipulative if you understand that women change their minds based primarily on their mood, if she is in the right mood she will most likely sleep with you. Having options does not have anything to do with that because the more options you have, the more often you close when given the opportunity, therefore, if you were more abundant you might've been able to close. A chick can tell you she just wants to be friends for a plethora of reasons, it does not mean all the time that she is not into you. If you had more experience with women, you would easily understand this point. Exactly my point, but op would come off as a ''beta'' according to him if he does that.
  11. Yup, it sounds insane but believe it or not, a considerable percentage of america thinks like that.
  12. @Vrubel This has happened to me numerous times, and in many of those instances I was able to close after she stated she only wanted to be ''friends''. Her attitude would commonly be very different when you are face to face with her, and are escalating physically. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to continue pursuing this chick, but keep in mind that you can ''flip'' the interaction dynamics after she says she only wants to be friends, you could've simply gone along, slowly amp her emotions up throughout the date, pull her and close the deal once she for sure feels like having sex with you.
  13. @EternalForest I am surrounded by them as well.
  14. That's not the case at all, it's at the very least 30% of the entire country.
  15. That's a common occurrence nowadays with some clueless females.
  16. This should be easy for you to get, make sure you live in a city where a lot of men with those qualities can be found, put yourself out there, go to the gym regularly and look decently. Just going to the gym and having a good diet will dramatically increase your chances of meeting a high value guy. Then qualities like femininity, being easy-going, having your own hobbies, etc... @NoSelfSelf Based.
  17. Whether you like it or not, it will be the biggest determining factor that will influence if a guy wants to be with you or not. You can be incredibly charismatic and funny, that's not the main element that creates attraction in guys. That obviously does not mean that looks is the only element that attracts heterosexual men, but it's definitely the main element, therefore, going to the gym and looking attractive can be of great help to attract the guy you are looking for.
  18. You are not even attempting to understand what is being discussed.
  19. @Matt23 I will be honest, I think the main reason for the subtle unease you are feeling around her is simply because of the fact that she is a woman and according to what you have previously stated, you are not used to being that close to women or people in general, therefore, you are irrationally trying to justify your unease and uncomfortableness around her. You can move out if you want but that will only stifle your growth, you are not supposed to feel uneasy around women, half the human population are women. Instead address the feeling of unease by observing it and diving into it. I might be wrong in my analysis though.
  20. @Matt23 So you are considering moving out only because she is a female or why specifically?
  21. Most women would not do that on their first sexual encounter because of shyness, the natural awkwardness from the first encounter, and not wanting to be perceived as easy. Expecting that is delusion.
  22. Hahahahaha, julien is simply hilarious.