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About Aemon

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  1. What are the things you would recommend your loved ones to work through or take a look at? Books, videos, tools, etc., that can truly change and improve your life?
  2. I'm in a downward spiral - a massive one caused 100% by the mistakes I made and my wasted potential. Finally, after 4h of continously THINKING about quitting everything, telling everyone what I really think, emergency ejecting from my damned job and even crushing my relationship, I'm able to think clearly again. Writing everything down without any plan or order helped - but still - I have these phases more often now - threatening everything I built over the last years. So... How do you handle anger? How do you handle the things you can't control if they affect your life? How do you handle losing your sense of direction? Or, in general, how the hell do you handle or even use your inner deamons?