Federico del pueblo

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Everything posted by Federico del pueblo

  1. Interesting story and experiences you share! Thank you man!
  2. Thank you so much Leo for replying! It's really heartwarming to see that you replied even though you probably have better things to do and are busy yourself. I'm very grateful for this. You are love! Btw: if you don't mind me asking: how has your health condition developed? I hope you find the solution!
  3. Specific to a certain cause but sort of can't be avoided at the moment. Then from there it generalises into, well, general worry about the situation/condition. Thanks for your other tips!
  4. Thank you. Yes, deep belly breathing helps to calm me down. I'll do my best. Thanks for your love! Thanks for your help too. I appreciate the love. It means a lot to me that there are people who care!
  5. @SamC bro, the important thing about this is to really not worry about it and have good communication with your girl. You are totally normal and things like this happen to all guys. Tell her how you need it or show it to her (jerking off) or do it yourself together with her. In any way don't freak out and tell your gf it's not about her.
  6. Thanks buddy! Great post!
  7. So you lie there doing the hyperventilation for a prolonged time. What's the minimum? I'd guess an hour but maybe more. But what do you do then? Do you simply stop and see what comes up? Or do you do some breath holds and then continue the holotropic breathing and do more breath holds? Or do you meditate? Should you contemplate or just look within or will it be completely obvious once you've surpassed some threshold? Thanks!
  8. Set the intention already before the trip to bring up your "shadow stuff". If 130 was no problem you can try 150.
  9. At a fairly big range of dosages, starting with about 100 mcg (maybe even 80 for some) all the way to about 200 mcg. You can go even higher and you will release emotions also at still higher dosages (even more so) but it will start to pull you more and more in the mystical realms, where there's less ability to analyse and work through things systematically and where experiences tend to become crazier, like very early childhood trauma, reexperiencing your own birth combined with ego death or even past life experiences, often accompanied by associated inner imagery of death, human violence, insanity, apocalypse and similar things. The high dosed experiences will overall probably do even more for your emotional wellbeing if you handle them well (no resistance, fully letting everything unfold and completely working everything through till the psychological gestalt is finished), but I would recommend working with lower doses for a while so you gain competence and trust.
  10. @PurpleTree lsd is excellent for that. It brings these emotions up and let's you release them physically, you're body responds strongly to the emotions and you can let it out. You might need to actively feel into the emotions first (just think about it) but you might also automatically open the barrel just by taking the substance.
  11. @Ulax good idea. Thanks!
  12. In my recent lsd experiences but also in some of my deeper meditations I saw internal images that I would say represent things like insanity, fear and terror. It's like quickly flashing images that come up and disappear and over the last few weeks they've become a bit more concrete and long lasting. What I concretely see is eye balls - kind of like when a potentially dangerous animal stares at you out of the bush - and scary looking human faces or grimaces (sort of "monster like"), which have their eyes and mouths wide open like they're in complete terror or going insane or maybe like they're getting tortured. What do you think where this might go or what it could indicate? Am I approaching ego death and thus see imagery that represent things close to death? I'm btw not at all concerned about it, I just think it's interesting. I do believe though that one of my next trips could get really scary ?
  13. Makes me wonder whether there could be like a "stream of consciousness" in the collective unconscious, kind of like as though we're tuning into the same frequency so to speak, something that exists in a shared field of consciousness.
  14. 1.) Don't be dumb enough to take on any responsibility during a trip - at least if it's one of your first trips and you're inexperienced and don't know the effects of the substance very well yet; example: taking care of refiring a stove in the middle of a lsd trip (you might get overwhelmed, confused and scared) 2.) Always go with the flow, allow even the worst things to come up and embrace them; embrace fear and the feeling of going insane "If I die now, then I die...it is what it is" 3.) Ideally calm down already the day before the trip so you're as unstressed as possible on the day of the trip. 4.) Know about potential experiences by studying trip reports and reading books, so you don't resist anything that unfolds It's good to know that you could turn into a witch who's getting burnt in medieval times or similar things ?
  15. I'm in my early 20s. I'm pretty young but I consider myself mature, despite the lack of experience characterestic of this age. I'm always trying my best Thanks for the kind words bro, I appreciate it. And you do seem more Matura for sure. At your age I was still a completely ignorant idiot ?
  16. Interesting. Was this kind of like an authentic identification as a dinosaur similar to a reexperience of a past incarnation or more like some random space robot dinosaur kind of thing that just wanted to show you how weird your consciousness can get?
  17. Thanks for providing me with this opportunity. I'd be lost without you
  18. It's in fact highly possible and even the norm. That's because most people first need to face a lot of their trauma before awakening. Trauma is a separation from love caused by an outside force/circumstances when you were still unable to deal with it. It's like an energetic imprint or branding. When you awaken you will realise that your trauma was just imaginary but until then it contributes to your non-awakening because you can't look beyond the boundaries of your limited trauma-informed reality. I'll probably need a handful more trips to awaken because when I trip unimaginable amounts of energy come up and I'm twitching, shaking and trembling like a fish on land deprived from oxygen and that seems to not leave room for awakening yet.
  19. Thank you! (Oh damn...now I look like a nice guy because I'm being nice ?)
  20. But be careful to not confuse niceness with actual weakness. If some charity rings your bell and you say "I'd kindly like to reject your request" you are being nice while being strong. If you accept their request even though you don't really want to, now you're being nice but weak. If you don't want to dance with someone you can be nice about it without looking weak too. What repels people is neediness and insecurity aka people pleasing behaviour. Here you will alter your behaviour and act incongruent in relation to your true values and boundaries. This gets spotted as weakness, because it is weak, and generally is regarded as unattractive. Then there are indeed people who think other people who assert their boundaries without being apologetic about it are "assholes". But the reason they think like this is a coping mechanism because they're insecure and needy themselves and thus they need to alter their subjective perception in a way that protects their own fragile ego.
  21. How many trips have you already had? How many of them were on lsd more or less? And after how many have you had your 1. awakening? I can only tell you that when I experienced fear of going insane during trips I tried to simply embrace it and be like "so be it...". I think this is actually what makes it least like to go insane. There's nothing for you to do anyway, you can't control so just let go...
  22. What have you found that works for you? Anything like specific techniques, how you prepare or what you do before the meditation (e.g. breathwork)? Specific background music or wearing earplugs? Changing your mindset about meditation, maybe "not trying" at all?
  23. Ok, interesting! Thanks! So am I! You're one of the good folks here it seems, like you got good energy and interesting stuff to share without having a huge ego about it.
  24. @NoSelfSelf sounds amazing.