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Everything posted by damas

  1. Leo brought up "radical responsibility" in his victim mentality video, and even applied it to rape victims, so then naturally it must apply to racial struggles as well in leo's worldview. As for it also applying to people who benefited from privilege and then also imply they need to work to dismantle it, it doesn't have to, it just says you take radical responsibility for what happens to you and so improve your life.
  2. Center right - kids in cages, wealth inequality, not high enough wages, american exceptionalism.
  3. lol If you think you should take radical responsibility as leo says, black people need to take radical responsibility for being less wealthy or that some job applications will be more difficult. White people aren't "fragile" when confronted with "white privilege" it's that the confrontation itself can have anti-white elements.
  4. If he's saying there's no global checks in democracy to prevent people who work from dying out while ones who don't get rich, he's right.