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Posts posted by damas

  1. 31 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

    The 'Radical Responsibility' that you espouse cuts both ways, if you're telling blacks that they need to take Responsibility for the additional struggles they face due to thier skin color, then by your own logic Whites have a Radical Responsibility to take ownership for the ways they've benefitted from thier privileged status in Society, and work to dismantle Institutions and Practices that they've benefited from at the expense of other people.


    Leo brought up "radical responsibility" in his victim mentality video, and even applied it to rape victims, so then naturally it must apply to racial struggles as well in leo's worldview. As for it also applying to people who benefited from privilege and then also imply they need to work to dismantle it, it doesn't have to, it just says you take radical responsibility for what happens to you and so improve your life.

  2. On 8/11/2020 at 2:47 PM, Milos Uzelac said:

    “Democracy does not contain any force which will check the constant tendency to put more and more on the public payroll. The state is like a hive of bees in which the drones display, multiply and starve the workers so the idlers will consume the food and the workers will perish.”

                                                                                                                                -- Plato, supposed quote from Republic and Life


    If he's saying there's no global checks in democracy to prevent people who work from dying out while ones who don't get rich, he's right.