Azam Hasan

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About Azam Hasan

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  1. Productivity is a subject that concerns us all. Between family, friends, hobbies, work. It's tough to get to do everything we want to do. Computers and social networks do not help the situation because they are both a source of distraction and an excuse to always ask for more. My Advice To Improve Your Productivity If I had to give you one piece of advice and only one to improve your productivity, it would be this: set yourself goals programmed in time. Goals are not exactly tasks. These are sets of tasks or projects. Here are some examples, professional or personal: •Have enrolled children in extra-curricular activities •Have up-to-date accounts •Have acquired X clients / Have approached X potential clients •Sell half of the cellar's stuff •Take plane tickets for the next vacation You will have noticed that these goals all start with an action verb. And yes, their realization depends only on you! Or almost ?. You may also have noticed Who can break down these objectives into more specific tasks.For example, taking plane tickets for the holidays can be broken down into the following tasks: 1.Choosing the dates 2.Choosing the exact destination 3.Looking on search engines 4.Checking on the airline website Why Will This Advice Improve Your Productivity? You probably already have plenty of to-do lists. But as they fill up, these lists can get more scary and disturbing than anything else (and I know what I'm talking about, I'm a list pro!). Setting goals spread over time will allow you to prioritize these tasks. what will therefore improve your productivity because: •You'll waste less time thinking over and over again what is most urgent to do •You will be less overwhelmed by everyday life •You will have a medium-term vision • who will strengthen your motivation •You will be less prone to procrastination And as someone we know well would say: " A Goal Without A Plan Is Called A Wish"- Antoine De Saint. So to improve your productivity, develop your action plan! How To Do? There are several levels of goal planning. I have four classes, and I find that it works very well like that. So, periodically I set my goals at: Six months One month One week One day You take the time to do this exercise, and you will see that what will positively impact your productivity and peace of mind. Take 1 hour or 2, calmly to think about it. For my part, I do this exercise every Monday morning. •Start by setting your goals at six months or a year. Write them down! It may be the right occasion to open a new notebook. A task and productivity notebook, for example. •Then break these goals down by month. Define what you need to do to achieve the six months / 1-year goals each month. Now that you've set your goals for the current month set your goals this week. Write down what you should do this week to move towards your monthly plan (s) Once you've set your goals for the week, what's left? Define your plans for the day! And if you want to be even better at planning and productivity, you can take your calendar and set daily goals for the whole week on Monday. It will significantly improve your efficiency because you start each day knowing what to do. Finally, what satisfaction at the end of the week when you find that you have achieved all the week's goals, Enough to go on weekends with peace of mind! Last recommendation: do this job in two stages: business goals (usually the longest and most important) and one for personal purposes (usually the part we neglect to plan). Happy planning, everyone, and let me know how you are doing below! Source:- Divine Life