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About Parsa469

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    London, UK
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  1. Hi guys, I got initiated into sadhguru's shambhavi mahamudra about 2 years ago and it had many beneficial effects. Shortly after I met a guru and received shaktipat on a regular basis with many energetic symptoms, and so I stopped the shambhavi thinking it might not be suitable anymore. Fast forward to today, I decided to restarted the shambhavi practice, but the effects are very strange, both good and bad. My question is, have any of you guys practiced the shambhavi mahamudra kriya after receiving shaktipat or having an awake kundalini? If so, how did it impact you, and do you think it is safe to do that practice in such conditions? I have asked many people, including isha's practice support, with no clear answer. Would appreciate any guidance!
  2. Hey guys, I'd like to know your thoughts or experiences with the kundalini technique 'kriya supreme fire' as taught in Santata Gamana's books. It seems like a very potent practice but time and time again I've heard people say that forceful practices to arouse kundalini can easily result in negative effects and complications if you are not careful and do it under guidance of an expert. I have an amazing teacher and have received shaktipat from him many times with many kundalini symptoms, however I've not had a full awakening yet with bliss and energy up the spine. I just did a short round of this practice and immediately felt vibrations and shocks and symptoms, and many have said great things about it. Would love to hear what you have to say. Thanks!