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Everything posted by Micca

  1. Hello, I am interested in political or subversive music and how it influences culture and society. I am writing a thesis on the subject so I am gathering information to help me along the way. I find it fascinating how music can influence and inspire political debate. RATM, Public Enemy, Idles, Kate Tempest, Akala, Allflaws are groups from the US and UK which seem to have an anti establishment edge to their image, sound and lyrics. Please post any links and videos of any artists that you think might fit into this discussion. I will post stuff I discover as well. Here is one to start with Thank you
  2. Great album. Like this one too. Was about the governments lack of aid and care during the storms and floods in the US.
  3. Ren - Money Game Part 3 (Official Music Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyWbun_PbTc
  4. They will try harder in another country to prove themselves. This has been happening for decades. Moving from a poorer country to a wealthy nation will make you appreciate your opportunity more and then make you work harder.