The Buddha

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Everything posted by The Buddha

  1. I'm done with this endless cicle. I surrender all my wordly desires, all my attachments, all my ego. It does not serve me anymore. I know they will call back, I know they will try to trick me, I know I may fall down, but everything has changed. I've finally come to see that absolutely nothing in this world can make me happy, absolutely nothing, I cannot even take a breath without dying in my deep need of realization. I cannot stand this play anymore, it is not out of hate that I decide, it is out of love for myself and God to be one and the same. It is a reality, I've come to understand that this cannot give me what I want, this cannot give my that which I long for. I must follow the most supreme path, I aim for the highest of the highest, all my efforts are for the supreme. I'll play the game of human life and I'll play it well, but I won't miss, I won't get lost again, I won't go into the beautiful flowers, I won't go into the mud and shit, i drop all that for the divine and for God. For it is hard to be in this path that is why I fall back, for it is an absolute torture not to devote my whole to this, I prefer to die right here and now, for a life of suffering and pleasures, for a life of happines and sorrow for a life of glory and downfall, for a life of birth and dead, I desire no more that, I drop all that, it is non sense. Yet how the dream is going to helpme? YEt how the illusory reality is going to help me understand what I'm already now, for this is the great mistery. This is my last rebirth, that is all. For later no-one will be born and I shall be the same. May I live a life of full devotion to God, may in all my breaths remember him, may i follow the steps of the gurus as light in the dark, may i need God as I the need of fresh air when drowning, may i be loving and compassionate, may i be peace and give peace, live in truth and stand in my power, for the whole existance and cosmos is behind me. I desire no more to desire than the desire that will set me free from all desires, for it has thousand names for it is one. Oh my Lord have mercy upon me and reveal yourself to me, may i cannot stand one day more without you, Oh my beloved God I cry at your feet, for when will you reveal to me? For when will we reunite again? For when all this will be done. I cannot stand this game anymore, i'm tired i can't play it, i can't keep going on and on, i just die fore you, i literally die for you, oh please may you reveal to me your glory, may I be delighted with your presence, I trust u and i trust my path and your divine plan and divine timings, may u listen to my words and feel compassion for it is only u that i desire, it is only u that i creave, not even the step before u will satisfy my soul, nothing but you is what i desire, Oh please, please PLEASE, reveal yourself, oh my beloved GOd, you are my light, you are my refuge, you are my love, you are myself, for how long we have been playing? For eternity we will, u and me seaching both each other, for this game is what is, and we both enjoy but as this game starts this game ends, when we will reunite? When will u reveal to myself? When I'll be revealed to yourself? For what is the matter of all existance but your holy game, for this player cannot stand anymore, tired and done he is, for you is his only craving, for the desire that will free himself from all desires. Oh God to your divine mercy, compassion and love I surrender; guide me with your benevolent way towards you, I leave my life into your hands, may the highest of the highest manifest in my life for it to reunite again, oh I know that i've been listened to and I know that everything was given before i asked, also i know that u wanted me to cry at your feet for your hug, oh my god, my beloved God I love and that is all, that is all, that is all.
  2. She is amazing, insane quality videos, helped me a lot to ground myself
  3. @Adamq8 @Eternal Unity Thank u very much for your contribution, I'm very pleased If this keeps leveling up, it's going to blow my mind
  4. Oh, when u discover present is also not real. Oh, when u discover that time is also not real. Oh, when u discover that eternity is also not real. Oh when u discover that timelessness is not real. Oh when u discover that what is beyond time and timelessness is not real. Oh when u discover that what is real or not real is in fact, not real.
  5. As per Hindu wisdom they say this: Self-Control (Shamam), Self-Investigation (vichara), happiness/joy/Bliss (Shanta) and company of liberated beings (Satsanga). Shanta is the supreme fullfilment all beings desire, satsanga the best fellow travelers, vichara the best tool and Shamam the biggest source of happiness. I find it to be a very accurate description, it's the summary of hundred of thousands of people searching for Supreme Liberation, this is what they found most useful in their journey.
  6. Mind always has two poles, doesn't matter what u choose the other pole will torture you. That is the very essence of mind, debating between two options. However, concious actions is complete and perfect, yet it takes time to develope that sensitivity. So my advice is, choose something and make it the right decision. So whatever you choose is the correct way. Also I recommend you to start learning about alchemical procces and mastering the transmuting art. This is in fact the work of a master of life, to transform all experience into higher wisdom so that everything is used for a higher purpose and is continuosly being evolved.
  7. If that is your interest there is nothing like psychedelics. I mean that is what they do, that is one of their essence.
  8. @Bojan V Well we all have the potentiality to be so. We are all avatars in ignorance of our own being and powers. Is something like the Buddha nature in all beings. However, you have not discover it yet. So it is not about who is or not, we all are, it is about being integrated and authentic with that truth. @Alan Reji If u knew anything about him you would know that is impossible. He has no desire at all for this world, he is just a temporar traveler that is all. It is the clothes and rudraksha the only thing he uses, as a means for trasmitting better the message. U don't need nike shoes to run but they definately help, however give those shoes to a baby. The fact, is that if u believe those who are saying that you would have killed Christ at the time. Like where is your common sense? U think an avatar will manifest in this reality and there will be no strong oposition? No strong lies and manipulation? A full complot for destroying him? Honestly where is your common sense. It is precisely because an avatar is the gateway, the shortcut, that he will always face this kind of situations. Moreover, this full bullshit that is going arround him is the final reason that makes me be sure that he is an avatar. If he faced no strong opposition, It would be clear that he is not an avatar. The same way with Osho, an extraordinary Buddha. One of the most self-educated persons that have walked this earth, he was a bibliophilie. In fact, he was about to be one of the humans who read more books in all human history, however one day he just saw that he had nothing to learn about them and never read a book again. A being who truly saw beyond and understood all aspects and dimensions of life and celebrated his existance. Then people belive this kind of bullshit that was being said about him. Like, really??? I mean you are here for the Truth and u just buy whatever they tell you, it simply amazes me. It is in fact, this opposition that faces all awake people the key distinction to know how advanced a teaching is. Or is Leo Gura a cult leader? It is a thing you would only buy due to your ignorance, because now that u truly now Leo: How that outrageous sounds? (PD: Some Gurus are also total bullshit and have done terrible things in name of being a Guru. That should be very much taken into account and is one of the worse crims that can be committed in this reality, in terms of karmic debt is beyond imaginable. However, all I'm trying to say is that anyone who is saying something advanced an true MUST encounter this types of things. For me it is even a confirmation that he is a an amazing teacher)
  9. @Tim R Very good point about breaking the duality between experience and non-experience. However, breaking or understanding are more dualities. I love how misterious and incomprehensible non-duality is.
  10. It is funny how u are trying to create a duality in your non-dual model. In fact, this morning I had my first non-dual experience were I left this reality and went like the default screen of existance, like the insert disc in a launcher of videogames. And I was very aware that I was the one experiencing and the experience itself and it felt very natural. I was a part and the whole for being able to in fact experience in the first place in that deeper level of the fabric of reality. Then very funny, the disc was inserted and I am at this reality and I'm enjoying it pretty much, it's a good game honestly.
  11. I enjoy seeing that few have truly done research about who It is actually, neither you are conciouss of spiritual hierarchy, which is in fact a very complex topic in it's own. It is an incarnation, such things do happen. You can be in this realm and acces the divine or the divine may come to this realm, both arrive at the same place, however subtle distinction are done. I may understand your reluctance about him, I had the same, but I encourage you to actually see for yourself and know the work that he is doing. He is an avatar and is the 1008 Incarnation of Paramashiva, it is actually the oldest unbroken lineage ever. The manifestation of an avatar is extremely rare, one is Sri Anandamayi Ma (perfect being since being born) and Babaji which is a being who trascended and keeps alive his form for the love to the Truth-Seekers. It is very very rare, such things are miracles and gifts from God, offering itself. Is he such thing? Idk, check for yourself. Investigate for yourself, see some of his Darshan. Or even better, go to see him in form and come again and say it's a just regular man. I promise, if u see this being all your life will be transformed. That is the grace of such beings, in fact the reason of it's existance. Each avatar comes for a purpose a reason. Some just are in ecstasy, others guide in silence, others have a more active play in society, they are the same being. If anyone is truly interested in knowing the Truth about avatars and spiritual hierarchy beyond mere talk or debate of opinions, I really recommend the book: Wings to Freedom from Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath. It's very cheap to talk, very few truly wanna go deep in all the questions that are mentioned in this amazing forum, they just want easy answers, however this topic is almost as deep as u can get. Because not only you are trying to understand the higest states possibles in existance, you are trying to understand their level of realization from your own and then categorize it. Like a baby trying to understand rocket science. We sometimes have to be humble in this work and understand that we don't know shit.
  12. Surprisingly, the best experience of life is to just be. And we always are. But we generate layer upon layer of noise and action or non-action. Where everything we do from meditation, to yoga, to psychedilcs is just more layers, more noise. Just be. I mean that is all. Be and enjoy your beingness. Do not seek for awakening, awakening is not a thing that will happen when... awakening is a happening, is a reality. And u can't say I'm awake or not awake, because it just is. It is more primal, as core as u can get. From that point everything else, all duality and non-duality, or delusions and truths, the whole cosmos manifests. Yet you are. Do not lose more in this endless game, just take a moment: This exact moment and be. I am, I amness and that is all, rest in your being, rest in your natural state, in your natural way of being, own yourself, be yourself. Rest in your Self. OM
  13. I'm not usually interested at all in this topics, I'm more of a God-realized searcher. However I really have this question in my mind that due to my ignorance in this topic I cannot resolve. For me, all societies are like a game, now we play roman, now we play Babylonic, now feudalism, now communism, now capitalism. However, I was thinking about it in a higher perspective, what a bullshit game honestly. Honestly, who the fuck wants this society? What sense has to work this much? All this scientific (or whatever self-masturbation interest have society in it's time) non-sense? In the way that we all just could live a very simple, tranquil and happy life. Technology is an amazing tool but we could take life more chill, because in fact now technology allows us to do so. In the sense that, we can truly build the society of our dreams and we are in a cyclic wheel of suffering, running pleasure after pleasure and the system encourages that. For then what an absolute disfunctional societies we have been creating, I mean as a game it's not a one I would ever play at least. We could say that Tibet or some parts of India at one time arrived at some decent games, but in general I'm really surprised and shocked. Maybe I'm projecting all this, maybe it's not what I would like society to be and I'm making up everything. But honestly, if we took humanity and make them build again society, would really anyone create this? Even close? Even remotely close? Idk, hope that u could give some insights because at least for my own I have arrived to a dead spot. Where something is missing, to make at least a bit of sense of this profound disfunctionality of earth that we are always creating.
  14. I found this video that I think will explain my point about full circle, and the trap of absolute. When not well integrated with relative and absolute. When dual and non-dual is not regarded as one and the same.
  15. When u awaken u discover who u are, so you will be aware of who makes that questions and if that is yourself.
  16. @Eren Eeager Because they do not understand the nature of abstinance of sex. By suppressing it they create a problem and that is it's manifestation, one of many. A clear example of how one of the greatests tools that human beings have for advancing spiritually is corrupted when it is imposed or not well understood. This is common among all religions.
  17. @Leo Gura Thank u very much. I'll really meditate upon survival more deeply. If it has called me it is probably the time to truly understand it, in the world and in myself. It has been a pleasure to talk with you.
  18. @Leo Gura Sorry that video is blocked in my country. Could u please send me the link and I'll watch with a vpn.
  19. About electrohypersensitivity I also was very much affected by it. I recommend u to buy an orgonite at home. Wear also Rudraksha bead (108) properly done and have some Shungite or Black Tourmaline. There are many other ways but in my experience these are the best. Hope that I could help you <3
  20. Are u truly saying that Love is just a stage Green/hippie thing? lol. Moreover, that a society were love is the base is utopian. I say it very very clear: Any society which is not based upon love is distopian a fucking torture to it's inhabitants. I'm talking about the love of a mother for it's child, I'm talking of the compassion that arises when u see an animal suffering, I'm talking about that Love that u feel when u are in presence of God. Maybe or maybe not. Who knows and what is the point? It is in fact this disfunctionality that I'm pointing at, that truly surprises me.
  21. @Leo Gura I again have to strongly disagree. Of course it is relative to each individual but that is the own interpretation of the individual to a universal experience. That is how each human being cognizes and assimilates a phenomena which is common to all beings (at least beings...) and I would even say that is a cosmic reality. The same an alien would have it's own bios and interpretation of the same phenomena of love and peace. Therefore, each individual will have it's own ideas about how to generate and sustain this states, but the underlying truth and experience is one and the same among all human, animals, plants, aliens... Each at it's own level of understanding, each one just understands what it can understand but the melody is the same. As different beings watching the same movie. One will get the plot, another wouldn't even understand the language but enjoyed the visual aspect of it, another is just thinking about other things... Yet the film is one and the same. So saying that each one has a different idea of the film is true, but the next assumption done that the film therefore must be different: is a big trap. The melody is the same, each one hears/listens what their ear can hear/listen. Is that love or lack of love? It's just the same thing but a more condensed and solid form of love. For what is true is that an individual who is already exuberant in love would not rape. So the fact is the same, is the interpretation of that film. How it thinks that he can get the same underlying truth that each one experiences, by his own understanding and means. It may be his idea of the film, but it is not The Film. So a society which encouraged the understanding of The Film and it's experience; while understanding the meta perspective about the whole game of the ideas about the film, would be the most optimal way to live. Please, I am talking about a much broad understanding of Tibet. So u pointed out that the main blindspot was survival. Yet we have a country whoose survival is brutal where pain, suffering and death was very very common. However, even before Buddhist era, since the shamanic way of live they already had deep compassion and love toward all the people that they had contact with. Instead of happening what u were saying, that survival need would make them lose it all; the opposite happened. So Tibet, has been and is a very clear example that even in the worst survival situations we can still create a good society. Was so the case that when buddhism arrived to tibet had such a great acceptance, because we could say in a way that they were buddhist before buddhism. Moreover, even in this extreme survival conditions a third of the population (just take a few moments to understand how much that is) became monks and lived with the bare minimum to substain it's life.
  22. @Shin Yes, I've studied both in profoundity yet honestly they only made sense up to when I was in yellow and beggining of Turquoise, now is like I get it but they don't have much sense. It's like categories and those distinctions don't have much sense. The ego stages are more deep, however they miss the universal aspects that I talk about. It's like they are focused on what is different, which is in fact very important but what remains the same in all that developement is for me they most important aspects in fact. However, if I changed opinion once it can happen again, so I'm very open to be just stages that society must live. However, rn I can't buy it because it has no real sense, in the way that we all want to be happy and feel love in all those levels of conciousness and understanding.
  23. Do u need to be smart to take a shit? How much intelligence do u need to be? To be the be? For being is the source of intelligence. It may be necessary a bit to understand the basics, but anyone who doesn't shit it's pants is good to go. This is not rocket sciencie, this is about love, conciousness and truth. For they are simple as the laugh of a child and universal as the breath. How much time does it take u to be your Self? What distance u have to travel? What do u have to do/not do? For it is not a thing u accomplish is a thing that is know and u are trying to take out all the bullshit that does not allow u to see what is already here and now, what u are, Your true Self.
  24. @Leo Gura I mean that is what usually happens but it is not a law. A very clear example is Tibet: It's one of the most cruel places to live. Every day u have to survive, u have the most harsh conditions and it is very common to die. Even so, a great compassion toward all being arose in all Tibetan people. So that everyone helped each other. So u have a real example where in one of the most cruel places in the world to live, a great civilization was born from compassion and love to the fellow humans. It has always been like this, but does it truly has to be like this? Sorry, I can't buy that there isn't a much better way of creating, sustaining and transforming technology, without destroying the happiness of other beings. Wow, I strongly disagree. Sure that each one has it's own fantasy. But we all want the same, don't we? Love and peace. For a system that grants that and then let's peple do that dream that u talk about. So u are happy, u are joyfull then pursue whatever u desire or want to do with your time/life. Maybe I'm just saying crazy things but doesn't all this just sound normal? Like they way things should be. Not a fancy or crazy new society idea or whatever, but just a very natural state of living, within ourselves and towards humanity in harmony with mother earth. For what they thought made them happy does not make happy one, as we can really see. For a change of scope is needed, in the individual and therefore reflected in the collective. But Jesus it shouldn't be that hard to create a reality where we all live more or less joyfull.