
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by vizual

  1. Of course there are islamic fundamentalists and legalists who take the Quran literally, and demand that sharia law is followed and enforced by the latter, with the sword. But this won’t work, it’s not sustainable to deny progress over a long period of time. It can cause for stability in the short term, but the resistance of (moral) progress will create danger and chaos in the long term. That’s why you also see more Islamic scholars nowadays who don’t take everything in the Quran literally. At least, they are willing to interpret the texts through a contemporary lense.
  2. If you deny the existence of time you also have to deny the existence of space. Unless you can prove that space exists in the absence of time.
  3. People on this forum will probably say that a stage blue Islamic society is better than a stage red tribal society. Thus Islam serves its purpose on the road of societal development.
  4. You could say the same about woke fundamentalist leftists. It’s funny that people on this forum equate fundamentalism only to right wing people, because there’s as much idiocy going on the left. If you don’t recognize this you are probably in a ‘paradigm lock’ yourself.
  5. Do you have something to add to the discourse? If not, fuck off
  6. Haven't you seen the BLM vandalism and lootings? Not only in the USA, but also in Europe
  7. You are right it’s not fair to compare these two ideologies. Mao Zhedong(directly inspired by Marx) made Hitler seem like a nice guy. And look at China still today. And you think there aren’t any Marxist influences appealing in the US? Just look at BLM(Marxist roots) and Antifa(Marxist roots). They aren’t a threat to democracy? These organizations are even more effective at creating divisions in society through propaganda than the extremists on the right.
  8. The Fascism of the right is as much as a threat as the marxism on the left. Of course videos like these won’t acknowledge that because there’s always bias and agendas going on.
  9. He also sees the trend in society that family values are disappearing, and it is being replaced by 'me'-values. It's all about 'me'. I can have sex with whom I want when I want it, I can be a woman if I'm born a man, I can be a man if I'm born a woman, if I get pregnant I can abort it, my life is about my succes, wealth and fame, my image is the most important thing etc. The trend we now see, especially online, is that families are not respected any more. Being a mother used to be something a woman was proud of, nowadays if a woman is a mother she is basically written off by people on the internet. Having a family seems to devalue people, in stead of giving value. I mean in terms of social 'image'. You are only cool if you party every week, travel the world, go on vacations, share your life on insta, having a youtube channel, picking up women/guys etc. At least, that is the 'ideal' that is being set for young people.
  10. You just know people are going to flash dicks on their cars for fun
  11. Liz Wheeler, because she's smart and I have a crush on her
  12. Does the book come with samples of psychedelics? Maybe hidden in the cover or in the paper. Pages made of the ayahuasca plant.
  13. It's nutritionally basically empty. It won't hurt you, but it isn't particularly healthy either
  14. Before one studies Zen, mountains are mountains and waters are waters; after a first glimpse into the truth of Zen, mountains are no longer mountains and waters are no longer waters; after enlightenment, mountains are once again mountains and waters once again waters.
  15. If you are suffering it means God is calling you
  16. The source of all chronic disease is in the mind. If you have a healthy mind, your immune system can fight off basically anything. If you have an unhealthy/unstable/unbalanced mind, not only are you more susceptible from catching external diseases, you are also way more likely to develop internal diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. There are a lot of people that have had bad health scares that forced them to reevaluate how they approached life. And if you are able to recalibrate your mind in a more healthy way, your body is able to heal again through the mind. I know people that became almost different people because of a health scare, it was either change or die.
  17. There is a massive income equality in Saudi Arabia. The rich are insanely rich, and the poor are will struggle more than in western countries. Also, higher education is generally only accesable for the rich.
  18. Don't get it unless you need to for pragmatic reasons i.e. get into social venues or it's mandated at your work environment.
  19. To be the biggest winner you also have to be willing to be the biggest loser. This is real humility. The willingness to be wrong and the willingness to lose.
  20. If pedosexuality is an innate disposition since birth/early childhood, just like homosexuality probably is, then it should be acknowledged as such. Otherwise you prevent it from being studied any further, you deny the truth of the matter. And in the case of homosexuality; 'conversion therapy' is deemed ineffective and is now even considered immoral. It's highly unlikely that a homosexual becomes a heterosexual. At least I have not seen such examples where the primary attraction of the same sex transforms into a primary attraction to the other sex.
  21. Of course pedophilia happens in nature. Just like it has been happening since the dawn of mankind with humans. In human history; things like pedophilia, rape and murder are the norm, not the exception. Nature doesn't care about your age, if the woman is able to procreate than she's ready. Of course pedophilia is not moral, just like rape and murder are not moral.
  22. you are arguing for the fallacy that we first have to tackle a bigger problem before we can tackle a smaller problem. And I'm saying that's nonsense.
  23. Ruining your marriage doesn't make you enlightened. It's hard to judge from the outside, I don't know how their marriage is like. It's possible that the woman kept on growing in her life, and her husband became stagnant. Thus they grew apart and could not connect with each other any longer. In that case it's understandable the woman feels frustrated. In that case; I do think, if someone get married, they have the moral obligation to make an honest effort to save the marriage. Especially if there are kids involved. It's still possible that the husband will 'see the light' maybe through marriage counseling and open communication between wife and husband. But there are also cases where the man or woman just 'wants to live it up'. And let go of all responsibility, they just don't want to deal with it any longer. That has got nothing to do with being enlightened, in that case you are just a selfish asshole/bitch. It really depends on the particular circumstances and individuals involved.
  24. Have you read or listened to Christian apologetics? They can really get you to think and advance your spiritual development, even if you aren't a Christian. And they make you understand and appreciate the themes of the Bible more. I'm talking about writers like Thomas Aquinas, CS Lewis, GK Chesterton, St. Augustine. And you can watch Youtube channels like Bishop Barron, but also the work of Jordan Peterson on Christianity. You have to find some spark in yourself to keep searching.