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Everything posted by Hulia

  1. The logical guys are the funniest. Because the essence of joke is the absense of logic in everyday life.
  2. I could even get along with a blonde, but not with a dog! Terrible creatures and their owners are the worst. Animals belong into woods.
  3. yeah, where the lists are made happy now? ?
  4. Me being around have never stopped you from taking your path - preferably in other direction ?
  5. All pisces that I know, were looking for a strong hand. But ended up by mastering the life for both. But yeah, still pretending that they couldn´t do it without that other hand
  6. I thought, you were a descending master ? women, cars, night clubs have you changed your path?
  7. You are more mature, wise and intuitive than an average. But less confident. That´t all. They cannot help you a lot, because you can help yourself much better.
  8. :)))) I hate you too. I am even more inexperienced in house and garden work. So take a less evil and stop nagging.
  9. I am the one with stocking not with jacket. Spare house and garden work for I
  10. stretching cult ?
  11. The meetings with male managers are just terrible. I hate them. The whole thing is about to pull each other down. To degrade and humiliate. Not to let the others come to the word. This is all. And not the problem solving. Afterwards there are more problems than before. Dusgusting.
  12. Btw you´d meditate better after yoga and pranayma, your spirit would be more quitened. But a spiritual yoga with being in every assana for at least 5 min, you can mediatate also while stretching
  13. Wrong! You see, you don´t know anything about me! Not a single meeting today. Everyone on vacation. My polnish star is quitting. New job, 50% more salary. We exchanged the numbers. She told, she would would do a headhunting on me and make a big boss out of me, if she rises at her new job. ? Gurl power. Not like you men, always afraid of competition
  14. You are exactly like @Zeroguy! Telling goodbye is also his favourite occupation. Who knows. ? Maybe you two are the same fat guy writing from the basement of his mum ?
  15. Why do you have such a strange name "Health"? I thought at first you had issues, because I knew a girl who took a nickname "slim" because she´s got chubby. I´m glad, you are healthy
  16. Oh, I do! I really do! But the guys are too shallow to see how much worthy I am. And I am too proud to manipulate them into emotional dependence.
  17. What gifts? If he just would love me...
  18. Sorry to tell you, but you won´t get there.. As long as I am not ready with loving the whole universe. Fucking path of love.
  19. You could be such an excellent PU coach! You have such a right approch to get almost every woman in your bed! All the guys here should catch every single word your prescious fingers are tipping!
  20. I am always deprived of what I am wanting in love affares. I guess, it´s my karma, my path of love, my mission. To learn to love the whole universe and not just one guy. And Leo should learn to do without caviar. P.S: I just recalled. One guy on that vacation bought as drinks and after that he wanted us to learn his wife. We went into his hotel room. And ta-ta! There was his wife sleeping. He woke her, because he wanted her to learn us. We were sitting together at the table and eating peaches and grapes. And the guy was so happy that he invited us for dinner in the restaurant . We 4 had a glamorous dinner in the evening. And the drinks! And that was it! We never quite understood, what it was, but it didn´t bother us, as long as we could have our drinks. Maybe his wife was also on the path of love
  21. :)))))))) I just sensed you around here and wanted to specify, since you are a conservative serb. Well look at us.. Did I have sex with you? No.
  22. I was once on vacation with my friend and we decided to check if we can have every evening drinks without having to pay for them. It was a challenge for us. And we´ve done it! Last evening on the night train home we told each other: Well this evening doesn´t count, the vacation is over. And then we saw guys passing by our compartment, we exchanged the looks, and this evening we had our drinks too. The vacation lasted 10 days. I haven´t had sex with anybody and my friend had sex only with one guy, with whom she would have sex anyways - drinks or no drinks. I think, she would even buy him drinks herself if needed. The security boss.
  23. You are the best questionner of this forum! How could they through you out??? wicked people
  24. Have 0 experience with English folks. Only from Toast masters, but I guess, they are not the same who are the worst tourists. Very cultivated and eloquent