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Everything posted by Nemra

  1. @Leo Gura, you told me you could learn and do philosophy with an AI, minus the technical rigor. Have you changed your mind, or is it different for philosophy?
  2. @Leo Gura, 😂. Whenever I listen to someone using sodomy against gays, I want to slap them on their righteous face. Sodomy was about sexual abuse, as I understand it.
  3. @integration journey, can't gay people believe in the same thing and fight in war like others? Notice how they justify why not to give them rights. Why not just say I find them disgusting rather than give complicated explanations for why it is unnatural. I'm not saying that gays have to have a right there. If they aren't giving them rights, why not send them to countries that have gay rights?
  4. It depends on the country. I went to a university where they teach subjects that aren't useful and also don't prepare for jobs. They are filled with professors that are there to defend their carriers and get angry if you didn't get their stupid and poorly explained subjects. They didn't teach their subject well and just expected us to somehow get it. All of them gaslight you that getting a job is not that important than continuing "education". And the job market is so bad. But I got lucky in getting a job. Education is such a shit show in my country and ideological as hell.
  5. Anthony Jeselnik: Thoughts and Prayers Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward
  6. But do people really know that A=A? I don't think Thaddeus got what Patterson was saying.
  7. @Joshe, the right is focused on cats. Lol.
  8. @Joshe, I had to do a Google search to understand what he meant. 😂
  9. @Buck Edwards, being gay is more fundamental than being religious. 😏
  10. I don't understand how these people don't see that cultures have influence on each other. However, I think cultures aren't equal, and there's some kind of universal path for all of them.
  11. @Leo Gura, did you study it, or was it part of the curriculum?
  12. @Husseinisdoingfine, I think you got 3 options. Either you get good at calculus, etc., (I don't know whether your parents have laid a path for you or you think that they have been doing that) or in the meantime, find other ways, or tell your parents your thoughts, regardless of how they would react. In families, there will always be games, so why not start showing them the real you? I think you are afraid of them knowing a bit more about you, which is understandable. I mean, you don't have to tell them, but if only they can help you, then maybe tell the truth about your situation.
  13. Well, you can't know if you can bear something if you aren't aware of it. I bet there are many things that you won't be able to bear in real life. You can't know if you love some truth if you aren't aware of it yet, even if you say you love truth.
  14. He meant that if you discover some truth that you can't bear, then that is truth.
  15. Anti-AI people maybe should quit talking and writing.
  16. I meant you have to use it to understand what it is and then maybe form critique. You can observe it without using it, but that differs from actually using it and understanding it.
  17. Use AI and then maybe form critiques. Observing people's usage of AI won't tell you much.
  18. How do you use AIs when you want to think, contemplate, or understand something? Have you found limits for AI for those activities? If you don't mind, could you share those limits? Or maybe share your thoughts about what the AI is actually capable of doing compared to non-AI methods. What is a good way and bad way of using AIs, in your opinion, for those activities?
  19. @Joshe, I'm using Claude AI. I'm more focused on gaining a deep understanding of concepts, like ideology (I have been watching Zizek a lot lately, lol). I noticed that they added the project feature but didn't bother to explore what it was built for. Although I thought before about how to write questions and get answers depending on some context without always telling it.
  20. I don't deny Russia's problems. Not the best place to live for people like us.
  21. I'm not sure of that, but Russia still has its tentacles in post Soviet countries, which can be bad for them.
  22. @Husseinisdoingfine, do your parents understand you most of the time? If yes, then why is it hard for you to ask their help if you can't or don't want to do it alone? You have said in one of your previous posts that you want to prove to your ego that you can continue. What is this but a delusion, as you clearly see that it's not going the way you thought.