Muhammad Jawad

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Everything posted by Muhammad Jawad

  1. Day 08 - 23/01/2021 - 30 Mins - Done - Normal I Sat in 30 Min Half Lotus Asana 12 Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Cycles 12 Ujjayi Pranayama Cycles Feel like I still need to practice and correct a few things.
  2. Day 08 - 23/01/2021 - 15 mins - Evening - Done - Very Good I Started Shamanic Breathing while listening following Tribal Drumming: After a few minutes while breathing I started to feel really cold. There was a lot of Tingling in my whole body. My arms & hands are totally numb, Tight, hard and I started to feel pain in my hands. My whole body started to become so hard that it felt like it’s made of stone. As soon as I stopped doing shamanic Breathing, I held the breath inside. And suddenly it felt like I had detached from my body and had become an infinite void. The feeling of the body transforms into just a few sensations, flowing energy and currents. My Mind & Body was filled with Bliss, Joy & Peace. I could feel that all the blockages and knots in my body are opening and I am becoming more lightweight. Negative Emotions, Regret, Sadness, and contraction in my body, chest & brain start to release. There was some kind of blissful source of energy that was in my control and I was using this energy to heal different parts of my body and brain. I could literally move that energy to where I wanted any kind of feeling. I was getting aware of the areas which needed healing through my intuition and feeling. Using this energy I healed many emotions and negative sensations. I was able to scan my whole body and find areas that needed healing. I was like Laser-Sharp attention like a sharp line in the middle of my body. I was feeling like all of the cells of my body were blooming like flowers. It was a really blissful feeling. In the end, I was really Peaceful, Happy & Lightweight. When I came out of my room I was very fresh, active and I was able to look at everything in more colors, refreshing & alive. I was highly alert and my senses were really focused and sharp. I was able to look at others in a more focused and amazing way. My wife said your eyes looked a bit different and your whole overall face looked much more alive. Then I saw myself in the mirror and everything was very clear. I was able to notice each hair, pores on my face. Then in the mirror, I focused on my forehead between my eyebrows. It could see a bit in a different way than I do in normal states. Then Suddenly skin of my forehead which was in my focus filled the whole of my vision and everything else disappeared. Then after a few seconds, I came back to normal.
  3. 1g Magic Mushroom Trip Report - (I am alone) 2g Magic Mushroom Trip Report - (Shower of Love) 3g Magic Mushroom Trip Report - (Infinity) 5g Magic Mushroom Trip Report with Lemon Tek - (I am an Imagination of Nothing)
  4. Day 07 - 22/01/2021 - 30 Mins - Done - Good Wonderful Meditation Experience. It was really deep, peaceful. I lost 80% sense of my body. I was aware of the very clear sound of silence. After a few minutes of meditation, I heard The Sound of “Sheee” in my right year for 2 secs.
  5. 22/01/2021 - Emotionally & Psychologically Bullied by Cousin: My Cousin is behaving with me very rudely and bullying me a lot. He often does that to me. And now I have lost my patience. I can’t take it anymore. It was also really sad for me that my own brothers were also with him and laughing at me and taking his sides. I am crying, asking him why you always target me? Why? If you hate me that much then why don’t you beat me? Why don’t you kill me and he is ignoring me and saying fuck off. I am talking to my parents about his and my brother's behavior.
  6. Thanks a lot for the recommendation. :-) Right. Sure. I will check it out. How much kriya yoga has done? From how many years are you doing that? At which stage you are? Are you noticing benefits? Thanks a lot :-) Namaste :-) Right? Why do you think Anulom Vilom is Gold? Right Right. Sure. Thanks hmmm. Ok. Right. I will look into that as well. :-)
  7. In which category I should post a thread related to My Shamanic Breathing Journey or Progress?
  8. Should I not take a pause and swallow the Slavia when my throat is dry or something?
  9. Right. OK... OK... I understand now. OK... Right. Sorry, What do you mean by that? And What do you mean by that as well? Thanks for the help :-)
  10. @SirVladimir Hi! I hope you are doing well. Sorry for bothering you again :-) Today was my 7th day of SB and For the last 3 days, I am constantly feeling subtle weight, pressure, or pain between my ribs near my stomach. I am not sure If it's from the stomach (Nausea) or this pain is in the Lungs due to intense breathing. What are your thoughts? Thanks
  11. Hello Everyone! I hope you are doing great. Is it the right way to do Ujjayi Pranayama: Waiting for the response. Thanks
  12. Right. Great. @SirVladimir Thanks a lot for the Music reccemedation. :-)
  13. Sure. I am ready to post my SB Journal. I will share the link with you. Thanks a lot :-) What kind of music is suggested to listen to after SB? Could not you able to press the play button?
  14. Right. I will also try to listen to music after SB. Right. I will try and let you know about my experience. Thanks a lot for the response.
  15. Hi! @SirVladimir I hope you are doing well. Sorry for bothering you again. I have 2 more questions: 1. Listening to music on LSD High is a really deep, profound & amazing experience. Does SB High also impact listening to music to make the experience more profound & deep as psychedelics do? 2. In your 100 Days SB Thread you have said that sometimes you played music during the breathing sessions and sometimes after the sessions. So How you were able to play the music during or after the sessions because at that stage, hands get tight and numb etc... Waiting for your response. Thanks
  16. hmmm. Right. I Understand. Thanks for the help :-)
  17. Maybe the reason you are not facing the side effects because you do not do it for 45 mins Daily?
  18. How many minutes do you spend on shamanic breathing daily? Is it safe to spend 30 min on SB in the morning and 15 mins before sleeping on daily basis?
  19. Wao Amazing. Keep it up. I will also try it. Thanks a lot for sharing it. :-)
  20. I did 15 mins of Shamanic Breathing before sleeping. It was amazing. I went into a really deep state of consciousness. I was in a void with no feeling of the body. My Visualisation and imagination power multiplied by 10. Whatever I was trying to visualize or imagine that was manifesting into that void more clearly than the normal state. I was receiving a lot of insights. I was able to experience different states of consciousness. I was able to remain aware while sleeping into Sleeping states. Hypnagogia was a lot more powerful visually. I enjoyed these experiences in that deep state a lot. I was hyperactive psychologically as well. My body was able to sleep but I was still aware of everything. Psychologically it was really hard for me to become unconscious and sleep. After 1 or 2 hours in that state, after all, I slept. Now I have feelings of very different kinds of sleep I experienced last night. I can't explain it. And my dreams were also a lot vivid than my normal routine. Thanks a lot, Brother for the Help, Motivation & Inspiration :-)
  21. Thanks a lot :-) Yes, I read it in your marathon Report. I just wanted to confirm :-) Wooo Right hmm Ok. Then wish me the best of luck because I am going to try it tonight. :-) :-D