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Everything posted by Barbara

  1. @GroovyGuru Have you thought about freelancing? Just search freelance finance jobs or something like that and there’s a lot of stuff you could do, that maybe are even more interesting. To be a freelancer I think you need to be autonomous and comfortable with being self taught. The money can be good (this is relative tho) and you would be working from home
  2. Is it ok for me to ask what's the job about? Or what did you graduated in?
  3. This would be literally me, if I got a corporate job. How long would you need to stay there to be debt free?
  4. @BornToBoil One thing is them fooling around, and that's ok, I guess. The other is them, having a relationship. It will most likely not be equal due to age difference. Like he is the wise one and she's the kid. Easily a hierarchy dynamic would establish among them. I'm 21, not so far from your sister in age, and dating someone with almost 40 would be almost like to meet a fantasy, if I'm honest. And also they're in very different stages in life. Trying to meet each other needs in a relationship would be frustrating for both. He being a teacher is especially weird because, if he has students almost that age, since he should have trained his mind to not look to girls that young in a romantic and sexual way. If he hadn't, is a bad sign. Try understanding his background with relationships and if your sister is the only young girl he dated. But you see, I dated a guy a bit older than me and got manipulated by his "wiseness", lol. So clearly, I'm self biased. Just make sure your sister is always sincere, honest, and coherent with herself. Then she'll probably be fine
  5. Ask your sister if, if she had 37 years, old would be able to look to a 19 yo and be attracted to him. It's super weird. Especially because the guy's a teacher. Maybe he has students near that age.
  6. @Sahil Asthana I do feel the urge to quit.. But yes, time is magical. Many thanks! @d0ornokey I appreciate so much that you shared! I do understand what you saying. I feel that other people's reaction is the biggest crippling fear for me in all of this, since everyone around me thinks that there's no other way than college. But then again, I start thinking I'm only staying for the sake of others and that only makes me wanna quit more. I'm really glad it turned out great for you. Thank you for taking the time. I wish you all the best
  7. @Espaim Thank you for the input! Warmest thanks
  8. @docs20 Well, that is true. Ain't gonna regret finishing it. Thanks for that! Best wishes to you too
  9. @datamonster So nice Thanks! Best wishes
  10. @Forestluv Yes, if I stay, I'm definitely doing that! Thank you @Ananta I wish the best for both of you
  11. It just means it's a fallacy and I want to ground myself in that so I don't make the mistake of falling for it. Yes, I've got the same approach. It's a challenge, but I kinda like that part. Helps me to know myself better. Warm regards
  12. In Portugal, you can do everything with law basically. It gives you a lot a lot of opportunities. From finance, to RH, to law departments ofc, to administrative positions, you name it. @Etherial Cat @Corpus But that's if you want to be hired from a company or employer. I'm not interested in that tho. I promised myself to not sign a work contract next years. That is true and I don't regret it. It's a skill that I've learned, but 4 years to learn how to fill my taxes is too much Thank you for the time! Best wishes for both
  13. @Kalki Avatar Hey, congrats to you! Having a financially comfortable position before LP is one way, yes, but I feel like I can totally do my LP now and figure that out later. But that's only because I'm in a position that I can actually afford to figure it out later. So that would work for me. And I know that there's nothing wrong with not pursuing your lp, but why wouldn't you do it when that's what you want?
  14. @UDT Thanks! But you see, quitting college is far from the easier route. I would put myself in a position I've never been before, I would need to prove to myself that quitting was for a good cause, I would have to face peer pressure from my family and friends to do otherwise, etc. Finishing it is so much easier because I would only have to do what I've been doing so far, passing exams. And I'm kinda afraid to choose to stay until the end, because staying would be my comfort zone.
  15. @Leo Gura I know for sure that I won’t be doing anything with law, as long as I live authentically, so yea.. 7 months, with what i have in mind is a heck of a lot of time. But the thing is 7 months that will give me a degree, I’ll never happen later. 7 months to my lp, I’ll be having forever. I guess it’s kinda of an opportunity. I have to figure it out myself in the end. Your course is awesome btw, Leo! Thank you so much
  16. @kbone yea, more than anything it has been mental challenge to me. But i face it. And that’s the only part I like about being in college thank you!
  17. @Gesundheit yes but thats the sunk cost fallacy. It’s nice to approach it as a plan b tho. Even if it’s only to fool myself to have the will to finish it. Must say, I usually like to read your comments here on the forum! You’re such a straightforward and funny guy. Best wishes to you
  18. @Byun Sean I’m very serious about my lp and thinking about opening a small business or something yes. I like business related stuff, like leadership. These 7 months i would acquire so many skills, man.. it gives me the chills only thinking about it. And I’ll acquire some of them anyway, but I’ll have this other thing sucking my precious energy and time. Law comes in handy for business tho. Anyway, thank you very much for your input! Warm regards
  19. @OnceMore @Moon thank you very much for your insights guys! Moon, I’m portuguese, so I don’t really know what’s the equivalent in usa. But a law degree here, has no master included.
  20. @Dryas Awesome video, helped a lot. Thanks!
  21. @VerballyHazardous Hey, appreciate your comment I can't see how this is a matter of belief or not. It's a fact that WEF is proposing a global shift that they call the great reset, just go to their website. But this can be a great thing, you know. They talk about changing capitalism to a healthier state, and they truly have the means to do so, maybe the only ones who have it. But on the other hand, I can also see how this can be kinda fairytaly. Because it would imply that those companies who partnered with wef would lose some profit, for a more sustainable world (I actually read on their website that this is a goal of theirs). And this is great, but it's hard for me to believe since it would imply a great advance in society. And maybe this is a limiting belief of mine. I'm ready to be proven wrong. I totally agree with you. But you see, these negationists movements of the pandemic and the need for lockdown are just a symptom of the times we are going through. In the USA there was also the Anti-Mask League in 1918 when the Spanish Flu hit. It's actually funny to see this happening again. But it's totally dangerous and separatist, as you put it. I don't think tho, this has to do with the great reset. Sure, the same ppl will come and put the blame on the globalist government or whatever, but I'm not concerned about the great reset because of this. It's simply because of the amplitude this has, the silence that accompanies it, and the impunity that distinguishes these worldwide organizations when endowing with enormous power.
  22. @abrakamowse But it strikes me tho how far away this is from us. Meaning that our decisions can only be a little impacted on national governments, maybe in America, only on the federal level. But this, the things that actually can impact our entire reality, it's beyond our consent and sovereignty.
  23. @Preety_India But the WEF is a serious international organization openly proposing the "Great Reset" on their website
  24. @Preety_India The so called Great Reset?