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About DutchmanBeats

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  1. Sex education Stage Blue The only way to combat this work of the devil is through more prayer and time kneeling before our savior Jesus Christ! Sex before major is the equivalent to a train ticket to hell and I'll be damned if I let my daughter anywhere near those Satan spawn atheists. We need to teach kids more John 14:10 rather than sex. "Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work." John 14:10. Clearly this warned us about these barbaric times we are now facing. John tried to warn us that only the father can teach us TRUTH and we must direct all of our attention to him by reading the bible until all our sins are finally cleansed. PS: Buddhists are on their way to hell. So is that actualized guy.
  2. LEOOOO CONGRATS ON 1 MILLION I'm 21 years old and I've been following your content for years and have had many amazing insights and experiences from your teachings. Thank you so much. My questions 1. Describe how you acted when you were younger. Explain your personality as a child, then teenager all the way to the present date and the major events that made you who you are today. 2. TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAMILLYYYYYYYYYYYYY...…..we're curious. 3. Tell us about your social life/friends/relationships. 4. Most interesting/memorable life experiences/moments. List a few you son of a bitch. 5. How did you get into enlightenment. I bet this is gonna be a popular one. Thank you so fucking much for the free content, booklist and LPC. This has helped me and my entire group of friends so much. I don't like admitting it because I'm a motherfucker but I'd probably be fucked without your content. I wouldn't have came across enlightenment if it wasn't for you. I wouldn't have came across so much amazing life advice if it wasn't for you. Thank you so much Leo!