Zack Del Ray

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About Zack Del Ray

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  1. @neutralempty I am obsessed with cat skulls, haha.
  2. it is not about finding or discovering your purpose in life, this idea that somehow through some work you will find what is it that you are best designed for to do on this earth for the rest of your life is just... well let's say it may not work for some of us out there struggling to find it. you see, I believe that for me, I don't want this overall something that defines me as who I am, because for me I find that the only thing that matters is what do I want to create. and there is plenty, perhaps a never-ending list of things that I want to bring from a vision into reality. I can make a film and be called a filmmaker I can design a game and be a game designer I can write a book and be a writer I am defined by what I create, well, this what you are focusing on, the identity, not the creation itself. but creation is the whole story itself. of course, this isn't practical for some of you because there is no career to be made around it, no money to earn from it, and no certainty to derive of it, but this idea that you can find this whatever that makes you engaged and living on purpose on an everyday basis is just not going to work. After all, it won't last you will always with doing anything in life, whether you feel passionate and love for it or not, you will always run out of this juice that it holds, because you poked a hole and started to suck from it, and when it runs out you say "AHH! what a waste of my time" but the truth is, it is not a waste of your time, it's simply you are done, and you need to move on, this how it works. I wanted to make a film and I made it, but I don't feel the desire to make another one or advance myself or keep mastering my filmmaking skills, or throw a fit and be upset for wasting months of my life thinking that this might be IT, what my whole life will be about, NAH. move on, find this next thing you want, it won't end, but SOMEDAY, you will hit this unique magical something that makes you obsessed and even addicted to it, like out of nowhere after maybe a good enough bunch of random creations here and there you suddenly discover you made this piece of music over here and you just want to make another one, and then ANOTHER ONE, and then you just can't, I mean you CAN NOT see beyond it anymore, in a good way I mean, all you see right now is music, you might stay like this for the rest of your life, and that is good, now you got yourself a field to master and dominate, an identity, a something that defines you and engages you, with certainty. this is how it is made, ask Leonardo Da Vinic: Me: Hey Leo? Leo: Mhm? Me: Why did you Painted, drew, sculpted, did science, engineered, architected, and didn't find your purpose? Leo: The **** you talking about? (I know, I didn't exactly make a point but HEY, he did a whole bunch of stuff, and he truly lived, out of what? just the pure plain desire to create something) did he stick with this one field and drilled it to death? did he felt like life is meaningless and there is nothing for him to do? or did he seek and found what he was after? Nope, just created what he wanted, whether it made sense or not, to him or others, all he cared about is his desire for it to exist. but do understand, the word "creating" isn't only about this thing you want to create, it doesn't matter, the only thing that does is your desire for this IDEA, this THOUGHT in your mind that accompanies with it a DESIRE, a sort of FORCE that makes you want to manifest it into physical reality. it doesn't have to be a piece of art, It can simply be an experience like love with someone else, to travel, to cook, anything with a desire that creates not fulfills so don't mistake it for responding to the desire of eating a big fat burger, this is what I like to call fulfilling a need, not a desire, there is no creation to it it is not about this one idea that you will build a whole future upon, limiting your thinking in such a way you keep yourself trapped in a hole of your own making, stop thinking like that and just figure out what you want to create by searching into yourself for this simple plain pure desire and do it. stop thinking about how it is going to serve you in terms of money, career, or whatever. stop thinking about it as an end to some sort of something you are after, know that when you achieved this pure desire that another will pop up for you, and in my own direct experiences I found that you might desire new things that you never otherwise would have thought of doing before, but you do now because of change that you went through by following this desire in the first place. it is not about life purpose, it's about living, living as a human being which is responding to those desires that you have and taking action upon them, not giving a single fuck about what comes next or how it is going to make a difference in the world, just living for yourself, always help yourself before helping others, so do so, this is not selfish, it's being human, nay! fully human, because you responding to those desires that keep floating in your mind. this is what it all comes down too, being engaged on a journey of adventure, clueless about what to come but enjoying the process of it, be it painful or joyful. because if you are living doing nothing to respond to your desires and just fulfilling needs of toxic effects then of course you suffer, because you're not living to your nature, to simply just create, this is why god made that mechanism of desiring in there in the first place buddy, and don't you tell me that you don't know what you want, start with something small, and it will begin to flow faster and faster with time and use.