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About Cascader

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  1. We can’t answer the poll, because neither of them are fully correct. They’re both partial opinions on a reality that is vast, complex, and ever-changing. If you want to generalize, you could say humans are caught in a bind between survival and higher, more loving inclinations. Depending on when you take a “freeze frame”, you can find brutal behavior or selfless behavior. Wrapping it up in a single blanket statement about humanity’s nature just doesn’t feel right, because it can’t be true, it can only be a belief. What’s the use in taking on a belief like this, as opposed to simply living in the not-knowing and handling humans on a case-by-case basis?
  2. I came across this stage Green organization today called Project Wren. It's a neat effort to combat climate change by harnessing the power of individuals. You can go on their site, calculate your carbon footprint, and offset it via a monthly subscription. They seem to have a smart strategy for making use of your funds, including forestry and tree planting initiatives in places where there are multiple intersecting benefits, and investing in promising tech. You can choose whether to devote your funds to a specific cause or to a diverse portfolio of causes. For other stage Green and above folks, this can be a meaningful way to feel like you're doing something about climate change. Of course, there's so much more to do to create the systemic change that's necessary, but while the U.S. government is floundering we can't sit still. Just thought I'd share.
  3. Hi futuredoctor, Your post inspired me to make an account on the forum. I wanted to pass on a few words as a fellow gay person on the path. The world isn't universally friendly to gay people, and it sucks. However, you can regain your power by recognizing that what really matters in the end is how you view yourself, and how you relate to yourself. Based on what you wrote, I would suggest you work on deepening your self-compassion and love for yourself. While you may not feel attractive, it really is possible to come to accept who you are, the way you are, and from that place transformation becomes ever more empowered. There is no need to become more alpha or more masculine. People all across the spectrum of gender expression have their place and are beautiful (from my perspective). So try to decipher whether your desire to become more masculine comes from a place of excitement to grow, or from a place of deficiency. A couple things that may help in particular are: (1) seeking a therapist if you can afford it, particularly one who is LGBTQ+ friendly, as this will allow you to voice your patterns of thought to someone who is empathetic and ever-listening. (2) developing a mindfulness practice. The crazy thing is, all of the judgments you are experiencing are just thoughts in your head, and if you focus on becoming more aware of the ego's patterns, much of these judgments will begin to dissolve. Small changes in your mindset will compound over time, and if you stick to it, you will be shocked at how much progress you can make. Much love to you on your journey.