John Mitchell

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About John Mitchell

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  1. @Parththakkar12 This is exactly how I feel, I feel like shit for never being in a relationship but I feel like I am not allowed to and its something I have to hide in society, especially around girls. Check this video out
  2. @UDT I'm working out, i'm fit. Meditation, Yoga, Workouts every day. I'm now microdosing to try and deal with depression.
  3. Yes im very well-off with lots of free time, social anxiety and depression
  4. I'm a 32 year old software developer living on my own. I never had a girlfriend and my life is pretty lonely. My parents always want me to move back in with them because of loneliness. Most of my social contact is with my parents, but even then I dont talk to them much. I'm always in my head. Do you think it would be a good idea to move back home?
  5. Here is a classical trained psychotherapist who is also incorporating meditation/spirituality concepts trying to help gamers/incels/etc. on youtube.
  6. @ColeMC01 I don't, I consider myself average. I have no idea, there is just something about me that makes it Impossible for girls to see me in a sexual way, if I knew what it was I would fix it. But if I am totally honesf I'm not a good looking guy at all so that makes it hard of course, but I dont want to talk about myself like that its a slippery slope for me.
  7. @Jacob Morres lmao you really think starting a business or doing meditation is going outside social norms? Society would not exist if not for someone starting businesses, its not frowned upon at all. Meditation/Yoga is also mostly seen in a positive light, and even if you have fringe hobbies as long as you are not pushing it in other peoples faces most stuff is socially accepted. im not talking about not being into mainstream stuff, I'm talking about basic social contracts, like not being rude to strangers. Why not go on the street and start kicking people in the nuts? This is going against social norms and a healthy mind will almost not let you do it.
  8. 1-2 girls PER year is fucking insane, I would be more than content with that.
  9. Life is not a movie. Notice how almost every guy has approach anxiety, it's definitely not a disorder. What you are doing is breaking social norms - Its your bodies way of saying "hey man if you do this you gamble with your survival" and its perfectly normal. Yes 1 in 500 women will probably sleep with you, she might be hot but probably has metal deficits like low self-esteem because she doesn't pick up on your out-of-line behavior. If you would go to work naked tomorrow your body would respond with massive resistance to not break this cultural norm, and you want to fight that low-level instinct and call it self improvement? Its fucking nuts, nothing more.
  10. It was 28% in 2018.
  11. @Timur The bar for what is an acceptable man has been rising dramatically in the last 10 years. 31% of Males aged 22-35 are now virgins. Dont just blame external factors but also I dont think ite healthy to blame yourself for everything. If you had a life sentence in prison would you blame yourself for not having sex? This is bullshit, under certain circumstances its just very hard. @Leo Gura ironically did a rant against pickup and yet he is closed minded about this topic for years and advocates only a generic hardcore pickup approach to all dating problems.
  12. Yeah I'm aware I'm making excuses. But I still think the major struggles you face in life are not random. I dont think there was any way for me not to end up where I am.
  13. @Leo Gura I don't want to sleep with hundreds of super models at all. In fact I don't give a shit about that. If that is the cost than tell me why 95% of guys don't approach hundreds of girls and still manage have an average sex life. I see it happening in other people, opportunities for relationships just present themselves magically. Its something I don't see happening in my life. You are thinking surprisingly Materialistic on this point, like if the Universe is just "atoms bouncing around randomly" like you often say. Having trouble with relationships is just not part of most peoples Dharma, they didn't come here to struggle half their life getting into relationships, they have other lessons to learn so this is a minor part that sorts itself out. But it is such a central theme in my life that this was probably not a mistake, its part of my Dharma, the suffering I have chosen to go through as as a catalyst. I may have to overcome it through meditation, approaching girls, maybe it will bring me to the edges of suicide or maybe it just sorts itself out once it has shaped me into who I should become. We will see.
  14. @Leo Gura I have not cold-approached hundreds of girls if that's what you are getting at, but I did some. I decided against this hardcore approach, because I'm not cut out for it. I tried meeting women in traditional ways. I also firmly belief that there is a good reason why approach anxiety exists. Its likely a mechanism guarding you against doing something that will lower your social status from a time when humans lived in tribes. You don't want to be that guy that just hits on every girl in the tribe, selfishly disregarding any social conventions. I admit this doesn't translate to big cities but even then, if you frequent the same bars/places you will gain a reputation as "that guy" and people will just avoid you. If you live in a smaller town doing this shit while being awkward can destroy your status. There is good reason 95% guys will just shake their heads if you talk about wildly hitting on women alone in the streets. This stuff is so far removed from the reality of how guys get into relationships, only people inside the pickup bubble believe this is how things should go, and they are in that bubble because they were dysfunctional to begin with.