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About trueself

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    South Africa
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  1. Just a bit of background before I go into what I am experiencing... You guys reading prob get these type of questions all the time...but I am posting anyways! Always been into meta physics, reality, etc. for my whole life. Stumbled upon Leo's youtube channel about 4 years back. Been listening non stop. I must admit I have2 not meditated as much as he suggests. But I do practice alot of mindfulness in general day to day life. Ok that's it for the very short intro.. How does one put this into words..not sure if my Kundalini has awoken or what is going on. It started about 3 days ago while driving. Basically I had a very deep understanding / realization that the I or me is a complete illusion. As soon as I "thought" that or realized that, some weird feeling and extremly good feeling started to course throughout my body. I almost had to pull the car over. That was 3 days ago, now it seems whenever I think and I mean DEEPLY contemplate this "I am an illusion" this feeling starts up again. I have had about 7 or 8 of these experiences in the past 3 days! It's pretty powerful! Almost like all body orgasm? It seems I can almost do this at will? Any insights here? Is harmful to do this too much? It also seems to spontaneously wants to start at times. Thank you!