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Everything posted by Ibgdrgnxxv

  1. I'd call it an elitist mind. Sometimes it ia intentional. Sometimes it is not. [33:4] Allah has not made for a man two hearts in his interior A Heaven, is not anything that you could imagine. ____________
  2. Others too. Who are triggered by the Quranic revelations. I don't get it.
  3. Everyone are triggered by their own projections. By their own reflections. This got me feel like nobody can get into my mind. It is up to me whether I wanna let it known or unknown.
  4. ♠ And those who, when an oppressive wrong is inflicted on them, they defend themselves. And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation – his reward is [due] from Allah. Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers. And whoever retaliates after having been wronged – those have not upon them any cause [for blame]. The blame is only against those who wrong the people and tyrannize upon the earth without right. Those will have a painful punishment. And whoever is patient and forgives – indeed, that is of the matters [worthy] of resolve. And he whom Allah sends astray – for him there is no protector beyond Him. And you will see the wrongdoers, when they see the punishment, saying, "Is there for return [to the former world] any way?" And you will see them exposed to it [the Fire], fully humbled out of disgrace, stealing glances. And the believers will say, “The ˹true˺ losers are those who have lost themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection.” The wrongdoers will certainly be in everlasting torment. _____________________ ♦ Quran [42] v39-45
  5. This is a forseeable future : Everyone will come back to Islam. Till then. [29:47-52]
  6. You have been abused a lot so u accept abuse.
  7. @Mvrs when you die you can look at the people on earth.
  8. Health is wealth. That's it. When it comes to your mental and physical body, you shouldn't consider anyone's perspective but your own. Your own and only. To go under the knife is against your own physical well being. Mentally too. It will cause a long lasting trauma.
  9. In my religion we call this Sa'ah (السَّاعَة), which simply means "Time" .
  10. @Shunyata this is what I know. There is individual end time and a everything end time. One is individual death. The other, when the whole universe comes to an end. Both is a sure thing. But we should only worry about the individual death. Not the death itself, but what we could do now while it last. For after that your chances would be finished. There will be no death after death.
  11. Thoughts on trans genderism. 4. An-Nisā' (The Women ) [4:117] Instead of Allah, they only invoke female gods and they ˹actually˺ invoke none but a rebellious Satan— cursed by Allah—who said, “I will surely take hold of a certain number of Your servants. I will certainly mislead them and delude them with empty hopes. Also, I will order them and they will cut the ears of cattle and alter Allah’s creation.” And whoever takes Satan as a friend instead of Allah has certainly suffered a tremendous loss. [4:120] Satan makes them promises, and creates in them false desires(hopes); but Satan's promises are nothing but deception. [4:121] They will have their dwelling in Hell, and from it they will find no way of escape. [4:122] And those who believe and do good, We will soon admit them into Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. Allah’s promise is the truth. And whose word can be more truer than Allah’s? [4:123] Not your wishes, nor those of the People of the Book (can prevail): whoever works evil will be requited accordingly. And nor will he find, besides Allah, any protector or helper. [4:124] If any do deeds of righteousness, whether male or female, and have faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them. [4:125] Who can be better in deen than one who submits his whole self to Allah, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith (haneef)? For Allah did take Abraham as a friend. [4:126] And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah it is that encompasses all things. [ Quran, chapter 4, verse 117-126. ] Back then, people would want to kill their female child. Burying their daughters. Those who fears power being taken from them (Pharaoh. Namrūd) would kill the male newborn. Now 2020 , people would actually hate their given self. (But I think transgenderism is kinda outdated).
  12. It's such a pity. A point of no return. Once you have make your voice coarse, you can never have your feminine voice again.
  13. HEALTH IS WEALTH. You can't afford to lose it. Once you cut yourself, it is a point of no return. You will regret it. However you feel, have nothing to do with changing your body into a lower x. Whatever you are born with, is the healthiest it could ever be. Don't try to change anything physically.
  14. I love people who didn't change. Never change. Ever.
  15. By definition, God is the Highest. If your god have to be retired, it aint God.
  16. Can you guess what this is? I just take this pic randomly.
  17. Sure There are many numbers too. But it wouldn't be other than 1-9
  18. I'd feel bad to deny a genuine serving. But when it comes to halal food, I'd be very picky.
  19. @Natasha if people were to offer you food while you're on diet would you choose self respect or people's respect? (you respecting others).
  20. [Quran] Indeed, He knows what is declared of speech, and He knows what you conceal.
  21. Leo

    What if your most highly prized things died? (Including your 15years worth catalogue). What would life be? What would you do?
  22. Leo

    This reminds me of Syria. I received something from Syria today.
  23. Leo

    @vizual for you it would be a living being. (You don't value your work). Its not about giving it space. I said if it died all together in an instant. What would you do?
  24. Leo