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Everything posted by susanyzm

  1. I don't think 10,000 hours can be applied to any type of career. Your example of a boxer, For athletes, career path is normally simple and clear. Training can be clearly defined by body parts, numbers, rankings, etc. Their everyday life can be broken down into deliberate practice from hour to hour. But most careers are not clearly defined. You can't say Steve Jobs built his career out of a definite deliberate practice routine. A fine example would be Robert Greene. His career path is a typical example of "overnight success" that does not have much consistency. Therefore, deliberate practice can be quite helpful in developing a certain skill. But not every career is specific skill based. Most of the time, we achieve one small success to another, cultivating skills, making connections, collecting resources and experiences along the way. Some are done consciously and can be measured. Some are done unconsciously. That's why a lot of breakthroughs would come as surprise. That's serendipity at play.
  2. I feel like you want a quick fix like right now. But life's an experiment, as Leo has emphasized it over and over again. Everyone is a unique puzzle. "Follow your bliss" is the right way. But there's no "fixed bliss" or "the best route to that bliss". Leo's videos, Life Purpose Course, coaching, I tried them all. Not a single one has solved my problems. I felt really frustrated at one point. Like what you said "I'm just not good at life." I felt the same thing. But on looking back, each of these tryings gave me a small nudge to my bliss. For this I'm very grateful. Even God doesn't know everything. God has created these opposing perspectives to know itself. So, confusion is part of the journey. We may suffer from it. But God enjoys it all. This perspective always gives me relief when I feel lost and anxious. Hope you can find some enjoyment in trying out different things even though they do not turn out to be your bliss.
  3. I was in a similar situation a few years ago. I chose to quit my quite stable job (which I did not enjoy). In the following three years I was drifting from part-time jobs to full-time jobs until I found myself completely lost. I was in a mental prison. I kept arguing with myself: "What if I didn't quit? But I couldn't put up with the job. What if I started trying things out when I was in college? I would have figured out what I wanted before the stakes were too high. I've already wasted so much time now would it still worth it to start something new?" I tortured myself with these questions every day until I couldn't stand myself anymore. I did a few things: 1. I made a wish that I will live a fulfilled life. My mind doesn't believe it. But I made it anyway. 2. I cut a lot of socializing to spend time with myself, watching tons of videos of self-development and spiritual growth. My old beliefs were attacked from so many angles that it set me free day by day. (I'm in China. A lot of metaphysical topics are not allowed to be discussed in depth here.) 3. I started to take mini steps to figure out how to put my talent to use. I even shouted out to the universe: "Use me. I'm open to any possibilities." Sometimes people embark on the self-actualized path when they have nothing to lose. You mind may need some serious "blowup" too if you find yourself stuck. The counter-intuitive thing is, often, you wouldn't try a new direction if you are not forced into a corner. So being lost and stuck is not so bad in that perspective. This episode of Leo also helps a lot. Highly recommended for people who are lost in career.
  4. I relate to you deeply. I was addicted to being sad, being a victim, being apathetic, finding excuse not to make an effort, hating happy people, hating myself, living day by day like a zombie, trying to pull other people into my world but pushing them away when they approached. I was so twisted. Human beings are very unhappy creatures. But our culture is a "happy go easy" culture. Social media, advertisement, entertainment--everything's there to push your happy button. Feeling sad? Check out the latest cosmetics, games, shows and pills! The odd thing is, I made a wish to live a happy life. Then I was pulled even deeper into the darkness. At one point, I was binge watching sad stories on youtube: addiction, heroin, extremely fat and bed-ridden people, homeless, suicide, sadistic child torture, child abuse, crimes, psychopaths, prison, etc. I got in touch with so many gruesome stories that I didn't know could happen. But as I watched, I find myself sending compassion to these people. Even with serial killers, I find myself saying: "I get it. It's impossible that a person could be so cold blood without anything horrible happening to him or her." Then, one day, I found myself no longer interested in these sad things anymore. I want to focus on building a good life. If I can save myself, then I have done my part in reducing a little bit of sadness from the world. So, you could try sinking into the darkness, but with awareness and compassion. Don't deny your sensitivity. You'll find yourself love life so much more if you allow yourself to see the dark side of if.
  5. This video is so vivid! I truly identify with it. I've been shutting part of myself down for years until it cannot be hidden anymore. I did not have a serious breakdown, but became very reclusive, shutting everyone out of my life. I couldn't make sense of my life. I did not understand how I ran myself to the ground. All my self worth and image broke into pieces. It was a very dark place to be. But this is exactly the purpose of a breakdown: to force you to look inward and love the exiled parts back. So, I made a wish even though my mind didn't believe it at all: "I want to live a happy life." It seemed that the universe was driving me to the corner to force me to ask for a good life (believe it or not, as often as people claim that they want to be happy, they are terrified of being happy!). This simple wish has been attracting all the resources I need (including many of Leo's videos that I used to undervalue and this forum) ever since. The gem is hidden beneath the darkness. This I believe.
  6. The realization that victim mentality is actually a projection cannot be forced into anybody's consciousness. It would be an abuse because it contradicts with their reality. It has to occur naturally on one's own spiritual path. Same thing goes for forgiveness, anger, strong emotions, acceptance, etc. This is how spiritual teaching gets tricky. It can backfire if it is forced upon somebody who's not ready.
  7. I so identify with this! I have a serious mental bully in my head for years! It is hard to pull it out of your head. It obliterates all the good in life and in yourself like a dirty window pane. I truly understand. I have a small but quite effective technique to share with you. I pull energy from the universe by imagining a ball of light wrapping around my head. My mental bully can say anything she wants. Her words are wrapped in this loving energy and therefore won't affect me. I practice the energy pulling in my meditation too. By far, it's the easiest way for me to live peacefully with her. Human beings can push and pull energy even though we can't see it. After all, everything's energy. We are just not used to see the world this way.
  8. I started meditation years ago, not everyday, on and off. For me, it's not until I have exhausted all the outside solutions that I started to take it really seriously. Look inward. Be an observer. Detach from your thoughts. These ideas sound quite illusive to people who still believe that they can figure out life by looking outside. So meditation is "worth it" for people who truly see the importance of the inward journey.
  9. When I find myself in resistance, I say to myself: "I don't understand it. But I accept it all." Always, there's a gem behind the darkness once I have accept it all. Reading these words has given me more assurance in accepting and allowing. It's not up to me to accept or allow. Life is the way life is.
  10. It seems you are in a lethargic and coasting period of your life. I suggest you stop searching for grand meaning for life. You are lost. It takes time to find a new way. Life purpose will not drop into your lap all of a sudden. Do little things that you find pleasant. It does not have to be meaningful. It serves the purpose of raising frequency. Have you watched any Bashar videos? He, a being from a higher dimension, has for years been giving advice of "following your joy without expecting a specific result" for the purpose of raising frequency (as earth is governed by law of attraction). Leo's video Life Unfolds In Chapters & Phases is good for you to watch too. See which stage you are in and try his advice.
  11. I agree with this. "Unconditionally happy" does not mean you have positive emotions all the time. It means that you are consciously creating your reality that you prefer. If you can move, move. If you cannot, figure out a way. If there's no way, be aware of your suffering and create a peaceful inner reality, like Nelson Mandela. Emotions are signals. Negative emotions are not there to make you suffer. They are pointing you to the next direction. So, "unconditionally happy" does not mean you have to be happy with a job that does not suit you or you have to be around people that abuse you. It means you welcome every situation because it is there for you to change and grow. .