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About solene

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  1. Hi everyone! Do you have any apps to recommend instead me scrolling for an hour or more on reddit, youtube, forums etc? Ideally I would like to allow myself to have a nice "goto" distraction app, which is non-addictive, wholesome, maybe even spiritual. I know that there are some nice mandala apps out there, but I am not a fan of drawing. I'd like to have a kind of offline game, where I can get my easy-fix of quick guilt-free distraction without being sucked in too much. Let me know what kind of healthy distractions you got on your phone
  2. Very impressive! Keep up the good work!
  3. Thanks everyone for the insight! I am thinking about quitting altogether, since I'm also an "all or nothing" type. I will be very mindful, since I'm especially craving coffee when I'm stressed at work or exhausted from my studies. My brain has to be reprogrammed so it doesn't associate coffee with a break from my stressful environment. But it's just so tempting so have any excuse to leave my workspace and go to the kitchen or down to the cafeteria, which only takes 2-5 minutes, whereas if I were to go for a walk, it would take longer. And I can't easily leave my place every hour for 15 minutes
  4. Hey everyone! I love coffee but I do try not to drink it every day. Even though I can go 2-3 days or even a week or two without coffee I still get this craving sensation. Since I usually dont drink more than 1 or max 2 cups per day it seems strange that I'm addicted. But since I start craving it regularly, I guess thats exactly the case. Do you recommend to stop altoghther with coffee? Or should I switch to nocaf, since I really really like the taste of coffee? Or do you think coffee consumption isn't that big of an issue. I dont think that the coffeine is that much of a problem, I also drink regularly black tea but for some reason I never craved tea. Cheers, Solène