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Posts posted by Hamonrye

  1. thank you Leo! I always learn so much from you!

    When Leo talks about should statements : How To Stop Moralizing - Removing The SHOULDs From Your Life, it was so very eye opening.  Since I watched Leo's video on shoulds, I have explored other resources and I wanted to share Dr. David Burns Feeling Good podcast/video also on the topic, giving hands on practical advice on how to erase shoulds from our thoughts about ourselves and others:


    Dr. Burn's book, Feeling Great also has a lot of good techniques to tackle this cognitive/ thought distortion. 





  2. Another great video! Thanks Leo!

    Very interesting that nuvigil (armodafinil) and provigil (modafinil) help boost meditation/enlightenment efforts! 

    The U.S. FDA says they cause psychoactive and euphoric effects, alterations in mood, perception, thinking and feelings, typical of other CNS stimulants.

    In the US, these are scheduled drugs (controlled substances) due to potential for addiction/dependence.    So yes, Leo is right, cycle use off and on to reduce tolerance and potential for addiction (which I agree is less than amphetamine/adderall).  

    So, because they are scheduled drugs, and require close follow up with your provider, getting an RX may not be easy! 

    If you have a diagnosis of daytime sleepiness- such as narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), shift work disorder (SWD) and no history of addiction or misuse of stimulants then you may walk out of your provider's office with an RX.  Even patients with other serious issues, like with multiple sclerosis related fatigue may get a prescription. 

    But, if you don't have one of these problems, your healthcare provider may chose to prescribe these meds "off label", but many will not do this due to regulation by the FDA (and fear of litigation).





  3. Being afraid of the unknown is normal.

    Worked w Hospice/oncology patients for 5 years. Eye opening. I highly recommend volunteering.

    Death is natural transition like birth....Death can be a welcome relief -a celebration -and time to make peace/amends. 


    Keep learning and contemplating! 

  4. In the US, I think that the gap between rich and poor will continue to grow.  But certainly, the poorest of the poor in the US still have it pretty good compared to other countries.   But there are more jobs daily lost to technology, the truck driver and delivery man are the next to go.  I support a basic income for all instead of forcing people to seek "disability" status for mental health issues and chronic pain and "sad life syndrome". http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/05/05/prescription-for-disaster