No Self

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Posts posted by No Self

  1. Belief is the most powerful motivator, especially when paired with deep unconsciousness. When people have to choose between their children and their religion/beliefs, they typically choose the latter without hesitation. Direct experience is easily dismissed, unlike the mind.

    As a segue, there is a situation when belief should out-muscle direct experience.

    Example: Mandy had an abusive father, a drug-addicted brother and no other positive male role models in childhood. She has only attracted negative relationships with men. In her direct experience, all men are bad. But intellectually, she understands that her own experience is based on a ridiculously small sample size and 'believes' that there is such a thing as a good man. Which is closer to truth, the direct experience or the belief?

  2. I've yet to read up on the M1 but it seems like some traditional aspects of mobile phones design (system-on-a-chip, hybrid big/little cores) are trickling up to larger devices. Similar things are happening with Intel, though is still in its infancy.

    Not sure exactly how it would serve as a societal metaphor, though. I've not seen the episode you refer to.

    Another metaphor is the human body itself, which has a few dozen trillion cells which are both individual yet collectively forming a macroscopic organism. From this perspective, a lot of society today can better be likened to an autoimmune disease. This happens when some cells attack others and the entire organism suffers.

  3. 1 hour ago, Roy said:

    At least something like this is relatively benign and just provides some good laughs, instead of blowing up school buses full of children or burning down businesses during riots.

    True. We really need to distinguish between extremely 'open-minded' belief systems and the awful things that happen when New Agers go off the rails. (Like defaming everyone as a pedophile, promoting extreme-right politics, utilising dangerous medical practices, Holocaust denial/anti-Semitism, etc.) This applies to any belief system. All are harmless in moderation.

    I have no final opinion on the alien stuff - and that's after decades of interest in the topic. Good to see different ideas shared.

  4. 12 hours ago, Preety_India said:

    People will use social media whether Zuckerberg exists or not. 

    You have misunderstood.

    Facebook utilises aggressive 'brain-hacking' and is intentionally designed to cause the division that it does (albeit as a side-effect of maximising profit with no ethics). Some early members of the Facebook team have seen the monster created and have spoken out publically. It is very important to be educated on this issue.

  5. Here in Australia, the Indigenous peoples lasted for tens of thousands of years, and the reason they survived was because they placed respect for nature at the forefront of their philosophy.

    The narcissistic philosophy of contemporary man - the total apathy towards other beings, the primitive obsession with domineering, the contempt for feminine energy and the belief in being 'superior' to nature - is the philosophy that must die.

    The modern version of respect for nature involves voting against fossil fuel lobbyist governments, supporting renewable energy/conservation, choosing a suitable place to live and limiting procreation. But politics, science and technology will play a central role. Beyond this practical action, the suffering that will continue to happen is out of our control so there's no point focusing on it.

  6. I think this deserves its own thread.

    Social media AI algorithms are intentionally designed to mesmerise, radicalise and divide people. Nothing has been done about this problem except for ad hoc censorship. Before lashing at your political opponents, what about the for-profit machine that literally breeds hatred and terrorism around the world?

    Less educated societies may lack critical thinking or oppose nonconformity in general, or the emotional drama of social unrest can make people susceptible. The degree to which people have been manipulated is downright horrific. Trump was president simply because he was grotesque, entertaining and glued people to their social media feed. Zuckerberg is now approaching $100 billion dollars in worth as a result. If Zuckerberg is not stopped, there will be plenty more Trumps to come.

    Tristan Harris has made a documentary bringing attention to the issue. The statistics are concerning to say the least. For example, he says social media algorithms promoted Alex Jones more times than all of Fox News, CNN, NY Times, etc. combined. Democrats and Republicans hold very distorted images of one another.


  7. 2 minutes ago, Bando said:

    @No Self I watched a few videos on Trump on YT in September and since then Ive been bombarded with Trump propaganda and have no way of deleting it.

    That's hilarious and horrible at the same time. :D

    This guy has made a documentary about the topic and I hope his message is heard worldwide. Trump is just a common internet troll who is naturally elevated by the algorithm since he is fascinating, entertaining and grotesque. Not exactly presidential material.


  8. If we talk about causation without bringing up the AI algorithms designed to mesmerise, radicalise and divide people, it is not a sensible discussion. Critical thinking is not viewed positively in some societies, nor is nonconformity, nor even being educated. These parts of the country were very vulnerable and were (and are) taken for a ride.

    If Zuckerberg is not stopped, there will be plenty more Trumps to come.

  9. 8 hours ago, Roy said:

    We call them trolls because it's easier to dismiss the behavior as mischievous teenage play than accept the reality that people really do believe what they say, lest the stupidity and insanity of it dampen our spirit. Of course belief is delusion, as you know.

    80+ years ago, average young men were assigned the 'heroic' task of fighting for their country. They had traditional marriages to dependent women, children and employment from a young age making them indispensable. They felt respected and had a sense of purpose. Their home societies were united.

    Take all this away, reduce virile young men to a disposable commodity, and a lower aspect of humanity arises: tribalism. It is the same force behind historical phenomena such as batshit-crazy Christianity (witch-burning, Crusades), or global tribes like ISIS. Did those violent mobs really believe in their Gods? Sure, but the much bigger motivating factor was a sense of belonging and a sense of adventure, which seems to be a basic need.

    I've focused on the the young-male demographic here as they are the ones who seem to cause trouble to this forum, but of course there are separate psychological syndromes that lead to some of the Karens and the Boomers and others going down a similar path...

    1 hour ago, lmfao said:

    I kind of hate that a particular kind of conspiracy thinking has become more mainstream. I preferred it when conspiracy thinking was limited to YouTube videos about 9/11, not how it is now. Where normies have hijacked it and it's become nothing but a political tool and applied to literally everything. 

    Anyone would be somewhat open to the 9/11 conspiracy. But eventually it became an endless bombardment. 

    The modern conspiracist movement is still in its infancy as we now have the first Qanon members of Congress. Trump supporters will now be the subversive resistance movement. Best to not be involved in their drama by knowing their level of consciousness, motivations and tactics.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Member said:

    Why would highly advanced aliens incarnate into humans then if the human consciousness is on a lower level? They say that they want to help or learn lessons here but that smells like BS imo.

    The example given was Jesus, who was extremely advanced from a more advanced civilisation and came here to help others (I don't think it really worked out though). I have no way of verifying this.

    I'm not aware that normal 'people' bounce around from one planetary system to the next in their sequence of lifetimes as New Agers claim. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You're probably also imagining a bunch of other bullshit ;)

    That's true.:ph34r:

    3 minutes ago, Member said:

    @No Self why aliens incarnated as humans and not other entities? I find this fascination with aliens to be something influenced by the Hollywood movies. Yes, gray aliens look weird as fuck and the stories are fascinating but there could be myriad of other lifeforms in the "Universe".

    The classic quote is: "There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

    But to answer your question more directly, it is said that souls incarnate into whatever body, location and period of time suits their evolution. So from that perspective, any setting is possible. Including stuff that would seem ridiculous to us.

    *disclaimer: this does not mean any of it is really real.