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Everything posted by Rajneeshpuram

  1. Do you know what polysorbate is? It's like a detergent that removes the fat in the celular membrane to make the active components of the vaccine access inside the cell. Do you know that the encephalic barrier is mad of fat too? Do you know what happens when neurotoxic ingredients like aluminium or mercury present in vaccines enter the brain and neurons? Yes they die, you become more dumb. Doy you know what happens when aluminium and mercury enter inside the testicles? yes, you become infertile. TA -DA! the biggest Bill.Gates concerns about overpopulation are solved! These are SCIENTIFIC facts, now nobody cant say its just a "conspiracy theory".
  2. I'm talking about some tracks that can last more than 6 hours, I assume that they are made to use while sleeping. For example a track with a concrete frequency for healing X ( this chakra, shyness, or producing hormones...), When we are in deep sleep we ignore noises. Or the subconscious mind can hear these frequencies and recieve them?
  3. The evidence of fraud is going clear https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/breaking-exclusive-analysis-election-night-data-states-shows-millions-votes-either-switched-president-trump-biden-lost/?ff_source=Twitter&ff_campaign=websitesharingbuttons&fbclid=IwAR1BUqbxQbuJhvdyCfAa_4uE9WtKCeh-lEiSBHVklnytlzCZUEUA2CE_c7c
  4. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/election-records-show-dead-people-were-caught-voting-in-nyc/
  5. In Wisconsin voted the 101% of the registered, and in NY voted people who were dead.... this smells really bad
  6. His psychologist fails at understanding that the innate curiosity and hunger of knowledge is beyond psychology. Some people is satisfied by mainstream dogmas, while others dont have enough and need to go to the root, or down the rabbit hole. This seeking of understanding is determined by so many factors like genetics, personality, the way the brain is wired, epigenetics... that we cannot say to a curious guy, hey stop seeking because it creates you anxiety and unhappiness. Its like supressing the natural insctinct of reproduction or need for food, we cannot say hey ignore it. Without this individuals we would be in stone ages.
  7. When you become a kind of sage, read books, self-actualize, and make spiritual work... and then you meet your friends who talk about stupid things like football, gossip, fashion... you feel ALONE. Well its like when you are with a dog, you have his company but cannot relate as equals. I've felt myself like surronded by the zombies of walking dead... I dont want this kind of friends. What I've done is meeting aware self actualized people in internet, and although they live in diferent countries I socialize with them via videos or webcams... and I value this relationships more than meeting people in mi city that are dumasses.
  8. My hypothiroidism is related to a prolactinoma I got in the pituitary gland (is like a benign tumour) the size of a pea. It is not surgically removed unless it grows, and as far it's a dangerous procedure I wont get operated. I suspect it was caused by taking SSRI's for 2 years when I had depression.
  9. Why do you mean by relapsing? Where do you buy the Desiccated Thyroid? Bucause I've been looking for and its very hard to find.
  10. Avocados for example are being cultivated in places that were typically for growing grains, this depletes the scarce water resources and nearby forests get dry.
  11. atrraction isnt a choice
  12. I've been taking bacopa for a week, 1/4th of a teaspoon. Mainly the bacopa boosts your memory, focus, and Leo talks a bit about it in his nootropics video. Before that, I harldy ever could remember what I dramed, just 1 or 2 times per month. Now with bacopa I can recall everything that I dreamed, and the dreams were vivid. I didnt like what I found... all my dreams are unpleasant nightmares: I'm a peaceful people but in the nightmares i appear fighting with people, torturing animals... while in real life I couldnt do that, I love animals. The negative effect is that I wake up destroyed physically and mentally. My head is like if I drunk tons of alcohol and had a huge hangover, also feel demotivated. This side effects has been reported by other reddit users. IMO this supplement interfere with happiness and motivation of daily life. I would only take it If I lived in the Siberia hibernating for 3 months and demotivation and sleepines isnt a issue.
  13. I've seen in my country the consequences of exagerating covid instead of "downplaying". We've had the hardest measures of lockdown and wearing mask 24/7 from all Europe. The old folks nursery homes recieved the protocol of isolating the patients. The people who was unable to eat, drink, walk or move were abandoned. Their medic treatments were suspended, because the nurses were told no to aproach to the patients. The majority died from starvation, neglect,inattention this has been a gerontocide. This killed more people that the covid.
  14. I often see families that occult to the grandpa or grandma that they have cancer, to avoid the the shock, panic and suffering. Is this moral or adequate? What Trump did is the same. And I see nothing wrong. I live in Spain and here the corrupt government gave 16 millions to the TV channels to exagerate and create a psychosis where all the population live in fear. We live in a dictatorship of fear and the media are terrorists, everybody thinks that! I prefer what Trump did.
  15. I'ts often encouraged in the spiritual community the idea of surrender of acceptance. Stop resisting, give up... But, if I'm growing vegetables in my garden and a insect plague comes in and destroys my fruits... should I let them ruin my garden or should I fight back? Another example, if I got a farm of chickens and a predator comes and start killing my chickens? Should I practise acceptance and do nothing? I think this should be a stupid move. These seem petty examples, and most of you will suggest to get rid of the plague or the predators. But what happens when the situation becomes more global? In a politic issue . If my neighbours are being harassed by criminals and the police does nothing, should I help them or practice cuck acceptance? Even more global, ethnic minorities are being abused in some parts of the world, shoud we practise acceptance? Whats the criterion?
  16. It's not a cult, but models of knowledge like this
  17. I've seen people with self image distorions, addiction to perfectionism... but what made me worry is: I found a thread where a indian kid says: Rate my hindu shitskin father who ruined my life Aparently the kid is mixed from white mother and hindu dad. I felt so sad and sorry for the father, that looked very nice man. How is that possible that a stupid kid hate so much his father who gave him life and raised him? He blame his father for not looking like a model. Are mixed kids obsessed by beauty, entitled and narcissist like Elliot rodgers? What can be done to help them?
  18. Inflicting pain only give pleasure to damaged minds, there's a psychopathy behind. I'm talking about psychologycally functional beings with the hability to feel empathy.
  19. Dude we are living in the most dense dimension, the material world, is the hell of all the dimensions, we are here to suffer and learn. It's impossible to get infinite love here. We need to ascend into another dimesion.
  20. Pain hurts, you cannot put your hand into fire for more than few seconds, the universe want you to survive. Is survival right or wrong? Morally is neutral. But for some reason the universe wants us to pursue pleasure and avoid pain. If being raped hurts, the universe dont want this, otherwise it would feel so good!
  21. Believing in elections is like thinking that wrestling is real. The Winner has already been elected, and not by the population. Keep believing in the delusion.
  22. The guy in the video needs more than PUA advice. Watching the video 5 minutes everybody can realize there's something physiological in his brain that isnt working properly. Probably is low in certain neurotransmitters, and the neuro-circuits responsibloe for social skills have bee atrophied for the lack of use. Id invest the 8000k in this order. -Top psychiatrist to treat his mental issues. -Start the gym. -Image consultant to dres decent and have a nice hairstyle. -Adress his mental fog with nootropics and proper diet. -Meditate. -And finally take PUA advice, approaching EVERY day.
  23. I've heard hundred times, from diferent sources and diferent sages... that before we are born we already choose our purpose in this earthly life. The problem is in this society we are indoctrinated to believe systems so we choose our purpose according mainstream stereotypes and we choose wrong. A purpose doenst need to contriubute, it can be selfish, it doesnt have to producuce money, be meaningful, make a big imact to the world. Wrong! We come here in learning circles. Probably your purpose in this life is take care or your little sister who was your mother in other life, isnt this beautiful?
  24. Okey. Le's increase black rights to the same level as white people. Do you think the victim mentality that has been engrained for generations in the black community will stop existing overnight? This is the real issue.
  25. I'd like to understand how a so young man relatively healthy can develop cancer. A colon cancer is obviously related to alimentary habits. The mainstream media omited that he was vegan btw.