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About tinB

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  1. I forgive them. The problem is: I have to find a way to be okay with critizism and being misunderstood, and not feel the need to defend or change myself. I also have a problem with being happy if someone around me is not. I change my mood according to the other person. I can see now that this is because my parents didnt like if I was happy when they were not... Its like they took it personally. Im grateful that I can actually see what is going on now. I havent been aware of this at all before..
  2. Thank you so much for responding. Yes, you are so right about my parents. They always misunderstood my intentions and motives, and I spended (and still spend) so much energy trying to convince them otherwise. For example... My vision got bad when I was 17 years old, and I told my mother. She actually thought I was imagining it in my head. And after trying to convince her for a long time, she finally took me to a visual doctor, and I had -2.00. When I was in primary school I told my mother that I was feeling ill, but she didnt take it very seriously. But after convincing her, she took me to a doctor and I had pneumonia. I always got blamed when me and my sister was fighting. For example, she took my clothes without asking, and I got angry - but I was the bad one for being angry. These are just some examples.. My mother and my father always think that I am exaggerating and want attention. They also criticize me for NOTHING (negatively or in a way of joking). If I listen to music they dont listen to, if I eat different food than them, if I have a different viewpoint on things in life. If I forget to do something, they automatically believe that the reason for me doing that was because I am lazy, or dont care. They are not trying to bring me down, its just who they are (to me and other people). As a result, I dont believe myself anymore. It is SO ingrained in my head. They always see me in the total opposite way than how I am perceiving my intentions, and I have tried so hard to make them understand me. Its like they live in a different world than me, and dont understand how to understand another person (if that makes sense). So as a result, I have become a "controlfreak", and I try to control everything. I KNOW that my parents love me and wish me good. They just have a VERY low consciousness, and dont see what they are actually doing to me. They love me, but they just dont GET ME. I am 25 years old now, and I have to end this madness. I have to start TRUSTING myself again. I have to accept the fact that they will never see me for who I truly am. I have to stop defending myself, and just let go! I have to be OK with people judging me. I need to stop thinking of myself the way other people do, and form my own self image.. And be more aware of why I am behaving the way I do. Its hard, but I am so tired of this shit, it is affecting everything in my life in a negative way: basically destroying my life.
  3. This is literally my whole problem. I care more about other people than myself: theire wellbeing and how they are perceiving me is for some reason more important than myself! I always put other people before myself, and suppress my own emotions and instincts. When I have talked to someone, my mind plays the scene over and over in my head later, to make sure that what I did was "OK". If I "mess up", for example say something that offended someone, or if someone doesnt like me, its like the "end of the world" in my head (for some strange reason), so I spend all of my energy to make sure I please everybody around me. Even strangers. I think the reason for this is because I was very misunderstood by my parents, so I learned to adjust myself around people... I am also a highly sensitive person, and I pick up on other peoples moods and feelings very easily, which I think makes it worse. Its like you feel a responsibility for helping a person when you know how they feel and what they need. I am so tired of this, yet I dont know how to stop it. Is there anyone else who have gone through this? How did you manage to stop it..? :I
  4. I am going through this and it is very difficult. My emotions are all over the place, and I cry a lot. My body is literally a mess, I am always tired and feel like sleeping all the time. I have aches in the body, and it feels like I have the flu. Anyone else experiencing this?