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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. That there is no self is the self. That there is no truth is the truth.
  2. @Darodos You’re probably right to some degree — I would agree even more if it was something that happens a lot but really I am usually single. But I will certainly try to maintain consciousness in situations where the ego wants to look away from the truth.
  3. I sympathize with this. I often have felt “if only I knew HOW to surrender fully, I would,“ and then... I get into a highly conscious state and I’m like OH no I would NOT because right now I know what must be done and I’m still not doing it... I’m holding on to the me even when I have reason to believe it’s not real.
  4. @Darodos Thank you? Your last paragraph points to the main reason I end up breaking up with all my partners, but perhaps that’s only what I feel on the surface. Maybe it’s just ego. I’ll continue doing less thinking about anything other than what is and what must be done.
  5. I feel like I’m in a similar situation. Straight male in USA. I’m very attractive, and... I only get laid about once a year and even that’s only if the girl was pursuing me and being very forward... unless I’m in a relationship (wherein we will have sex multiple times a day for months until I inevitably break up with her)... I just don’t care about it that much anymore but I do remember back when I wasn’t in to spirituality it enriched my life more than anything else possibly could. Don’t know if I should just be celibate, not care one way or the other (continue what I’m doing), or try to put myself out there more.
  6. USA male here. I get hit on by girls at parties and also at work. Had girlfriends through just this. I never get hit on in class (college) or in bars though, I always approached in those situations. Never used Tinder. I’m a bit of a recluse.
  7. Green: impulsive but loving activists. Dime a dozen. Yellow: some activists. Many history, ethics, and liberal arts professors. Some people who‘ve had very hard lives of drug addiction etc and survived it end up here. Turquoise: people who do LOTS of meditation retreats (until they get it) and maybe psychedelics for growth. Give way more than they take. Influential and stable people. Few and far between. I don’t know where to find yellow and above either. I’m a stage yellow straight male college student in USA. Thinking about joining some meditation clubs but with COVID everything’s a hassle. Anyone got ideas? And I always end up breaking up with my gf’s not because I don’t love them but because I feel I’m still driven by ego and can only overcome it with focused diligence, alone. Wish I could find someone above green. IME and based on my intuition it’s best to date AT your level on the spiral, or on the 9 stages of ego development, or whatever model it may be.
  8. When I was 24 I had a 33 year old gf. Best sex ever always. The orgasm was the least pleasurable part. I had just started serious meditation and I would feel like I was in jhana 1 the whole act.
  9. That yawning could be high serotonin. Especially if it’s a sort of shivering yawn. Thyroid conversion issues, high estrogen, not enough carbs... or possibly heavy metal toxicity. That’s what it likely was in my case. Was quite an ordeal to get past it but I focused hard on it and got it done.
  10. Don’t know about zeolite but the chlorella and cilantro are certainly harmful. Anything without a double thiol group to act as a grip for the metal to situate between is not a real chelator.
  11. ALA, DMSA, and DMPS work well if taken correctly simply because they have a DOUBLE thiol group and the metal can situate itself in between these like a hook. Cilantro/chlorella/etc and other potential “chelators“ are often suspected of chelation because they have a thiol group... but they only have ONE... so no hook, just redistribution city. ALA can also effectively purge iron (which many people have in excess even if they are anemic) via the inhibition of copper excretion, as copper depletes iron. This is kind of a good thing but after long periods the copper level will get very toxic, so molybdenum (~1mg daily) and zinc (~30mg daily) are needed around the clock (4 doses a day) if doing very long rounds, for proper copper excretion. Honestly, I think a sizable chunk of the benefit of ALA chelation is its iron detoxifying effect. ALA also depletes biotin, which is why some ALA products have biotin in them — like Jarrow formulas. Do not treat extended release ALA as anything other than normal ALA — it must be taken every 3 hours, as the absorption rates vary along the entire digestive tract.
  12. You MUST remove all mercury-containing fillings before starting chelation. Don’t listen to us, go research Andy Cutler.
  13. Try alternating days with creatine monohydrate — like caffeine, it has a nice metabolism effect but it’s more subtle and much warmer and relaxed. And you should not take the 2 at the same time — plenty of evidence that they’re synergistic in a very bad way but when taken on their own they’re both fine.
  14. @An young being Naturally. About 5 years ago when I’d go to sleep at night. Many times but it was before getting in bed even, with lights low or off. Before any spiritual practice. Then started to do spiritual practices a while later and it happened again a few times.
  15. I have straight up seen my room and all the furniture in it through closed eye lids. Don’t know how but it’s true. In fact it was one of the first experiences I had that made me think somehow we’re all asleep to life somehow, and there must some kind of an awakening process. Like it happened for a reason.
  16. Everything is an excuse to not just be enlightened now, but some excuses are required to actually untangle yourself. Therefore in a sense, as long as you intend Truth alone, you’re doing the best you can. I’m glad you quit the cigs. I still use LSD myself. Thinking we need to be beyond all props is itself a prop. As is this entire statement. And so on.
  17. Meditation is, in certain situations, at least on par with psychedelic ego death. Have you ever experienced the jhana’s? The first time I entered 2nd jhana it blew any psychedelic out of the water, in terms of its lasting effect on my ability to see life as beautiful and amazing. This coming from someone who has used high dose LSD, ketamine, and nitrous at the same time. I know what ego death is. In fact I get a little suspicious of psychedelics when I rarely ever see anyone here talk of the jhanas. But, self inquiry can lead to quite a bit more, and that is certainly discussed here, so I can’t complain.
  18. Of course fat is essential. You should eat fats. But essential fatty acids is a misnomer. And the essential fat acids, LA and ALA, are actually the most damaging of the fats. A google search will not price this to you, but if you search you will find. The body produces mead acid, a highly anti-inflammatory molecule, in situations of deficiency. Coconut oil, butter, and extra virgin olive oil are healthy. A decent macronutrient breakdown would be equal calories coming from carbs/protein/fat, but it is healthier and more efficient for the metabolism and thyroid for carbs to be quite a bit higher. For instance 3-4 meals a day of C/P/F = 45-70+/35/15 grams — that would be a very good start. More than enough protein and fat for almost anyone. Cal needs have less to do with body weight and more to do with metabolism. The diet you eat can change your metabolic rate by a factor of 2 or even way more. Increasing calcium to phosphate ratio will increase metabolism — foods with high ratios include collards, papaya, cheese, grapes, OJ, melon, pineapple. Aspirin, coconut oil, fruit, etc... increases metabolism. Serotonin, polyunsaturated fats such as soybean oil, and estrogen decrease metabolism. And amino acid profile matters too. Bone broth or supplemental collagen is good to add to diet to balance out the ratios from meat (especially), milk, seafood, etc. You don’t want tryptophan, methionine, or cysteine to be too high. Or glycine to be too low. Histidine is a little different — there’s conflicting evidence on whether you want this high or low.
  19. Legumes aren’t bad for everyone. They have antinutrients that can purge iron stores if you have high inorganic iron from eating too much wheat and cereal. And they are similar to starch and starchy fruits — they need to be cooked very well or they can increase endotoxin-producing bacteria. PUFA isn’t necessarily damaging, but is cancer promoting and thyroid suppressing. Saturated fats aren’t actually that much better, but they do protect against the PUFA. Omega 6 is the worst and omega 3 displaces omega 6 which is one (non-economic) reason for why omega 3’s get such a good rap.
  20. Mushrooms are ultra-visual for me. Not as much ego death and consciousness-raising as LSD, but way more manageable duration. Also miprocin (4-HO-MiPT) is one that will literally seem to allow you to meet aliens — it just does that for some reason!