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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. Infinite knowing something finite implies something other than infinity to be known, which of course isn't real. It's a good pointer. Here's another: Let's just assume the possibility that there is no reality. Lets take it for granted as the truth, just as an exercise. Got it? Ok... I am reality; you are reality -- that seems to need no proof because it is self evident; the one self evident thing... Not so fast. "Self-evident?" Should sound a little suspicious. What I cannot ever understand, is that there is no reality, simply because I am reality -- I can only assume that there is I/reality (I am real), since not doing so is its absence. So I is a position; an empty claim that "creates itself," and is therefore not real. It takes a position and claims the appearance as real, when there is no actual reason to claim is as "real" nor "unreal." That is the conceptual explanation of what emptiness refers to. But God-realization is where all the fun is -- grasping the ungraspable; understanding the universe into existence via understanding the non-understandable infinite.
  2. The body can still be insecure, there's just no one in it. It has sexual; food; companionship needs. What is insecurity if not need? There's just no real need -- but then of course, no real pickup. Thus, enlightenment is literally, simply useless for personal endeavors of any kind at all. Spiritual development, on the other hand? Yeah, that will almost certainly help with pickup if you do it right -- not that I know what the right way is, but Metta and Jhana absolutely seemed to help.
  3. I used to think it would when I had ideas about what enlightenment would be like. Metta definitely helped me in pickup, but enlightenment/freedom/liberation? Liberation is obvious: what is; what seems to be happening. Additions to this are not real, therefore there isn't anything actually happening, which is simply everything (what seems to be happening)... and this is that... How exactly could that possibly help with pickup? lol
  4. You don’t know the answer to that either ❤
  5. ? Yes... I am real therefore I am real is a super simple illusion and it apparently collapses from time to time here even without practice, but at first, there was great difficulty. After consciousness illusion is seen through (no here, so no there), “you” can still attach attention to awareness. It can seem to happen. Seeking out positive experiences, love, etc doesn’t have to go away... it doesn’t require an assumed subject. Nothing is happening either way. I must know (false), therefore I know (false).
  6. If unwilling to do self inquiry (it’s hard work), you can try attaching attention to awareness alone instead.
  7. Collapse of real time and space, revealing infinite matrix... from which, you come out the other side, miraculously. Witness practice was kicked up a notch ever since I did it, after already becoming fairly conscious and deconstructed. K-hole with relatively less conscious development is more just a great fun time playing with an astral body... After God-realization, immortality-realization, and infinity-realization have seemed to take place in one's journey, k-hole becomes more powerful than 5-MeO-DMT for... well for what exactly? The point, as I see it: loosening your attachment to progressively greater (well, more subtle) structures of mind/claim/understanding, so that identification becomes malleable enough to be as fluid as spacious nothingness, allowing entity contact, and progressively deeper God-realization, which never ends, it seems. Even more powerful combined with a psychedelic, but these days I would never do that. Certainly not at a k-hole dose -- I would not be coming back, I'm afraid. I cannot even describe what is sure to happen if I were to take ketamine + psychedelic now.
  8. If by all you mean infinity, that cannot be known. There is nothing else other than infinity, so nothing can know it. And yet God knows everything. A contradiction. God-consciousness understands the universe -- that is what reality is -- it's a dream of trying to know the infinite (there is no reality).
  9. Again, there is no reality. Truth, or Being, or what is, is all there is. If (it appears that) one person believes one thing and another believes something else, that's a disagreement, which causes strife. If there were no strife, there could not be overcoming of strife, which would be a limitation of what is -- there is no limitation. There is no mistake.
  10. You believing that, is what is. Yes, however from here it's quite obvious: while Truth and Being are the same, Reality is a dream. There is no Reality. Truth is neither real nor unreal.
  11. If anyone reaches them, then common truths = common beliefs. Truth cannot be arrived at -- it's all there is.
  12. ^^ OP: Especially if you've never tried psychedelics. If you have, then I'd say perhaps forget about it for the time being, and do self inquiry. But if you haven't tried them? Maybe plan to at some point in the near future. No rush, but there's definitely some potential there.
  13. Well it's not actually happening. So yeah. What else is there to do though? Lol. Just be you, or not. It doesn't matter. Possibilities are endless.
  14. 5-MeO-DMT seems to work quite well. Self inquiry also. Basically just step up your game. Not saying you should do that; maybe just gently imagine it as a possibility to make the dream more rewarding and meaningful. It is rewarding and meaningful, but at the end you'll just realize that you were already just a manifestation of perfection. Though that's not even the end. This work literally goes infinitely deep, because it isn't actually happening -- it's just an assumption attempting to understand infinity, which is boundless.
  15. Constant self inquiry. Who knows there's an I? It's circular. I imagines it's there. Eventually what may occur is the revelation that nothing is actually happening. It's all a dream -- understanding the universe into existence by trying to make sense of infinity.
  16. Oh ok I see. You don't understand yet that it is possible to understand the entire universe. It's in fact, the only thing you ever do, you just haven't had the requisite higher states of consciousness to Real-I-ze God. It is possible. I did it, Leo did it. Love did it. You did it. Though of course, nobody really did it. Good luck.
  17. The meaning of "I understand the entire universe" is God-realization. The base of "I" is God, which understands the universe into existence. You're identifying with a particular perspective in that understanding, so this seems like something other than what it is.
  18. Again, that's making sense of what is, which is impossible, which is creation, which is a miracle. Every single claim you make will receive that response from nothing. Not that I'm enlightened, but that is coming from nothing. I of course don't actually know that.
  19. That's making sense of what is, which is impossible, which is creation, which is a miracle.
  20. Not always You don't actually think that though. (Assumption) thinking (assumption) thinks that is just what appears.
  21. You as God literally create reality via pure belief. You believe prior events cause later ones, for literally no reason (important), and this, along with every other belief, become a sort of empty self-fulfilling prophecy. This doesn't mean you can personally choose to believe a reality that you personally just want to live in, on a whim, though. These beliefs are a consequence of attempting to know the infinite, which is impossible -- but that's what creation is. The infinite cannot be known, since there's nothing other than it... So if knowing appears, what seems to be known is necessarily not true. But again that is God creating reality, though God creates itself timelessly with the belief in a real subject. When truth appears (which is all that ever happens) that appearance is neither real nor unreal.