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Everything posted by levani

  1. @EddieEddie1995 i'mm dm you my whatsapp now
  2. @Nahm don't get it, what is the "it" I don't even have the capacity to get this intellectually let alone experientially or realisation
  3. i guess my confusion is here: i think that by increasing consciousness i will automatically increase the "feeling" of happiness/love/bliss but this isn't entirely true is it
  4. not too great if i don't exercise, sometimes lazy, sometimes not. when i'm sober i feel less conscious than when i'm on something and higher consciousness is like.. "non-addictively ADDICTIVE" if you get what i mean ?
  5. @The0Self can you explain from personal direct experience what they feel ike and how long it took you to access them and what you did to access them which meditation specifically or which method/practice and any books / posts / videos explaining how they work or what they actually are ? @The0Self @The0Self@The0Self
  6. how many jhanas can you access ? any books / posts / videos explaining how they work or what they actually are ?
  7. @Leo Gura how can i sustain a psychedelic peak ? 7/8th jhana ? kundalini breathing ? or is it that I have to be comfortable with negative experiences/pain because they are inevitable ? i just wanna feel love all the time.
  8. what would be a non addictive substance i could use which is better / healthier than alcohol to use instead of alcohol ?
  9. @Logan was thinking mahbe of doing frank yangs kundaliji breathing thjng
  10. @Logan was thinking the same
  11. eastern medicine shamanic healing sound heeling non physical heeling eg emotional / visualisation / psychedelics ? physicsl heeling - grounding perhaps i saw someone made a post sleeping as well maybe ?
  12. so I just sit there and have a question in mind like "who am I" or "what is" and think about it ? and that's supposed to be the best way to incr condciousness according to peter ralston ?
  13. IMO so far: increasing consciousness (apparently) getting enlightened (whatever this means) meditating aka being (being content in the now) creating your life purpose / contributing to society reading "good" books exploring the world / creating new types of experiences
  14. @Terell Kirby idk who's right actually because when you find god you might not lose him anymore but from your side ofcourse relative shit has no Truth and we must feed ourselves @OneIntoOne "him" dont think "he" would label himself bro, ask a dog or a leaf what it/he is
  15. i realized i only started meditating after green tea / caffeine / sex / after jiu jitsu cause there is like an endorpgin rush or whenever i feel good should i also meditate when i don't feel so good ? what you guys think
  16. so I understand that equanimity is something like if you are experiencing pain you do not resist it and you let it happen because it is happening already and resisting it will equal to suffering I think I understand what concentration is, it is just focusing on X but what is the difference between concentration and clarity And could someone give me an example
  17. @Nahm what's wrroooong witchaaa nowwwwwww ??? jk i love you
  18. Everything sort of seems selfish and meaningless, I think in fact the only desire that I can have is to either wake up fully a.k.a. enlightenment or the desire to help others wake up fully aka enlightenment My life is rich in experience but i don't find anything meaningful enough to give my life to (to master) i did the course twice bump
  19. monsterously good stuff, very true i feel. letting go of meaning completely IS what will get me what i want aka higher consciousness aka cosmic bbc
  20. @Nahm when did i ever or why do you think i am trying to enlighten anyone ? haha i'm a normie bro you know me
  21. or just be authentic authentic men actually take "3 hours" to reply because you are busy with your purpose adding value to the world, not worrying about vage
  22. @Scholar gonna have to read that a few more times, huge thanks for writing that
  23. @charlie cho no clue which talents god gave me other than this bbc heuuu i guess life experience will show thanks bro