Jacob Morres

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Everything posted by Jacob Morres

  1. GM is a mindset
  2. Leo once mentioned the essence of creativity is to combine two different things to come up with something new I want to find the exact quote.
  3. Love it. Will other person make you happy? Is X limiting belief true? Are men/women actually evil? This is consciousness work!
  4. You can create your ideal self through visualization and the gradual manifestation of it through daily embodiment, but that's just the technique I guess I can tell you from personal experience, that confidence is an extremely malleable trait in humans You can build confidence gradually For me, the things that helped me was: Turning my mindset from fixed mindset to growth mindset. Basically, a fixed mindset assumes characteristics within you are fixed. Like you have 100 IQ, you are this level smart, this much athletic, confident, happy, whatever. A growth mindset though says that your traits and skills are malleable and changeable. I highly recommend the book Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck. There
  5. another balance. Balance between optimal practice versus doesn't matter which practice it is, all are viable Some practices are better than others, but simultaneously, it doesn't matter which practice because all practices have value Paradox/balance is a nice and useful tool
  6. @Leo Gura is there a video today
  7. Life and character is built when the going gets tough. When the going gets tough, that is important to remember wisdom, because that is the hardest time. It is an opportunity for growth, wisdom, learning, and change Good things come from these moments, channel it properly, love
  8. Insights of the day: Shine the light of awareness onto others. What are they doing? Bring awareness of the situation. What the fuck are they doing? Helps with observing manipulation Take Action: (Incomplete insight. Needs deeper understanding) Life is not lived in your mind. Action is required. Meditation alone is SHIT. You need to fulfill your needs to be happy. Such as, financial, relationship, trauma oriented, purpose/meaning, happiness, creative, setting boundaries, Meditation is HELPFUL though. It helps to stay stoic, grounded, conscious, calm. but meditation alone is not enough. Avoiding problems and just meditating is not enough. Certain problems necessitate that the person takes care of it. --- An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field - Niels Bohr
  9. Stacks of CASH BOIS This is the way. How does one achieve Stacks of Cash? Like I said before: YOU ARE NOT A STATISTIC - Leo All things are easy. Happiness is easy Building a dream life is easy Building a good life is easy Building a happy life is easy Relationships? Easy Money? Easy Purpose? Easy Managing emotions? Easy Friends? Easyyyyyyyy boiiiis $$$$ Abundance for all!!!! Step 1: Vipassana Meditation Bois
  10. What the fuck is the balance between non duality and law of attraction?! Well according to Leo it's better to do regular personal development, build a healthy ego and transcend it. Its very hard to transcend an unhealthy ego I wonder if thats a rationalization or a deep insight
  11. the scientific method is simply: hypothesis, test, observe test results Hopefully my insights don't annoy anyone. I feel like im spamming them Great.
  12. I may have been putting up with relationships that have been very unhealthy for me... There seems to be a slight trend heh
  13. A feature of life is counter-intuitive. There are other descriptions of life, like life is a maze
  14. Life is a Practice Meaning you can't do it once and expect results Be prepared to do it every-time the issue comes up Ex: mindfulness when feeling negative being mature when the other is immature being mindful when you are triggered self-compassion when hurting I think though as time goes on, you get much better at doing it. "Better" means more adept with tons of distinctions It does begin with an intention, followed by a daily practice
  15. Being great is less about YOU but about the actions you take Ex: when playing video games, if you want to be a top player, its about just doing things a top player would do. Surprisingly, most people don't do them, even though its right there in their face. The top level strategies are right there. Beneath their nose or around the corner You already are a top player, just your actions must be aligned with that
  16. Do NOT ask Leo for answers. Get them yourself from other sources. 1 dimensional responses will come from Leo. I dont know what I mean by that Leo doesn't know everything but he knows a lot. Some things I disagree with him. Positive is Leo acknowledges much of this
  17. 4. Love yourself by kamal ravikant. When I was confused about self love, what it meant and how it looked like, I appreciated this guys wisdom because it finally showed someone with some pretty decent theory, and him applying it. It showed me some possibility of what is possible and what to emulate. You can also see him in interviews on YouTube which are helpful. My con was I wasn't sure if this was the highest perspective, but really I had trouble finding books on self love that I resonated with 6. Creative visualization by Shakti Gowan. This one is cool. She goes through a bunch of visualization exercises, very practical and also wisdom on intuition. I think this one can be powerful if applied. Also motivating. Con is the book ofc is not holisitic. But it has nice wisdom of following your intuition and how to create [big] things 4 or 5. Just one thing: developing a buddhas brain by Rick Hanson. I enjoyed this one because this book opened me up to building self worth and finding positive things about yourself. Theres also a lot of practices on self love and compassion and taking care of yourself.
  18. @Preety_India you can use libgen.is Then convert the file to pdf You should find nearly every book there
  19. Good question I've had similar thoughts of the year Like... what the fuck is the point of life purpose, the hell is Leo raving about that shit? I just wanna have some good friends, get some girls, and have fun. I think life purpose is for when you want something more out of life. You want it to have some higher purpose and meaning. I think it comes when you are ready for something big and extravagant. I don't think life purpose is for everyone, you need to be ripe for it. But it does give your life meaning and fulfillment The other stuff, won't give you as much fulfillment. And then you will search for a life purpose. Something deeply meaningful and important @AlphaAbundance I like when you said LP is a higher need. Yeah me too. I think for me, LP becomes much less important when some basic needs are not met. Really, those becoming burning fires in your mind if you dont meet them (for me)
  20. A good question to ask: What is holding you back from getting X? and then gently explore <3
  21. When people say they're being too nice = what they are saying is they are being nice by lacking boundaries and are people pleasing...
  22. leo made an insight to focus on the solution when you are having trouble i dig it. i also like how he said we are not a statistic. i think being a statistic is a weird philosophy. because we are creators of our world. we can choose to be fit. we can choose to be wealthy. we can choose to not be lonely. we can choose awareness over poor mental health. we can choose to get an abundance of women. and these are all things that our current person is not an expert at!!! BUT WE CAN CONTROL IT ALL WITH THE UTILIZATION OF OUR INNATE HUMAN AGENCY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Victim Mentality. Oh you motherfucker. You got me by the balls for so many years. No more man. No more. You deserve the world Dear Lord(or x), grant me the strength to reprogram my mind into a positive one. Thank you
  23. psychology has its LIMITS you CANNOT be happy in a room with nothing? what a weird notion you NEED sustenance. you NEED food. you NEED many things. just using purely psychology to make you feel better is a losing situation. you need food, water, shelter, relationships, work, growth, creativity etc. peace comes from fulfillment of our NEEDs Coming full circle on this idea.
  24. Cool - I actually just posted the same question in a diff thread