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Everything posted by beastcookie

  1. Would you like to descripe non-duality a bit more in practical terms? Q2: Have you experienced more "paranormal" stuff like lucid dreaming, altering of your physical experience, remembering past lives etc?
  2. Yeah, got a bit doubtful when they don't want to do sessions if you have taken psychadelics...
  3. I have read all of his books. I know he is an advocate of muscle testing, same teaching as Ramaji 1000. I just don't believe in it, at least not to muscle test yourself.
  4. Haha! It's easy to get doubtful of the "gurus"
  5. Hi there, I've now worked my way through a lot of "enlightenment books", Ramaji 1000 being the latest one. I've had several "awakenings" before I touched ANY drugs whatsoever, but now I'm using psychadelics sparingly. I find it very helpful and I'm always keen on integrating my insights. Why is this "wrong"? I've seen many gurus that are against it, but why not use all the tools we have available for us on this plane? Insights can come from psychological pain, trauma, profound dreams, meditation and yes... drugs! What do you guys think?
  6. Even enlightened beings drink coffee. I don't know why but I always find your comments a bit passive aggressive. No one talks about replacing meditation with weed... that is completely besides the point!
  7. No, but I am very grateful for anti-depressants. They worked as a door opener for me when I needed them, very valuable! I wouldn't recommend anyone taking anti-depressants on full dose all of the time though.
  8. Thank you for your elaborate answer I greatly appreciate it!
  9. Oh another question, since you seem quite aware of this topic, have you noticed much difference since starting to absorb and re-absorb energy?
  10. It makes sense but how come other profound spiritual material say that this is not the case? Have you read the Seth-material or other channeled work? This would imply no personality can survive thus no channeling would ever be possible. Of course I want to believe in life after death and train the ghost to be able to lucid dream and OBE and other fun things.